Valentines Weekend – Picnic on your new Coastal Turf Lawn?

I had this wonderful plan for my blog this weekend. I was going to write about how romantic it would be to have a private picnic in your backyard, fences around you, blanket on your beautiful freshly installed new lawn, pillows thrown around for your comfort, cheese and wine placed delicately on the rug. Lying back relaxing and whispering sweet nothings to each other on the lawn, letting, lets say nature take its course. But with all the rain predicted this weekend, its not going to be a good weekend for a picnic. In fact if you go out on your freshly installed new lawn this weekend, you may end up in more of a mud bath than anything romantic. (But if that is your thing, hey go for it)


So Instead, I’m going to chat with you about my recent, sadly, necessary adventure of my chat with a Health Nutritionalist. She was a lovely positive lady who was saying that be careful of Valentines Day, because of all the red colours around. (I did have a little giggle here as my husband and I have been married for 10 years this year. I think he believes most of the romantic gestures have been done by now.If i’m really really lucky I might get a good morning kiss and a Oh Happy Valentines day as he goes to work in the morning. Only if I’m really really lucky.) Red is a colour that  makes you feel hungry. Thats why many fast food restaurants have red symbols. On a Positive note, She did say that Greens and Blues are calming colours that help you focus your life. And after I got over the initial sulk of her telling me what I can and shouldn’t eat, and more exercise and stuff (sigh), I though about what she said. And when I am on the farm and outside on the turf I do feel calmer, more Centred. (And less hungry). So for this Valentines Day, I am suggesting that we instead of Red Roses and Red chocolates and everything like that, why not give the gift of Greens and Blues to your Loved one. This means they won’t get fat, always a bonus (either way they can’t blame you for getting fat), or be starving and hungry all the time, and you can be outside, together being calm and tranquil. And give a gift that will last a lifetime. A Gift that will bring you both happiness and Joy for years to come. A place to actually enjoying each others company. And when the sun does come out again, you can have that picnic on your Coastal turf beautiful soft lawn together being Happy. And the gift of Happiness is the best one I can think of.

Chat soon


(Fingers crossed I am luck and so are you!)