
Coastal Turf – Not only great Lawns but part of your community!

A Coastal Turf and Tony the Turfman we don’t just provide beautiful new lawns and green areas for you to love and enjoy, but having a family and living in our Tweed and Gold Coast community, we also really like to be part of the Community.

Our kids are now playing Oze tag in Kingscliff and we were all very excited to see the Tweed Coast Raiders shirts with the Tony the Turfman logo on the back being worn by the older kids as the amazed us with their skills. It definitely made my 6 year old son drop his jaw in awe.



That’s the best part of being a our area is that we are recognizable by our community. I think this  makes us more accountable with our A grade Quality turf, ensuring it really is the top quality, and our service is carried out like we were talking and delivering to family. With care and understanding.

So if you do see any of us out, say Hi. Let us know how your lawn is going, and on a a Monday at Oze Tag chat away to us, ask tips and advice and we will see what we can do. Also a little cheer for the Turfman shirts as well as our little kids running around!

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Daylight Savings deliveries

Well, this week has been a bit of a short somewhat rushed feel to it. Has it been that way at your house? Just as we got back to work and school, it seems like we are looking at a weekend again. I don’t think I could have fitted as much into the week as I did without daylight savings. It meant we could do two 7am deliverers. One in NSW and then one in Qld. It has so far worked out well. So far….

The only problem is that when we finish at 5pm it is only 4pm in Qld. And when we start here down at the farm and in the office at 6.30-7am, it is only 5.30 in Qld. And not many people enjoy having the lovely turf lady giving you a call at 6.30am in the morning about a delivery or order. Bit strange, I know.

So I do request that when you leave me a message, could you please let me know if you are from NSW or Qld so I know when is an appropriate time to return your call.

This way I can get gorgeous grass like this to your place for your new lawn.

Coastal Turf Qld Blue Couch Paddock

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Football on the Green Green Grass

I don’t know how what your weekend is shaping up to be, but I know that on Sunday we will be sitting in front of the TV yelling and screaming. AS you do for NRL Grand Finals.  This Sunday is all about the boys in our house. And we girls are happy to let them be. We join in every now and again, but mostly we like to sip our drinks and chat and eat delicious food while we watch them scream.  I then always like to through in a comment about the ground, how good the grass looks, stuff like that.

Tony and all his mates and sons then have the traditional half time mini football final in the backyard. Don’t worry there will be pictures on Facebook. It is lots of fun to watch grown men get out done by their children, some of them as young as 6. It really is their ability to run quicker and dodge that gets the men every time. At least they all have beautiful soft Palmetto Buffalo to fall on to cushion their fall. It is a great lawn for all types of family sport. I am told gymnastics by my daughter, golf by my sons, and of course Football all through winter. And on the occasion that my youngest caught me unaware, tackling his mother to the ground, I must admit I was very glad we had the fluffy bouncy Palmetto Buffalo to land on.

So have a great Long weekend everyone. Hope it is as fun as ours.

Unfortunately from this Wednesday, 1st October, all our Saturday (4th October) deliveries are booked in and locked, so we will not be able to take anymore orders for this week. But we can definitely help you again until next Tuesday.

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Hopefully when the Rabbits are the NRL Winners


School holiday Lawn fun!

School Holidays are one of those times that you really come to appreciate the back yard. When the kids are inside and on top of each other and then you, sometimes the best place for them is OUTSIDE!


And when they finally do come back inside, it is always nicer if they don’t bring mud, and dirt and grime back in with them. Having a soft green lush lawn is a great entertainer for all ages, especially kids on school holidays. All the kids I know love to run outside without shoes, because at school you always have to wear schools – as my kids complain. So the times when they can run, play, jump and wrestle, and all those amazing things that kids do on soft green grass.

I remember as a kid never wearing shoes, always having fun outside. And I love that my kids are now doing the same thing.


At Coastal Turf we like to help with School holiday fun. Help mums and dads and grandmas and aunts and uncles have fun as well. A Coastal Turf lawn will give your family a place to run, play, jump and wrestle, and all those amazing things. Our Coastal Mix lawn means that your yard can become a playground of amazing wonder, without crushing your bank account. It looks amazing, feels great under foot and takes little care.

kids on the grass

Grasslad showing off his latest imvemption Turfgirl taking sometime out to practice her cartwheels on the green couch

Little kids or big kids. Your lawn outside during the spring holidays is the best place for them and you!

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Family Fun – thats what your lawn is for

So often our green soft lawns are over looked as being the very important places they are. Not only are they the fist thing people see when they come over to your place (and hopefully the first thing they envy at your place) and it adds at least $75000 to your home value, but quite often they are one of the best places for your family to get out and bond with each other. Spontaneous chasing games, football matches of the Decade, trampoline stadium seating, and a quiet place to lie down and watch the clouds together.

At Coastal Turf we think our turf going into your new lawn is all of those things and more. And to make sure that your new Coastal Turf Lawn is going to be all of that and more, we fun test it first. Hollie my 8 year old daughter cartwheels at least 100 time across a paddock before we harvest the grass for your lawn. Marcus my 6 year old and Riley my 12 year old play limitless amounts of football tackles on the paddocks to ensure their softness when falling as well as their durability. We make sure that the FUN is put into your lawn so it comes all ready for your families first footsteps, first games and matches, and first sit and chat. We are a family Farm, which means our kids are intricate parts of our lives and business. Its what makes our farm personal when we chat to you.

Also harvesting the your new lawn is a family affair, with my father driving the harvester, myself or Mick stacking and Riley folding or supervising as he calls it. Good family fun. Even if we all walk away very dirty at the end of the day.

Riley and I after we fun tested a new lawn going to Sanctuary Cove.

