
Ducks on the Grass

At Coastal Turf Macca our farm manager at Round Mountain has started to go into Duck cultivation. Well it looks like it anyway. At the moment Macca now has about 25 ducks that follow him around everywhere. He started with Cranky who he used to hand feed, and Cranky brought all his friends! Now there are too many to hand feed and they room happily over the farm. Macca tells me it is a sign of how healthy the farm is, that the wildlife are coming to live here. Oh yeah I say now he has his ducks, Willy Wag Tails, and so many other birds that I think Curumbin Bird Sanctuary will call us soon and ask for them back. But the Farm is really healthy. We are getting “free” fertilizer from the ducks and they do slightly mow the grass. And they love to eat bugs that float around. So all in all an advantage until you try to eat lunch in the sun….

wet weather grass

Well aren’t everyone’s lawns looking lovely and lushly green now after all the beautiful rain. Well clouds, you can stop raining now, everything is pretty well REALLY wet now. Everything will be growing great. Yep all good. Please….

I imagine that everyone’s grass should be lovely and green now, especially people who have installed Palmetto into their lawns. You may have started to see their adds on TV about Palmetto. Pretty basic Ad for a fantastic grass, if you ask me. Palmetto is definitely the best Buffalo I have ever seen. It out preforms others that I have seen. Greener in winter, softer in summer tan the other buffalo’s and really easy to look after. Just a wonderful grass really. Requiring only 2 to 3 hours of sunlight a day and Rapid damage recovery ( meaning that when your kids and dogs run back and forward across the lawn the Palmetto will bounce back and love it) it is definitely the buffalo to no one can beat.

Give us a call for the best unbeatable prices too.
Thanks Sare

The Grass Family

Well I had a family day this week. The kids my husband and my mum and I went to Whitewater world on the Gold Coast. Its was a fantastic day. But sorry no photos because no one really wants to see a mother of three’s figure  in a swimming costume on the internet. Especially ME! But anyway it was lovely, and scary! the kids had a ball frightening their mother down the Green room, and other fast plummeting rides. Somehow I always ended up being the one going down backwards. Funny how that worked.

So we came home to be faced with Harmony  Day at school, which we forgot and had to run home and get changed into Traditional dress. Luckily my mum is Scottish so I have a few Kilts and so does my daughter, so she quickly got changed. But because we wear them so often to “Good” days, Holl didn’t think she was in costume so didn’t stand when it was time to show off. Very unlike Holl not wanting to show off.

And then back into the swing of work for the rest of the week. My goodness! This week has just flown by with the business of family and friends. But that is really what it should all be about. This weekend we are off to a 40th Birthday party. I would just like to point out that we did the turf for the venue, so expect pictures of great grass party. Oh that sounds bad, doesn’t it. I mean …. um, that the Turf (Not Grass) will be appreciated by all attending because of its beautiful soft nature for people to walk, sit and fall on (off course only the kids  will be falling over). Anyway…

Have a great weekend

And if you are thinking about doing your turfing next weekend, give us a call this week for some help and advice so we can arrange your turf delivery. Dad has some beautiful Soft Leaf Buffalo that he tells me is 3 weeks too young to be A Grade, but That I can sell it out now for a special price, so give me a call on the Turf Line (kinda like the Bat-line only cooler cause I’ll answer instead)

1300 787 545

Chat Soon


Why the green Grass

Every now and again I am reminded the importance of having a lovely lawn to play on. At our house we have Coastal Mix which is so soft and lovely to play on at the moment. Its brilliant! Marcus loves to play soccer on there and Holl preforms her lastest dance spectacular there, and Riley sits on it and takes photos of the others enjoying the grass.

I love the soft Coastal Mix because I recently was tackled in a game of what I thought was soccer but turned into Football. Are Mothers meant to play Football with tackling? Only on really soft grass I say! Because even though Marcus is only little boy, once your legs are out from under you you still go down! And its far worse when Riley gets in on the action.

So now that Autumn is here and the Football season is starting (Hurray many cheer, Ohhhh say others) Please Please Please put in a lovely soft grass like Coastal Mix with its soft Queensland Blue Couch and Hardy Carpet Grass to protect mothers who are tackled in the yard unbeknown to them. It may not save a life, but it will save a small child being yelled at for a long time. In their eyes just as important.

Yours in battle scars

Riley Marcus and Me after I have been tackled in play. Notice nice soft grass to land on. That was really important this morning.  Oh the games before the bus are fun!

Your Lawn Investment

Your Lawn is not only a financial investment, but in a lot of cases an emotional investment as well. But as with any investment, you have to watch and nurture your investment to ensure its growth, and return profit!

Now I’m not saying that your lawn will start growing money (if it does give me a call first, it is probably some bug that I am quite happy to help you get rid of all those 100 dollar notes out of your lawn for you. I’ll go halves…), but profit can come in the form of a cooler house from the effects of having grass around your windows, a beautiful soft safe area that your family can enjoy, or for house sellers, a well maintained lawn can really make a difference in your sell price. Emotionally too if you send your weekends and spare time mowing and weeding your lawn, you feel like it should return something to you.

