Today Dad and I delivered some gorgeous Wintergreen to the Ray Pascoe Park in Tweed Heads to the Tweed Shire Council’s new park. Wow she looks like a beauty. I can’t wait for the park to open and my kids and I will be there! Picnic in the park are always so much more enjoyable on super soft and fluffy green grass. This may be my long weekend plan…
Again I was the little truck following the big truck to drop off the Gorgeous Green to the park. I always feel like a baby elephant following the mummy elephant to water. Except my little truck doesn’t hold the big tracks tail. We just putter along after the bug truck. So maybe I should start thinking of us as the bouncy little pup following the Big dog. I am yet to see my truck to any type of jumping what so ever. (Maybe the occasional bunny hop down the road when I was much younger and learning how to drive…)

Its Keith’s dream to one day be in the big truck, instead of with me in the little truck. Sorry Keith not today.
So If you see two Coastal Turf Trucks following each other down the road, with a lady probably singing loudly to her big fat yellow Dog who will be looking out the window (I think he tries to pretend he is not with me when I sing. I really don’t think I am that bad though) give me a wave, or when we stop come and ask me about the turf.
Chat to you all soon
(and Keith the Delivering Dog)