Riley and I after we fun tested a new lawn going to Sanctuary Cove.


Hope your family has as much fun on your new lawn as we do creating it.


A fresh Green Lawn – the perfect Fathers Day gift.

September is a month full of fun and excitement here at Coastal Turf. Being a Father Daughter family company it is always REALLY REALLY bad to forget about Fathers Day. Needless to say, being to Amazing daughter that I am, I have always remembered, so far, and made a fuss of Dad. Because really without Dad (with a lot of help from Mum) there wouldn’t be me. And then without, them and Myself and Tony the Turfman there wouldn’t be our amazing children. So really we have a lot to be thankful to Dad for.

This Fathers Day, (this Sunday the 7th September for those who don;t work so closely with their Dad and don’t have reminders an your phone) we are giving Dad a rest. I said to him he could have all Sunday off and I will even make him his favourite dinner. Rissoles and Gravy with Mash. He did say he always gets Sunday off. I then responded by saying “well, see how much I love and appreciate you!” hehe

When I was chatting with a lovely Gentleman in Pottsville yesterday, He has ordered his turf for Saturday, so when all his Loving family comes to see him on Sunday, they can all install his new lawn for him. What a FANTASTIC idea I said. Then one of his children rang through and paid for his new lawn. What a wonderful family and a lovely way to spend a Sunday. This Gentleman was saying that he will have 3 generations together again, and he expects two generations will be able to install the turf. He was going to give his wife the day off, and his sons and daughter, and grandchildren are going to install the lawn. He will  BBQ for them, and he said as a Father of course he has the right to yell instructions from his comfy chair. I asked his Son about what he thought would happen on Sunday, he said “…it will be hard to stop Dad getting out an helping. It will be good fun…”

And thats what Fathers Day is about. Having good fun with your Dad, showing him how much you appreciate all he does and has done for you and your family. And maybe like the Pottsville Gentleman, your family can show your lawn with Grass. Install them a lush new fresh lawn on Sunday. Have a BBQ lunch and sit back and enjoy the Green.

Happy Fathers Day to all you Dads. I know we will all be having fun eating Rissoles.

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Check out our new page – Tony the Turfman. He is our Local Lawnatic who knows all about Turf installation and lawn and garden maintenance, as well as visually appealing gardens that are also practical to everyday life. Tony is also my husband and father of our 3 lovely children. Tony has the knowledge from years of working at Coastal Turf and learning our tricks of the trade for optimum lawn grass growth and health that he can now use to make your lawn look Green and Lush.

Having 3 children and 2 dogs, Tony knows the practical uses of a lawn. Like backyard football and trampoline areas, the local gymnastic center, or it is at our house and a lavatory area for the fury part of our family. He knows how is has to be hardy and ready to use. In all places.

Turfman can also prefer your other gardens needs…

I wont babble on here, just click over to the page and have a look


Go from Brown to Green lawn instantly!

Go from Brown to Green lawn instantly with the Turfman!

Feature Paving with Turf installation

Feature Paving with Turf installation









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(unofficial Lawnatic)

Magnificent transformation in your lawn!

The rain brings amazing things. I don’t know how bu the rain always seems to rejuvenate everything much much more than irrigation. And the smell is wonderful. And we have a “tin” roof. I absolutely love the sound as it rains. And our paddocks love it way more than I do. They have just blossomed into a thick lush green carpet across the farm. I love this time of year. Just before spring and the rain comes in, the kids are happier because they can be outside longer, and my fingers don’t freeze when we harvest. Which means I can harvest more and more for your new lawn. And don’t forget about our Saturday deliveries. So much easier to get people over to help you install your new lawn. Hehe. Youo don’t even have to tell them. Just say “hey want to come for a BBQ? Just wear old clothes we are pretty casual here. Oh your here. Great. If you want food, then install that pallet over there.”

Hehehe. Have a great weekend.


The only part that my husband doesn’t like, is that the lawn needs moving again.

Sorry Honey.

Chat soon Sare

Blue is back in

After a very chilli winter, with some very nasty Frosts, our Qld Blue Couch is recovered and looking better than ever! Coastal Turf Qld Blue Couch PaddockAnd I think it is about time that we all can have some warming green to our homes to welcome spring back. To encourage the warm breezes into our homes. And let the outside in our homes. Or by getting the kids and family outside onto a soft Healthy Green Qld Blue Couch lawn from now on.

So if you are looking for that allusive Blue for your yard, give us a call

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Winter green Colour

20130523-105425.jpgI have had a lot of calls lately about wil my new lawn holds it winter colour? For those people getting the Wintergreen couch of course!


Wintergreen is called winter -green for a reason. Firstly because it is a green couch but also because it holds its great green all throughout winter as well as summer. Of the old wintergreen is often palmed off as the ugly little sister that no one wants to take to the ball. But really it is the beautiful draught horse in the paddock that can work hard all day and still look pretty at the end.

Many a school has wintergreen couch in their playgrounds. Many will scoff and say its because its cheap, but its Wintergreen is tough. Wintergreen can handle your jokes, its a robust lawn that can handle just about anything! It can be ripped up by kids boots for footy times, hammered will athletics carnivals, and skipped to dust by those impressive skipping kids, and the next week it will grow back, as green as ever. And even in winter return with its beautiful rich colour. As a front lawn, I have seen some amazing examples of near Bowling green styles (bowling greens are a type of green couch) Lawns. And I have also seen rentals that have teenagers or early 20s occupied dwellings where cars are parked on the lawn, and good old wintergreen spring back to life.

Wintergreen, she is soft to the touch, has a tough inner core, and looks beauiful all year round. Wow. nearly the perfect lady…


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