That is why, like any investment you really need to keep check of it. And like stock’s that are not managed well (just like in the last Global Financial Crisis), your lawns investment can come crashing down if not monitored. Especially at these times of year. The heat and rain and humid winds are just perfect for lawn grubs, fungus and other nastiness to come in and invade your lawn. I know I write about this a lot, but really I field most of the calls this week about peoples lawn dying after it being down for months. Even from so called landscapers….

Vigilance is the key. Keep watch of your lawn. And if you are an organic person, there are solutions out there to help you. For instance chickens love to eat grubs, but you need to have the chickens there before the grubs. Once you see the grubs and then add chickens its like putting a band aid on a fractured limb. Not the best cure. After washing up wipe down your outside awnings with dish washing liquid to get rid of the eggs and also to stop the bugs laying their eggs there again. Lawn grubs are probably the biggest killer of lawns out there at the moment.Watch your lawn for any changes, like leaves curling or browning. Leave a small cloth or towel on your lawn over night. In the morning, lift the cloth and if you have lawn grubs they will be under the cloth because they still think its night time so they are feasting. Do the cloth test every week or so. Catch them early and quick to resolve a problem before it gets out of hand.

Fungus spores are in the air and will attack your lawn in circles, they start out small, and work out. Even spraying the little circles when they start will stop the spread and save your investment.

And after spending all that money on your gorgeous turf and investing time and money into your lawn (especially if you laid the grass yourself – that is a lot of hard work and your effort should be admired and commented on by everyone who comes – even if you just drop the hints that you did lay the grass yourself…) you aren’t safe from other grass types trying to come in and trying to and live at your place. Its like that kid down the road who thinks your cupboard has much better things than their house so just happens to turn up at dinner and lunch time. But a quick hand weed as soon as you spot them can save your investment. Also mowing your lawn on 3 or above to make it spongy and soft will mean that your investment turf should over shadow weeds and keep a few out. Not all but some.

I have really gone on today but I am sadden by people who invest in a lawn and do not take the care that all grasses need to thrive then complain. Turf is a living organism (not orgasm, was careful not to write the wrong one) that requires food, light and water to survive. But to thrive, your investment lawn also needs you! It needs you to watch over it and care to make sure it does thrive to its full potential. And here at Coastal Turf we are happy to help you to do this. We offer this website for your free use to find what information you need. Email us if you need extra info or help, call us for one on one service.

We provide the best turf grass available to the our customers because we know that to you your grass is an investment and we are happy to help you watch it grow! And the returns will be excellent. Going from dirt to lawn is a wonderful site, and keeping your lawn healthy is a rewarding site and feeling.

Thanks, chat soon


I got Played!

Well my daughter played me yesterday! it was my first experience of Hollie playing me, and she did it so well. It was about 5am when she woke up crying about an ear ache. I always have sympathy for them, ears can really hurt. So I sad she could have the day off from school. I made the doctors appointment, put my son on the bus, and then about 9.15 am Holl jumps out of bed to tell me she feels much better she can play with Marcus now. I was so shocked for about 20 seconds until I came up with my evil plan. My friend is a really good Natural-path. I love her and her great products – especially cause she will tell you if medicines will work better for this disease. A healthy balance we call her, anyway, I gave her a call and explained my situation and she said no worries and gave me some stuff that tastes terrible but is nothing more than a vitamin hit. We told Holl that an ear infection that comes and goes is bad, so she had to take this medicine to feel better. Well after taking it I don’t think she felt better about lying to me about being sick but I did.

So now that I really should relate this in some way to grass cause it is a grass web site, its like when the grass is lying flat on the ground looking really thirsty and hot from the extreme heat we have been having, but really it is closing up to conserve water energy within. But haha Mother nature knows their wyly ways and drowns them in a huge storm.

See mothers always know when you are lying in the end.


Building a House?

well for all those peole who have are are building a house I sympathise and sigh an exhausted sigh with you becuase we are now in the same boat. My Husband and I are building a house. Now Happy to say we didn’t get divorced over the plans, there were a few touch and go moments there, but we got them back to the builder. Now we are just going through every single council department that there is. Goodness knows I didn’t know how many there were until this. I don’t think our poor builder did either.

I now understand why people who have finished their homes call here and sound exhausted but also excited at the same time. So after only experiencing a little bit of building pain, I thought of ways we could help new home builders get what they want not what everyone thinks they need. Coastal Turf already has a Measure and Quote free service, which I think helps put peoples minds at ease. And we do pride ourselves on have an excellent installation team, so you finally don’t have to do anything but watch the grass grow (hehehe). And now The web site is helping people take care of their investment lawn. And Micheal is offering great package deals on grass and installation. Because I know that you really need it all done right and quick. So give him a call and get your house and garden over and done with as quickly as possible and at the right price.

