Christmas Fun Filled times

Coastal Turf wishes everyone a safe and fun filled holiday time. Merry Christmas and a joy filled holiday to everyone.

Unfortunately we are now fully booked until Christmas.

Coastal Turf will re open on the 4th January with limited deliveries.

Thank you for all the wonderful people we have helped this year create beautiful lawns.

Chat soon


Christmas tree 2015

Coastal Christmas

I love Christmas. My kids are nicer, and trying really really hard to be good for Santa. On the 1St December my kids were up at 4.45am NSW time to get dressed, and ready for school early enough to be able to put the christmas tree up. And they did a great job. I am very proud of them. Its a really really busy time of year though. It does get to the time of year when we all seem to be running, rather than walking through life.

Christmas tree 2015

So just a reminder that if you are looking for turf before Christmas, to give us as much notice as you possible can. The 16th December is our next available delivery day. If you do need turf the week before Christmas let us know now as this week is booking up very quickly!

Have a magical December and try and slow down to a running pace to get everything in. And those who know how to walk in December my hat off to you!

Chat Soon



Getting ready for Christmas!

I’m not sure what you guys are doing at this time of year, but this last week I have been running around little a slightly insane person (only slightly insane.) getting ready for Christmas. At our place we have to do a big clean out of clothes, what fits and what doesn’t, and the clean up of the “storage cupboard”. This is the cupboard that last January we put the tree back into its bag (yes we are bad and have a plastic one. But in the heat it is so much easier and better) and then put it into the back of the cupboard which was clean and tidy Last Year. And now its time to go through it all again. But I do love Christmas. All the Joy and happiness that is around. I especially love seeing how happy our kids are.

And this time of year I think we all start to get that bit more organised and plan out our lives. We know that we only have a short month coming (and we all say  little WooHoo!) and we know how much we have to to do within the small time.   Planning is so important now. I am getting better at this. It has taken me 36 years though. (PS don’t tell anyone how old I am) And it is really important when it comes to ordering your turf.

At the Farm we are Flat out like a lizard drinking to quote my father. So at this time of year we need at least 5 days notice for your deliveries to you.  Plan a week in advance to make sure you can get your lawn when you would like it. And remember that Santa is watching. So everyone on your best behaviour! We are unable to help now when people ring up for next day delivery or with only 2 days notice. We really need the 5 days to make sure everyone gets their turf as early as possible.

And remind your friends and family about how much they mean to you this Christmas with an invite to come and help you install your new lawn. The gift of fitness is one of the best ones you can give. And you get the love feeling back! So its a win win Christmas present all year round.

Chat soon


A walk in the Park – a great place to find good grass

Who has been to Knox Park in Murwillumbah in NSW lately? The new park there is amazing!They have equipment for tiny toddler kids to the mid sized running quick moving kids and teenagers and mothers too. It is great fun with its flying fox, and curly slide. I know my 7 year old, 9 year old and my 13 year old had a great time. I had a fantastic time sliding and flying around. It has been a while since I have found a park that is fun for all ages. And I must say Knox park nailed it for our family.

I must confess the only reason we went to the park last week was because I wanted to check out the turf that the Tweed Shire Council had special ordered for the park area. They asked for Palmetto buffalo for the shade areas around the little slide (I couldn’t make it into this one). And they have done a fantastic job with the whole Park installation, but especially the Lawn area. The Palmetto is the perfect companion for the park. Its tough but soft and cushioning when the chasing games become a little too uncoordinated. (Not that I would know about falling over while being chased by my little kids through park. Ok so only twice and yes both times other people where watching)The Patch will be perfect for picnic blankets so sandwiches can be eaten quickly before the kids run across the lawn to go back to the flying fox (I totally recommend this).  Sitting the shade on this spot will be a sort after place in Knox Park this summer I think. Palmetto at Knox Park Murwillumbah NSW

So go try out the soft picnic on the Palmetto and give it a try for your home. If the council can make it look this good, imagine what it can look like at your place!

Chat soon


Turf – not just for horses

Well its that time of year again that when you google Turf, you can get  whole lot more than just some farms come up. Tomorrow is the Great Melbourne Cup. The race that stops nation. Puts women into high heals and hats, and mens into south in the heat of the day. Its like a wedding, only without your relatives you HAVE to invite. And you can bet legally at the Races. This year the Coastal Turf team and the Tony the Turfman Crew will be at Murwillumbah Jockey Club celebrating the TURF.

Race day fun

I am really really terrible at picking a winner at the races. I like the pretty looking ones, or any jockey that wears green, blue or pink. Turns out there are heaps of them. But I do like to don a pair of heels and aerovate the lawn. Thats right Ladies you are doing a public service wearing your high heels on the lawn. By putting those little spikes down into the grass. You are actually opening up the air pathways and creating better pathway for the micro organisms and bugs and works to travel through, improving the health of the lawn. So if your husband says get off the lawn, get him to give me a ring. I promise not to give him a horse racing tip; But I will explain how you are helping the lawn’s health, and how he should be wonderful to you about it.


You local Turf Club needs us ladies to go and help with the health of their lawn. Support them with your heels. And then the next time your lawn is looking a little unhealthy and compacted, have an old fashioned Garden Party with the high heels to fix your lawns health as well. I will endorse the party as for being for investment reasons. A well cared for lawn adds value to your home!


Happy Race day all of you!


How does a paddock turn into my lawn?

