Need more Green around your home?

Well after a weekend on at Surfers Paradise, in the concrete jungle, I am very very happy to be home in my greener space. It made me realise how important it is to have that green space around you to help relax and breathe deeply so you can continue with your day. I take my hat off to you all who work in office blocks and in the city scape.

The green spaces, especially your home, feels so relaxing. Even just walking up to your green soft lawn, makes me feel better. Seeing the lush deep colour makes me feel a sense of calm. A place to take big deep breathes. And unwind and get a family brain on instead of my work head space.


This is one of my favourite green spaces at the back of our place.

Wheres your favourite?

After a weekend of mud, rain, and thunder, a green lawn is always so much nicer. And easier on the cleaning of the floors.

Chat soon about making your place greener and cleaner.


Beautiful Green New Coastal Turf Lawn – cure that Monday-itis

Like me, you are probably searching through the web in a Monday-itis type way. Thats what I call when on Monday morning when you have a week ahead of you doing some things you really don’t want to and some that you are really looking forward to and wish would hurry up, and you sit down in front of the computer and all of a sudden you are looking at Facebook, holidays of exciting places that one day you may get to visit, and at new home improvements that you can either get someone to do for you to make your next weekend way more exciting and relaxing, or some DIY tips.

And in your Monday-itis this morning you have stumbled across our page with new and beautiful lawns that really could be at your place. Instead of the dust and dirt and brown coming into your home and making all that hard work you have down to clean and tidy pointless, you could have this at your place….

Coastal Turf Qld Blue Couch Paddock

Or this…..

bbq and Qld Blue,

Or this….


Or you could stop dreaming and send a quick email to [email protected] and we can make it happen at your place. Or call and have a chat with me about how we can make your lawn a gorgeous green lush soft fluffy lawn that everyone will want to lie on.

That way we can look this this, but your lawn will look AMAZING..

Chat Soon.

Riley and I after we fun tested a new lawn going to Sanctuary Cove.

Riley and I after we fun tested a new lawn going to Sanctuary Cove.

Blue Couch Homes

Some times talking about our Blue Couch con become very confusing. Just because the english language is strange. The spelling for Couch (the Lawn grass) and Couch (the chair you sit on usually in the lounge room) is exactly the same. They do share similar qualities I guess. Well they should depending upon the type of chair couch you have. Like they are both soft fluffy and comfy to sit on. And in some cases, similar colours. And if you are like my family, they both have toys over them. Thankfully it is only my lawn couch that has bikes across it, and both always have balls, dolls, bears, bats (the type used to hit balls with, another one of those strange words), and other very loved toys abandoned across them waiting for someone to come and pick them up. Usually a loving mother, but more and more now I am making the kids pick them up themselves. (But enough of my mothering skills that I am getting better at being strong in the face of picking up toys that I have DEFINITELY not played with).

So the Blue Couch lawn looks a lot more inviting most of the time than my couch inside. Mostly because after a day on the farm with my boots on, I love coming home, taking my boots off and walking across the lawn with my bare feet on the soft fluffy almost massaging lawn. It makes my feet feel back in touch with what is important in life. From the ground up so to speak. And I love the afternoon times as well because it is really is so much more relaxed. There is no rushing and moving to get kids to school, its just easy going time to spend with the kids. And talk them into picking up their own toys!

Chat soon


No toys here!


How has your Lawn helped you today?

Quite often your lawn is the last thing you think about when you build a house or when you are renovating. And then when you get to the end, you start to wonder if you really need to spend money on “JUST GRASS”. Well, that Just Grass will give you back soon much more than you ever give or spend on your lawn.

Financially your investment into your lawn will return to you on average $75,000 extra value to your home. Recent studies have shown that a well maintained and green lawn can add up to $75,000 to the value of our home. Even for the fanciest biggest Lawn we have installed and looked after here at Coastal Turf and Tony the Turfman, we have never even got close to $75,000. So your small investment of maybe $1500 will give you a return of $75000. That I think is better than putting the money into shares.

Looking out onto your lawn, how do you feel? At the worst you may feel you need to mow your lawn at the moment, and the cardiovascular exercise you will receive mowing your lawn is really good for you. Really! And while you are there take a big deep breath! Know how that amazing oxygen gets into the air for you to suck in as you run around and play on? Thats right your LAWN! An average lawn makes enough oxygen and absorbs enough CO2 to sustain a family of four per year. Your lawn makes more oxygen and stores more carbon than all the trees in your garden.

