Will my new lawn establish properly in Winter?

Often at this time of year I get a lot of questions from people asking if this is a good time of year to install a new lawn. Due to the slowing down of plants leaf growth in winter, many peopler worried that their new lawn’s root system won’t take other.

But its all good with a Coastal Turf lawn. Our turf slabs are cut nice and thick, not only to increase my arm muscles and leave no need for me to join a gym because I hand stack your turf onto the pallets, but because we like to send along to their new homes as much roots and soil as we can to ensure optimum establishment. We try and take the worry out of establishing your lawn. And leave you with the happy peace of mind that a beautiful green lawn gives you. A real breath of fresh air. Giving you more time to lull and lounge over your lawn (especially if it is a couch lawn. hehe turf pun there).

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Breath easy with Coastal Turf Lawn.

Monday morning and the week is all afresh. Even the weather seems a little brighter this week. I’m taking this as a sign of a wonderful week. A week full of making people happy with their investment of a beautiful green lush Coastal Turf Lawn.

Last week I was hand delivering 15sqm to a gentleman at kids drop off me and I had a lot of people walking past saying “Good Morning” and doing the weird looks people give me when I hand deliver turf. I guess its because  I don’t throw it on the ground. I gently pick up each slab and then place it on the ground. I believe that when you purchase turf you are investing in your home. And, like any investment, your lawn should be delivered with care.

I love being a turf farmer and producing a wonderful product, and I love making people happy when we deliver their green investment. Because its not just an investment in your home, but in your well being as well. Your wonderful lawn will increase the value of your home on average by $70,000, and will improve your air quality. Making it easier to breath, metaphorically and Practically. At Coastal Turf we like to help with your investment into your home and lifestyle.

So have a lovely week of breathing easier, and smiling over the green.

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What’s So Good About Coastal Turf’s lawns?

What is so good about your turf compared to others? That’s a question that I get asked a lot. Well I can’t speak for other turf farms.  I don’t know what the quality of their turf is like. But I can tell you about all the great things our turf has!

Before a slab becomes your lawn, it is apart of our paddocks. Our paddocks manicured with organic nutrients and supplements to ensure that the soil has all the right food for the different turf grasses.

We also make sure there is enough micro-organisms within the soil; so things like good bacteria and worms, to promote roots growth and leaf colour.

No Nasty Bugs In The Soil

We then ensure that no nasty bugs are in the soil, trying to undo our good work; like Lawns grubs and Black Beetle.  And my wonderful little dogs do their best to keep the ducks off the paddocks. Ducks do love a good lawn to eat. And they know quality lawn turf grass when they see it.

The paddocks are mown regularly to promote a thick lush covering, at a height suitable to the turf grass type. We also do some super secret Coastal Turf amazing things to make sure our paddocks look amazing. I can’t tell you here, but come to the farm to choose your new lawn, and you might get a chance to see…

Before Paddocks Become Lawn

Before our paddocks become your lawn, we chat with you about your lawn wants and needs, to make sure that we deliver to you the right type of grass to be your new lawn.

Many people love their buffalo lawns, others love the Couches, and many people enjoy the easy going nature of a Zoysia. Sunny areas, shady areas, and areas that are used non stop by energetic dogs, or kids, or both! we make sure we match the

right type of lawn to you.

Then we harvest your new lawn. Our turf slabs are at least 3 and a half centimetre thick, usually 4cm. And this thickness includes at least 2cm of soil and root stock. And then the rest is thick lush leaf.

By having the Turf Slab Thicknesssoil at on the slab, we ensure that the roots have a healthy productive environment to ensure its establishment as your new lawn.

The roots go to its new home in your lawn with all the nutrients and moisture we have at the farm, giving it the best start in life we can. This means that the leaf can stay green, lush and fluffy as your new lawn. Looking beautiful. Its less likely to go into extreme shock when you install the slab as your new Lawn.

When We Deliver Your Lawn

When we do come to deliver your lawn, even on a Saturday morning, we make sure your turf is freshly harvested the night before for early morning delivery. This means the leaves have only stopped photosynthesis for a minimum amount of time. Making the slab healthier and happier when it becomes your new lawn.

