
Winter Green Lawns

Has the cold made you stay inside this week and cuddle up. I know my favorite place this week has been all snuggled up with my kids in front of the fire. And as I type I am making heaps of spelling mistakes as my cold fingers try and find the right keys. THak god for s[ell check.

But one of the best things I really love to do on e a cold winters day(most Sundays now as our Saturdays are full of Sporting activities.)is to sit in my old comfy chair in the sun, inside in the sunlight, read a book and occasionally stare out the window at the green outside. Looking out at the green really does make me feel more peaceful. And it seems I’m not alone. (And not even when I sit down to read. I have 3 children and when I sit down it means that I REALLY want them to sit and play or fight on my lap. It  really doesn’t, but that’s what my kids think).

Coastal Turf's grasses


Research  has shown that people who have a green area to look at feel more at ease and less stressed. That’s why they have large green areas in hospitals, and in parks near large built up areas.

And keeping your lawn green and healthy is not hard in winter. After you install a Coastal Turf Lawn, even in winter, we send along a guide with best tips for optimum lawn health. They are simple easy to follow instructions so you aren’t worried about your lawn, and when its not so cold outside you can go back to enjoying your green lush lawn.

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(When my fingers acn type again)


Palmetto Weekend

It has turned out that this Saturday has been booked out to Palmetto. All our luck Saturday morning deliveree’s are all getting Palmetto. I don’t think this has ever happened before. Its a bit exciting for Palmetto lovers. It is definitely one of my favs for the shade. Its cool low light personality means that it can take the hard wear from kids playing all day in the shade and still show off its gorgeous green status. And my kids love it too. And so do their friends

biggest backyardHoll had one of her friends over this week and they were desperate all day to get down to what Hollie told her friend was her backyard or farm, to cartwheel like wheels all over the Palmetto Buffalo. I must say that it impressive how many times they could turn without falling over (I counted twice in one go. Not bad for 8 year olds). And I guess the wide open spaces are good, and definitely the Palmetto is great for cushy landings.

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Is now good time to install my new Lawn?

Winter has Finally descended upon us. The air has that little nip to it and most days now I am in jeans rather than my usual shorts to work. I am finding though that the Jeans to keep more dirt our of my boots though. I like it. But I don’t like how cold my fingers are all the time. But my kids say I am a cold frog and to stop complaining. They, like many kids don’t feel the cold and ar still wearing shorts everywhere! If you are like me and feel the cold, you may feel that now is not a good time to install your new lawn.


But now is a great time to install your new lawn. Firstly the turf is much happier being transported from our farm to your new lawn when it is a bit cooler (my crazy theory is that turf is like kids, and doesn’t feel the cold), and we cu the turf a little thinner to allow the roots to grab hold of your soil and establish itself as fast as possible. The quicker those roots can secure themselves in your new soil and start feeding, the quicker your new lawn establishes! And the biggest bonus of installing your new lawn in winter, is that leaf growth slows down in winter. So you install your new lawn now and mow your lawn MUCH MUCH MUCH later! Meaning you can enjoy your new lawn for longer!

Beautiful!sent by Chris

Coastal Turf always sends along a little help guide on how to install and look after your new lawn for the best results as well, so your winter lawn will look fantastic and you can sit back and enjoy!

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Queensland Blue Couch

Qld Blue Couch - our friend by the sea.

Qld Blue Couch – our friend by the sea.

A Big thanks to Chris for these gorgeous pictures of his Qld Blue in Seaside City! It is amazing. Actually we have been delivering so much Qld Blue into Seaside City lately that the area is looking GOOD! Chris said that he followed our instructions and look how it turned out! So proud!

Thanks Chris and love the BLUE!

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Qld Blue Couch – Go the Mighty Blues!

The State of Origin is a bit of a contentious issue at our house, with half of our family born in Qld and half born in NSW. It always makes for interesting discussions in the weeks leading up to State of Origin. But I must say I was delighted last night that the Mighty Blues won the 100th game of Origin. Very excited.


And down on the farm, it always is a bit of a joke at this time of year about the Qld Blue Couch. I think that there must have been a “Funny” NSW person who decided to name Qld Blue Couch, and I think it was after the State of Origin. I think that NSW either lost that year and to stick it to the Qlders they called the softest fluffiest darkest green coloured lawn Qld Blue Couch. Now forever more Qld has its own lawn named after it, but with the BLUE’s tag formly entrenched. hehehehe

Funny how life is sometimes.

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Go the Might BLUES

Mums in Sport – grass and Mums getting everyone there

This last couple of weeks there has been a huge focus on Women in sport. Not only their oles in playing sport, and my hat off to all of you amazing women with the talent and skill to play sport, but also their roles in getting kids, partners and family and friends to games and training so they can play sport. It is very nice that it coincides with Mothers Day. A Great way to say thanks to women and respect all that they do. And my kids are right up there as well.

I am not unfortunately one of those amazing skilled women who play sport with finesse and grace. More flapping, falling and laughing. So I am one of those mums that drive my kids to games, pick up my more skilled husband, cheer my brother on, and provide all those handy things, like grass to play all these fine games to play on.

Most recently I drove to Murwillumbah High School to watch my much more talented daughter than I, run her regional cross country. It was amazing and inspiring. Yes I am one of those tearing up mums too.

