Is now good time to install my new Lawn?

Winter has Finally descended upon us. The air has that little nip to it and most days now I am in jeans rather than my usual shorts to work. I am finding though that the Jeans to keep more dirt our of my boots though. I like it. But I don’t like how cold my fingers are all the time. But my kids say I am a cold frog and to stop complaining. They, like many kids don’t feel the cold and ar still wearing shorts everywhere! If you are like me and feel the cold, you may feel that now is not a good time to install your new lawn.


But now is a great time to install your new lawn. Firstly the turf is much happier being transported from our farm to your new lawn when it is a bit cooler (my crazy theory is that turf is like kids, and doesn’t feel the cold), and we cu the turf a little thinner to allow the roots to grab hold of your soil and establish itself as fast as possible. The quicker those roots can secure themselves in your new soil and start feeding, the quicker your new lawn establishes! And the biggest bonus of installing your new lawn in winter, is that leaf growth slows down in winter. So you install your new lawn now and mow your lawn MUCH MUCH MUCH later! Meaning you can enjoy your new lawn for longer!

Beautiful!sent by Chris

Coastal Turf always sends along a little help guide on how to install and look after your new lawn for the best results as well, so your winter lawn will look fantastic and you can sit back and enjoy!

Chat soon