When we take the turf off our truck and place it around your area to be turfed, we use our Bobcat with 4X4 wheel drive to get the turf as close as possible to where you want to install your new lawn.

Making life easier for you. Our skilled and talented delivery men (John and Mick) lift the turf off the pallet and place it on the soil for you, and take the pallet home with them. Leaving you with less mess and fuss to clean it up. Just a lawn to install and enjoy..

We always send along a little installation guide for you to help with the creation of your new Lawn. By following the simple easy steps, you can ensure the thick lush slab we deliver to you becomes a wonderful thick fluffy lawn, that can be enjoyed by your family and friends, and be the envy of neighbours.

Tony Turfman Or One Of The Boys

And if you so choose, Tony Turfman or one of the boys can come and install your lawn no fuss or bother from you at all! So your lawn will be the absolutely gorgeous and definitely the envy of everyone. The boys sometimes even make people cry with joy at how spectacular their lawns are. (We offer complimentary tissues and smiles.)

If down the track you have any worries or concerns, give me a call. I am happy to chat with customers years later abut their lawn worries and concerns. We keep a record of the paddock where we harvested your lawn, so if you need to patch a little or big part of your lawn, we can make sure your patches match up perfectly.

I am happy to help you with Lawn Grub problems in months or years to come. And if need be Tony or one of the boys can come and offer on site help.

Brocks transformationSo that’s why I love our turf and I believe it is great. Its not just our turf slab that will make a lovely lawn for you, but our service before and after that makes me proud to say “Yep, thats a Coastal Turf Lawn”.

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Watching the Skies for your Lawn

Is anyone else standing watching the skies for clues as to what is going to happen over the week?



Autumn is the time to prepare your lawn for the cooler months of winter. Feeding your already established lawn with some wonderful chicken manure mixed with some sandy loam will give your lawn all the nutrients it needs to be a gorgeous winter lawn.

And of course autumn is a great time to install your new lawn.
In Autumn, the climate is cooler. This means that as the the installer, you will feel so much better after putting gin your new lawn. And your new lawn will do too. The turf will not get heat stressed in the transport stage, and then as your new lawn, it will be cooler and happier.

A real laid back lawn – pardon the pun. Installing before is perfect! The rain brings down so many wonderful nutrients through the skies that are just perfect for your lawns growth and happiness. So by installing during the rain, or better still for the installer, just before rain,  you introduce the new lawn to a great environment. All the great stuff you put under the turf slab, as well as the wonderful elements coming from the sky, will make your lawn the freshest greenest fluffiest lawn, without much fuss from you.

So the rain is great. In moderation of course. Hopefully we don’t get as exciting a down pour as Sydney did.


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ANZAC weekend.

This Saturday Coastal turf will be commemorating the Fallen this Saturday. We will be remembering all those ANZAC’s who have personally touched our lives as well as those who have influenced our lives through history.

We look forward to helping you with all your lawn needs on Monday morning.

Thank you

Sarah and all the Coastal Turf Team.


Back to School, back to crazy routine!

The Kids first day this year. Hopefully second term is a little less rushed!

Its the end of the school holidays and that means I am going to have be a lot more organised every morning.

At the moment the Kids and I are going to the same place, The Farm, for the day.

From Monday the kids will be going to the school bus and I will be going to the farm, which means we all need to be up ready and going by 7.15am every day. Oh how I have enjoyed our 8am starts. It has been wonderful. It has been great to work along side my kids as well. I really enjoy having them on the farm with me, chanting about what is going on in their lives, them helping me move irrigation pipes, and the general fun it is to be with your kids when everyone is happy. And going back to school means that we are all jumping back into the weekend Sports and after school training as well. As a parent life does have its extremely busy moments and its fun laughing moments. And sometimes at the same time!

So for all those busy parents about to jump head first back into the school – work – sport – business that is school age kids, I totally understand if you have forgotten to order your turf for the weekend, we at Coastal Turf will do our best to make sure we can get you the right Turf on the right day to you. After all we are all busy, and sometimes planing a couple of days ahead is just unreasonable.