I am proud to be the mum however who puts down the playing fields for everyone to play on. Most recently Coastal Turf supplied the Tweed Shire Council with Gorgeous Green Wintergreen Couch for the Arkinstall Park sporting complex. I cannot wait for my kids to play there.

But until then, I will be super proud of my feilds and especially my kids!

Play on all you amazing people and KUDOS to all those in the background making it all possible.

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What will my new lawn look Like?

I love going for little walks around the farm with customers who come out to have an up close as well as distance look at what they would like their new lawn to look like. I love it for lots of reasons. Firstly I love a bit of a chat, and I love relating Grass Facts to people so showing people the farm is the best of both worlds. I know some people think I am a little Lawn Crazy or a LAWNATIC as my husband calls it, but a little knowledge goes a long way.

And also sometimes seeing a little picture on your phone, on your tablet or computer it is hard to really see what the grass will look like up close, or at a distance as people walk past your home. And probably the most important, what your new lawn will FEEL like. Up close, then arms length as well as from a  distance can all look different. And the feel touch and smell of your new lawn is so super important. That’s the main reason I love taking people around the farm to look at different grasses. Their face changes for each different new type of grass, and the look of satisfaction when we find the right grass for them is wonderful. It is definitely something that makes us both happy.

So for all those Qld Blue Couch lovers out there who cannot make it to 279 Round Mountain Rd, Round Mountain, I have included a picture of up close, small distance, and long paddock views of Qld Blue. Unfortunately I cannot include the smell of the fresh cut lawn, but I will continue to work on the means of sending smell thought the phone! IMG_2921Chat Soon (hopefully at the farm)


Palmetto and an Easter Camp out

Over Easter, our kids said to us could they ALL have their friends over for a play. And  everyone, bar one,  that we called (its amazing how many people my 6 year old knows) was on a camping holiday. Now either we only know outdoors type people or it was the craze this year to camp out over the long weekends.

So not to be out done by the Jones’, my kids all wanted to camp as well. Now my husband and I work outside all day every day, and we play in the dirt all day, so spending our precious days off with our kids sleeping on the ground was not really on the cards. And all the packing and organizing I would have had to all ready done for camping was just no where near slightly ready. We didn’t even have marshmallows! So after a begging pleading and finally a friend of the kids coming over, my Husband came up with an amazing idea. Kids camping in the backyard! Brilliant !


When most people go camping, you go to the Bush or a park and the ground is compacted, the dirt hard and unyielding. But no so in  Coastal Turf lawn backyard! We set up the kids tent on the Palmetto patch n the side of the shed. Because the Palmetto is such a fluffy strong grass, the tent felt like its was on a soft fluffy mat. The kids slept straight on the floor of the tent in sleeping bags. No airbeds because they said the Palmetto was so soft and fluffy. Awesome! Less packing up for Mum. We kept the tent up for 3 days of kids camping, with a small fire to cook the hastily service station bought marshmallows, and camp tables and chairs strewn across the Palmetto patch and the kids thought it was the best camping holiday EVER! So did we, I still got my hot shower and my husband could still watch the football on TV.

When we took the tent down i thought the Palmetto would be knocked around, but instead it was still green and bright coloured. We were suitably impressed.


So next time your kids so lets my camping, set your tent up on a new Coastal Turf Palmetto LAwn and feel the comfort. Relax at home while the kids sleep outside. Almost a date night!

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Bit squished from the tent, but still green and fluffy.

Bit squished from the tent, but still green and fluffy.

Green Grass makes happy people

Imagine this at your place

The rain was more than welcome this week. Wasn’t it amazing to here the pitter patter of rain drops on that roof. The farm definitely cheered very loudly when the first drops splashed down onto our paddocks, washing in the gorgeous fantastic organic fertilizer we put out the day before. And the grass is already showing us the rewards with all its green shinning through from the paddocks. And when we sit back and have a look, it really does make us all on the farm smile. That warm happy feeling comes flows across our minds making our days feel shorter.

And as I stand and gaze at our paddock, I think what an amazing lawn this paddock would make. And I imagine how happy and refreshed you would feel either staring our across this Blue Couch lawn from your bed in the morning, or sitting and relaxing with a cool beverage on your verandah peacefully soaking in the atmosphere of your green lush lawn on a warm relaxing afternoon.

I think I may have entered a cool meditation like grass state. With the good lawn grass type though. Its so happy thought making that a Coastal Turf lawn will do that to you.

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Palmetto Buffalo

Last week I sent my husband and his hard working boys out to install a gorgeous green soft robust Palmetto Lawn in Seaside city. But being so close to the sea how will grass survive with the salty air and the sandy soils I hear you think. (yes, being a mum I know what people are thinking now). Well that is the extreme beauty of the Palmetto buffalo. It is amazing how effortlessly it works on the seemingly never grow lawn areas. Like areas where the sea blows salt across your lawn, and the soil has little to no nutrients and, watering is something no one wants to do. Palmetto Buffalo thrives and grows aggressively. And of course when you have the Professionals like Tony the Turfman from Coastal Turf install your lawn then of course it is going to look amazing and grow into a beautiful lawn. Aha the serenity on the beach side kicking back on a palmetto lawn. NOICE

Palmetto BuffaloChat soon