And by putting your lawn up against your home, you are cooling your home in summer and warming your home in winter. The average lawn has twice the cooling capacity of an average home’s ducted air-conditioning system without the accompanying negative environmental effects of energy use and carbon dioxide emissions.


So your lawn already today has added money to your home, given you oxygen to breathe, and saved you money, and given you a little cardio.


So the least you can do is say Thank you lawn with a little love. Not much to ask

Chat Soon


Valentines Weekend – Picnic on your new Coastal Turf Lawn?

I had this wonderful plan for my blog this weekend. I was going to write about how romantic it would be to have a private picnic in your backyard, fences around you, blanket on your beautiful freshly installed new lawn, pillows thrown around for your comfort, cheese and wine placed delicately on the rug. Lying back relaxing and whispering sweet nothings to each other on the lawn, letting, lets say nature take its course. But with all the rain predicted this weekend, its not going to be a good weekend for a picnic. In fact if you go out on your freshly installed new lawn this weekend, you may end up in more of a mud bath than anything romantic. (But if that is your thing, hey go for it)


So Instead, I’m going to chat with you about my recent, sadly, necessary adventure of my chat with a Health Nutritionalist. She was a lovely positive lady who was saying that be careful of Valentines Day, because of all the red colours around. (I did have a little giggle here as my husband and I have been married for 10 years this year. I think he believes most of the romantic gestures have been done by now.If i’m really really lucky I might get a good morning kiss and a Oh Happy Valentines day as he goes to work in the morning. Only if I’m really really lucky.) Red is a colour that  makes you feel hungry. Thats why many fast food restaurants have red symbols. On a Positive note, She did say that Greens and Blues are calming colours that help you focus your life. And after I got over the initial sulk of her telling me what I can and shouldn’t eat, and more exercise and stuff (sigh), I though about what she said. And when I am on the farm and outside on the turf I do feel calmer, more Centred. (And less hungry). So for this Valentines Day, I am suggesting that we instead of Red Roses and Red chocolates and everything like that, why not give the gift of Greens and Blues to your Loved one. This means they won’t get fat, always a bonus (either way they can’t blame you for getting fat), or be starving and hungry all the time, and you can be outside, together being calm and tranquil. And give a gift that will last a lifetime. A Gift that will bring you both happiness and Joy for years to come. A place to actually enjoying each others company. And when the sun does come out again, you can have that picnic on your Coastal turf beautiful soft lawn together being Happy. And the gift of Happiness is the best one I can think of.

Chat soon


(Fingers crossed I am luck and so are you!)

What could your Lawn be used for?

Over the past couple of weeks, our lawn has been used for some many many different things. It was

A football oval – a very intense game between the boys verses girls in our family. We lost.

A soccer field – I’m better at soccer. The girls won that one!

A dance floor – my daughter and her friends had an impromptu dance party on the lawn to entertain everyone! I’m not the best dancer so no prizes for unco mum here.

Somewhere to fly their kites – That was awesome Fun! I haven’t flown a kite in years!!!

Gymnastic arena – our lawn is routinely used as the best practice place for cartwheels and forward rolls. Into mum is really really no good here.

A race track – I thought the kids were racing around the house, but I couldn’t work out how my youngest was winning, then I realised that it wasn’t actually a race but a chase him down thing. I WON that one!

Book reading couch – both myself and the kids love the lie in the sun on the soft lawn reading a good book, much more relaxing than the racing.

Study area – Now I have one in High School, finding a place without TV or phones for distraction is essential! And I read somewhere, hopefully not Wiki, that learning outside for boys can be more productive. All I know is that he set his homework completed faster outside than he ever did inside. Maybe its the tranquil green around him. Or the need to finish and get back to his playstation – who knows. Don’t really care either, as long as he completes improperly.

Car Park – we had friends over and ran out of car parking spaces

Dog playground– as you can see our largish dog (he isn’t fat to matter what the vet says) who loves running and playing on the lawn, kids or no kids with him.


Keith loves his Buffalo!

Keith loves his Buffalo!