Chat soon all you busy people



Turf Patching – a joy

Its the second week of the school holidays and my house was full of kids, the occasional dog, and dirt. Mostly because over the long weekend (it didn’t really feel on enough) we decided to make a little garden. And as you do, we didn’t actually finished the area. And of course it is where the kids love to play. Even though I didn’t think it was on the way to our trampoline either from the house or the return trip, they always seem to walk that way somehow. And being in that little bit of dirt and mud with them. I know I talk to everyone all day about how great it is to get turf down over the dirt and stop mud being walked through the house..


But today I really really believe it. Its like a reaffirmation of how great turf (or instant mud covering) is! Still the kids walk that way now, but it is to get the softness of the couch on their feet. I did tell them it needs to stop otherwise my turf patch will never establish.

But I am defiantly a True believer again! The turf patch means no more feeling to wipe your feet properly, no more yelling to put shoes on, and no more mopping! Oh that is a joy. If only I could work out a way to get them to shut the door……

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TGIF – New lawns on the way

TGIF – Thank God Its Friday. I must be really really old now. I have a 13 year old son now and he is using all these “words” like LOL and TGIF and ROFL.

I really don’t think they are real words. But thats what he says. And today I do believe the TGIF one is wonderful.rolling turf

Being a short week we have all been trying to jam in as much as possible int our working weeks. And with daylight savings finished as well, it does feel like this week was a bit more full aunthood usual. And that is why we deliver on a Saturday morning as well. It gives everyone who that extra day to get fresh turf to their new lawns to install. And if your sneaky, invite a few friends over for a BBQ and hold the drinks for ransom until they have installed a few slabs of turf. And this week with our little working week it also gives us all an extra day to get get things done. So enjoy your weekend, whether it be relaxing in PJs all weekend, or investing in your home with a new Green lush Coastal Turf lawn or trying to catch up on the washing (thats my exciting plan).

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Many of you may nor may not know that my son Riley (who turns 13 is 3 days.) has autism. Aspect was a great help when Riley was little, so Coastal Turf is supporting Aspect’s #colourofautism campaign. Everyday on Facebook I am posting a coloured picture to do with Riley, autism and of course Turf. Riley is amazing and has learnt over the years to accept the dirt on his hands and help out on the farm now. His morning line now is what are my jobs for today? And what does he want for payment? WiFi Time! To watch Horrible Histories! Todays colour is green!

Family Farm

Family Farm

Go and support Aspect and their great work.

A soon to be mother of a teenage child. Sigh. Not sure if I feel old, or excited. I’ll let you know on Thursday.

Chat soon everyone.



Easter Eggs on the lawn!

My kids love Easter Egg Hunts. I think its great to watch them scramble around and try and get all the eggs we have “carefully” hidden the night before. Just a small hint though. Make sure you tie your dogs up before and while you are Easter Egg Hunting as one year we didn’t and our big round yellow dog found most of the eggs and ate them at night. A lovely weekend at he Vet as well as a quick trip to get more eggs. Thanks God for Grandmas! But all the other years, it is great to ‘carefully’ put our our eggs on the lawn, and have a few “hidden away” for the kids to run outside and collect as many as their little hands can carry.

Easter Sunday is a great day at our place. Firstly there is the Easter egg hunt at dawn. Yes dawn. That is our rule, the sun has to be out at least before we go outside and search for eggs. Having a very early riser means we have to put these rules in place. Then there is the traditional, only one egg before breakfast rule. Then Pancakes for breakfast with chocolate syrup (of course). Then the kids run off their sugar high, and we all get together for a big family Easter Sunday lunch. Usually ending with some type of crazy sporting activity on the front lawn. So our lawn really is used a lot on Easter weekend, especially the Sunday. And I love that I have a Blue Couch lawn. Its so soft and fluffy for late night egg hiding. And its great for the soccer fall down that I usually end up having in the afternoon. I am not what you would call coordinated so I am always the first to go down. (And its a good excuse to sit down after a run and have a cool beverage.)

We are delivering Thursday afternoon for your Friday morning installers, but we are booking up quickly. So get your Easter orders in as quickly as possible to ensure you can get a soft green lawn for your Easter hunt!


No Eggs for this little round yellow dog this year!

No Eggs for this little round yellow dog this year!

Sorry everyone, we are booked out this week.
Next delivery available is Tuesday 7th April 2015.

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