Turf and the great advantages!

Wow! Today I am very excited because at Coastal Turf we are getting in Dean from EPAR to do a complete environmentally friendly program for us. It should be really exciting. As farmers we believe that we have t look after the earth so we can continue to cultivate the soil. My family has been farming for (I am told by my Father) 12 generations. Even before we came to Australia. So although it wasn’t always turf ( Not really a lot of need for turf in the convict days) we have always Farmed in a positive way. Like using wholly natural products to fertilize our grass. Yes, chicken poo is very very very stinky but it really makes the grass grow well.

Coastal turf is also a member of the QTPA ( Queensland Turf Producers association) and TPA (the Australian Branch) who recently released a report about the advantages of turf over other vegetation in ones yard. It seams that Grass kicks butt over trees and the such in changing CO2 into Oxygen. And its nice on your feet. I lot easier to the foot than say an aloe vera plant. Grass is also aesthetically pleasing ( yeah yeah a big word for the day!). when depressed people see green they feel better. So not only is grass good for the environment it is also great for  your brain too.  And for your body too cause a well grassed area encourages children to play outside.

So go Turf Australia! Your yards need to be Green for your body mind and planet!  But really because you want to. And it is really important that you get the right turf for your yard and budget. So call us at Coastal Turf so we can met all your needs.



As Promised

As promised I have a gorgeous photo of my 2 big kids going to school. I would like to point out the independence and bond between my two lovely kids. They desperately wanted to catch the bus home together. I am proud and saddened at the same time. I turned up at school and they gave me their bags and said “race you Home”. Happy to say I can beat a bus to my house though.

Riley says the reason Holl has her eyes closed is because she is unaware of what is coming up at school. Like WORK! I think it was because her silly mother made her look into the sun. Not a very good photographer yet. Working SLOWLY on it. But they both did love it and it was great.

And then they decided to catch the bus to school this morning! Beginning to think they are way to social and used to people and big vehicles. Maybe all those rides on trucks was a mistake. I just wanted to pick up my kids on their first day of school! They did run in after the bus dropped them off happy and excited to see me though. That was really nice.

My wonderful brother came over last night to check how the kids went yesterday and I said great but they deserted me for the bus. So in True Turf Farmer way he says to me that’s because you did all the prep work before hand. After looking at him rather questioning for 5 seconds he said, “Well its like installing turf. (What I think. My kids are like grass now. You spend enough time around something I hope you don’t turn into it. True I clipper Riley’s hair that he calls mowing, but fertilizing them is out of the question. They produce a lot of fertilizer though. Anyway back to his speech). If you put down good soil, throw down down some organic booster and water crystals and install the grass properly, and make sure you clean up afterward, the grass has the best chance of not only surviving, but flourishing into a gorgeous green thick lush lawn that everyone wants to be around.” And I guess he is right if you look at it kinda that way. All the effort you put in the beginning makes your kids and grass who they are. I hope mine are not so much thick but definitely lush.

Chat next week


PS I also understand the financial pressures that kids starting school can create. So we have put on some super Going back to school Specials on out Couches and installations. Give Barbara or I a call and we can help you get your lawn so when your kids come back hyper, you can just send them outside!

Busy weeks ahead

Well this week is not just just about turf for me here, but about the first week of school! My eldest son Riley (who has Autism – so later on when I say he has done something silly you understand) and my Middle child Hollie (my only daughter thank god love my girl but she is so like me its SCARY) start school on Thursday! Wow. This is Hollies first year at school – my big Kindergarten girl and Riley is going into Primary School – so big and grown up. I know I am going to be the one at the gate crying and they will be saying “Just go Home Mum”. Lucky Marcus (my youngest still only 2) will have to stay home with me. So excited for them, but also nervous.

I think they’ll be great, especially together. Riley has now been going to school full time for 3 years, so he tells us he has it down pat now and he’ll show Hollie what you do at school. Hollie said no she would be the one who tells Riley because that’s how it works at home. Should be an interesting  day on Thursday for their poor teachers. Must tell them that Holl is a little bossy and but can stop Riley in his tracks if he goes silly.

So not really thinking about turf this week,  as I’m sure lots of you aren’t. Its mostly about going back to work, taking your beautiful babies to school, then getting back into the swing of things. But although I am not all here at Coastal Turf Barbara still is here and her children’s children have been going to school for many years now, so she is cool and calm headed and can take all your calls. If you ring after 4pm though expect a slightly crazy Sarah answering. I will definitely post some very cute pictures on Friday of my 2 going to school. But no I wont be putting on any of me whimpering at the gate. Next week though we are back to the green adventures of turf. Might rename Marcus Turf – lad so he feature more in the blog.

Chat soon


Mother of 2 big kids going to school and crazy turf lady.