And thats just to name a few! So probably like many peoples lawns, my lawn is defiantly not there just to sit there and look pretty. Don’t get me wrong, me y lawn is green, lush and soft, but it is very much a functional part of our home. It is well loved and very much well used, intricate part of our home and Lives. Our Lawn is the first part of my home people see when they are welcomed into our home, but it is there to be used! I love my lawn – and I think it loves all the time we spend together…

Chat soon




They go back to school and I am back in the office! YeeeHawww

Well like many of you this week has been composed by getting my kids safely and happily back into school. Only this year we changed schools so it was all TOTALLY different. Not good if you have 2 boys. I have found boys are not good at different. They like the smooth control of normalcy. Or at least all the boys in my life do. Anyway, now on day 3 we are all into a routine and we were out of the door on time this morning. Not bad for day 3!

Back to School 2015

So now that the kids are all good, (I mean obviously from their photos hey! So normal! ) I am back to my routine at the farm and office to make sure everything runs smoothly and happily here again. Its back to making sure you can get the right turf at the right time to your place! And I must say I am enjoying today. I love my grass (only the LAWN type) and its great to be back into the swing of talking grass and helping people get the best lawn for their yard!

Hope to chat to you soon to make it Greener on your side of the fence with a Coastal Turf lawn.

Chat soon


Blue Couch – As Aussie as Oi oi oi

The beautiful Finished Lawn!Brocks transformationBlue couch is a True Blue Aussie. It has all the good Australian attributes. It doesn’t whinge ( stays greener fir longer) , can hold its liquid (most drought tolerant turf grass available)  and is of course a Green colour. Just missing the Gold, but i think that the gold stars that we stamp on the Blue couch lawns makes them Green and Gold.

Theses are some great examples of some DIY (another great Aussie attribute) lawns that some great Aussie have installed themselves by following the instructions on the back of the invoice. Looks so good. Love the Blue Couch and its easy going way of life!

And remember we can deliver to you guys over the Australia Day long Weekend. That means you can do the real Aussie thing and have a BBQ and Beer and ask your mates over to have a sausage, a cool beverage, and lay some new lawn.

Chat soon

Aussie Aussie Aussie

Oi oi oi


Qld Blue. The star of the heat!

My goodness it has been extremely hot! Even the kids are hot. Mostly my kids run around not noticing the heat, but even my little ones are complaining about the heat at the moment. There has been many a little trip to the creek this weekend. But I think the best time we had this weekend was installing a new lawn. It meant that there were sprinklers going left right and centre. And of course we all accidentally walked through the water. I can really see how the light watering in the morning and night that I recommend you do after you have installed new turf is so refreshing to the lawn.

As weird as it sounds I really do like installing new lawns, even working with my husband! (Like many if you I can only work inclose contact with my husband for short bursts. Its better that way). Tony the Turfman and I helped some lovely people in Cabarita Beach transform their dirt into amazing new beautiful lawn! And managed to get hot and then cool in the process. And I definitely earned our knock off beer in the process!

Dirt around the house
Putting down the new LawnThe beautiful Finished Lawn!

As you can see, turning someones lawn from dirt and dusk and yuck to Green lush Beautiful Blue Couch is amazing. It transforms a house into a home!

There house takes out my award for Greener on their Side of the Fence this week! It looked amazing, felt fantastic under our bare feet, and the kids couldn’t stop running around on it. We put them on watering duty! Turned out that was one of the Best things I have ever done!

Back to School Buffalo

A lovely friend of mine is building a house and called and said he wanted a hard wearing, tough, shade tolerant but not expensive lawn. He said to me that with school going back in 3 weeks, funds are pretty tight. And I totally understand what he is saying. Uniforms, shoes, books, bags, hats, USB sticks to name a few.

So I said to my friend I think I have the turf for you! So this is the birth of our Back to School Buffalo. Back to School Buffalo is that we are calling our new paddock. This paddock is where we have planted some Buffalo but over the extreme dry of last year and then lovely rain of the past couple of months, the Buffalo has been invaded by Green couch. When we had a look out over the paddock it is gorgeous and green, but it is definitely a mixture of grasses. It is the perfect Family Lawn for those on a budget, but want the look and feel of the buffalo. This lawn will be great for shadey areas with kids and dogs playing hard.

And because we know that going back to school can be a huge expense, we are offering this paddock out for $5.25 a sq.

So while you can have the kids at home you can have a back yard full of green lush grass. And then when they head out to school you can still have a lovely green lawn! Call me for more photos or come out and have a look!

Chat soon


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B2S Buufalo