I often get asked how does it all work? How does my lawn become my lawn? Well there are 7 easy steps.

Step 1 – We grow a beautiful paddock of turf grass by fertilising, hand weeding, spraying, aerovating, watering and other Coastal Turf Secrets to make the best quality turf grass we can for your new lawn.


Step 2 – Mow the paddock, water the paddock, and prepare the paddock for harvesting.

Step 3 – Harvest! head over to our Facebook page to watch the video.

Hopefully waiting for Rain

Step 4 – Deliver the Turf pallets to you


Step 5 – This could be you or us installing your new lawn

Brocks transformation

Step 6 – Sit back and water your lawn lightly for 15 days

Step 7 – ENJOY!

Your new lawn, and a bit of dirt. Lots of fun!

Dirty workThe rain this week was wonderful. It really freshened everything up. The grass looks better for it, and my tanks are much better off for it. Our paddocks always kick off in colour after a bit of rain, and it looks amazing. I on the other hand, look terrible, after a bit of rain on the farm. Now I’m not the type of girl to complain that my hair goes all frizzy in the rain, but I am the type of girl who does complain little when there’s more mud in my hair than there really should be, I get a little whiney. And then when there is more mud on me than there is on the ground, I ask to go home for a shower. This is a picture of me after we harvested yesterday after the rain. I really didn’t think it was going to be THAT wet, but it was. And a little bit muddy.


But the lovely man in Kingscliff rang me today and said that his turf is beautiful and has made his house look so fresh. I thanked him kindly and did’t tell him how muddy I got harvesting the turf for him. Because I’m sure he was probably pretty dirty himself. I’m glad that all my dirty work doesn’t go unappreciated. And I’m told that mud is really good of the skin. I’ll let you all know in a couple of weeks. Hopefully my skin will be glowing.


And now that the sun is out, and my face is clean, its back down to the farm this afternoon to cut some more wonderful, beautiful soft turf for someone’s new Saturday Lawn.


Chat soon, probably in MUD


Coastal Turf runs on Daylight Savings

Our farm is located at beautiful Cabarita Beach, NSW. And that means we have great soils for growing beautiful turf, and have the ocean only 3k’s away, wonderful schools close for my kids, and we also run on Daylight Savings Time. So we are the bright and early risers. And I love it. daylight savings means that I feel like I have more day to do more in. I don’t really, but I like feeling like I do. It also means I now have two 7.30am deliveries! Almost feels like cheating time.

So now we can now have super early deliveries for both NSW and Qld. So we can make both of sides of the border happy. But sometimes it does make people upset. Like when I call people early in the morning, in what I think is a reasonable hour- 8am, is sometimes way too early for people in Qld as its only 7am. And sometimes that is too early for people to talk turf. So please let me know if you are NSW or Qld if you want a call back. And I will try my best to not call you at 5am.


And that is why we live in wonderful NSW. Its for areas like this where we can grow the best turf for your Coastal home.

Chat soon, and not too early.


Opening hours NSW Time

Monday to Friday 6.30am – 4pm

Saturday 6.30am to 11am

Sunday Closed

Sunday’s plans- What are you up to this long weekend? (Go the Cowboys!)

What are your long weekend plans? Are you going camping out into the wild yonder? Are you going to visit Grandma? Or are you lazing by the Pool? To those lucky ones you are probably installing a new lawn? And the luckier ones are sitting back and enjoying their Coastal Turf lawn. Like a Gentleman today who asked if he should sit with a stubby in one hand and a hose in the other all weekend for his newly installed turf. I thought that sounded like a lovely idea. Or are you going to be closely glued to a TV screen on Sunday to cheer the Cowboys home to a Grand Final NRL victory? Thats is where we will be. We do have a small problem in our house this weekend though, because we have a couple of Bronco supporters and then more Cowboys supporters. So Sunday is the day of fun and games at our place.


This year we are off to the Sunshine Coast to celebrate with some friends and family. And like some of you may have seen on other posts, we always have the traditional Grand Final Half Time mini game. This year is no different. All the Dads and some Mums get our there with the very excited kids and play a mini game of football. It is usually more funny, than fun. Which is awesome! And in previous years, we have played on the Soft Blue couch lawn or our Palmetto Patch at our place and had a lovely comforting surface to fall back on. Ahhh. This year we will be on foreign soil. An Away game if you will. I just hope that their lawn is as awesome as ours, and that the falling (not so much tackling. The beer usually helps with that) is as soft and comforting. Although they do have a Qld Blue Couch Lawn. So fingers crossed. I hope your half time shenanigans as as fun as ours!

Surf Life Savings house Miramar

But before you go and wrestle on the turf, preferably a Coastal Turf turfed lawn, why not go and have a drive around the new estate at Miramar in Kingscliff/Casuarina and find the new Surf Life Savings Raffle house. Tony the Turfman installed the lawn and is maintaining its beauty to make your raffle ticket purchase worth more money long term! So support the Surf Living Saving people, be envious of the blue lawn, but buy a ticket to support a great cause.


Ant then next week call and have us bring your house some beautiful Blue to install at your place, so you can be envious no more. Just content with a beautiful lawn (and hopefully a Cowboys win!!!!!!)


Chat soon, but not early on Monday


Beautiful Blue – some pictures to brighten your day

Today I just want to inspire you with some beautiful photos of Blue Couch lawns. Some are installed by Turfman, but mostly they are DIY people. Great jobs guys!

Blue Beautiful Blue

Beautiful Blue