Blue Couch, the grass not the lounge

This is the standard joke at our office and farm. That the Couch (the lawn grass) is spelt the same as the Couch (the lounge sofa). But there are similarities. The Blue Couch Lawn is soft and comfortable just like a blue lounge and both are great to sit on. But unlike the lounge, the Lawn will not mind if you spill drinks or food on it. In fact it will just grow a little more softer. And just like when you buy a brand new lounge, and its new and impressive, your new Blue Couch lawn is very impressive, but all year round. And it gets better with age.

But more importantly, the Blue Couch lawn will be OUTSIDE where everyone can see it. And its more impressive to have your new important purchase out where it can be the Envy of everyone else of the street.

There are other  differences between the Lawn and the Lounge. Like you shouldn’t mow your lounge, bad idea. And lounges are best inside, but the Lawn is definitely best in full sun, where you can occasionally mow it. And you really shouldn’t water your lounge, but please do sprinkle your blue couch lawn when it curls its leaf. But if you have a lounge that curls its leaves please please send me a picture. That would be very cool.

So Blue Couch it up, and maybe even get a lounge to match your Lawn!

Chat soon


Blue Couch Lawn


PS You should also never stab a pen into your Blue Couch Lounge, just your lawn. Ask my then 4 year old son. Never stab the lounge!

Women in Turf – International Womens Day

Women I think Women have been in the Turf industry, and especially Agriculture since the beginning. Most our the farms were al started out with Mums and Dads running the company. And definitely in my case, I have never been treated any differently on the farm from any of the boys there. Especially my brother. We all just worked as hard as each other. And we all got paid the same. And this has continued in the case of my three kids. My two boys and one daughter all have to work the same.


And its this “we are all have similarities and differences” attitude in our industry that makes all of us Women in Turf have the fun similes on our faces, and the ability to laugh at ourselves, and each other. Especially when its your daughter, or mum or sister.

And thats the #equalfuture that Coastal Turf has always had, and will continue to have. So that when my daughter comes up through she too can smile laugh and Turf with Pride. And my boys as well.

And I think we also have wonderful customers who also are happy to listen to both Barbara and I’s advice about varieties and lawn care, and not dismiss us because “we are girls”. I think in the Agricultural and Landscape spheres women are seen as having the same information and knowledge as the men. And we are proud to be out there growing harvesting and installing lawns everyday. And proud to be serving your needs!

WIT - women n turf

Chat soon




What difference does a good Lawn make?

I must admit I am a bit of Facebook lover. I love trolling through all wonderful pictures my friends put up and have a look at their much more exciting lives that they all seem to have over mine. My life is full of playing in the mud, creating beautiful paddocks of Green grass to turn into peoples lawns, and running around after my wonderful 3 kids and husband. My friend have lives of going to exotic places, like the shops, and eating exciting food, like big juicy hamburgers (I’m on a diet can you tell?), with their perfectly dressed kids who never have anything on their face. Facebook kinda is like a Soap Opera, you know its all not really real, but its great to see and loose yourself in the funniness of it sometimes.


Thats why when I was looking last week I found on the Fox News site I subscribe to ( a wonderful blog about how a real estate agent had enhanced certain elements of a home, and made some disappear in order to generate more interest in a home for sale. The part I found most interesting was that the lawn was made to look a thick lush sparkling green colour rather than the dried out lawn that the author of the blog found. So what difference does a Good Lawn make to your home?

About $75,000 according to Turf Australia’s research. Good_LAwn_Bad_lawn_converted

These pictures were taken from the website. And yes it does make a big cash dollar difference and definitely a great big aesthetic value as well. I have friends of ours selling their house, and the first thing they asked us, was not to help them move, I assume that will come over the coming weeks. But to come and returf an area because the Real Estate agent said it could get them $20,000 more if the outside area looked perfect.

Its amazing what a little time and effort can gain you. And the people who know and put prices on these things definitely know. A nice green lawn is the best way to get attention. In the GOOD way.

Chat soon



Coastal Buffalo Mix

Do you have a shadier area that is a kids and Dogs playground? Do you need the robust thick leaf of a buffalo but want the soft cushioning of the Blue Couch?


Then the Buffalo Coastal Mix may be your answer. Its great for your shadier areas, or places with full on traffic from kids, dogs, cars, boats, (Not sure about camels, but happy to give it a go). But its still going to be nice and cushioning when you have the tumble play with the kids on the lawn. The deep emerald colour of the mix is very relaxing and comforting as you gaze over your lawn to watch the shenanigans of your family.

We only have a small paddock of this Buffalo Mix, so get in now and have the beautiful lawn you want for the Coastal Mix price. Coastal Buffalo Mix

Valentines Day – the gift of Green

On Valentines day we all think about the traditional gift of Red Roses. But I am not that type of girl who wants roses. I hate the thought of cutting something beautiful off its stem, bringing it inside to die a slow death. And then the petals fall on the ground. And I always think of that nursery rhyme about “he loves me. He loves me not”. Well enough of my delusional craziness.


This year why not tell your loved one how much you love them by giving them the gift of Green, instead of Red. A gift of a new lawn is much more romantic than a bunch of roses. This is a gift that will always remind them how much you love them.  Not only is it a sign to your loved one, but to everyone in the street, about how much you love them. The beautiful green lush soft lawn, the place you walk outside on everyday, the playground for your family to be on, the place your roll and play on. What better way to show your love EVERYDAY than with a beautiful lawn.

I can’t think of a more visual way to show someone everyday how much you love them.


Chat soon everyone, and happy valentines day to everyone.

Sare 🙂Soft Leaf Buff In garden, piknik

Lawn Grubs- watch out they are about

This is the prime tim elf year for these little horrors to be out again.lawn grub identificationpiknik

We have had a lot of calls over the last week in regards to Lawn grubs killing peoples lawns. Unfortunately there is no real prevention for lawn grubs. Or a type of grass that they don’t like. Many people tell me that they love couches more than any other grass, but in our experience, if there is a dried out tired looking couch lawn, that has had little care taken of it, and a rest thick green well cared for buffalo lawn next door, they will make their home in the tasty lawn instead. Its the difference between a burnt dried out 3 day old piece of dry toast and a 5 course freshly prepared meal. I know which one I would choose.


Prevention is hard to do. Looking after your lawn is an investment into your future though. So check for eggs around your home, on the eaves of your doors, on the fly screens, in your bathrooms, on towels and clothes coming in from the line, and even on your car. Here is what the eggs look like.

armyworm eggspiknik

I use cheap dishwashing liquid and tea tree oil in a large warm bucket of water to wash the effected egg areas.

Once they are in your own though, your lawn will look like this

armyworm_damage Areas will brown off. The nasty like bugs are sucking out their chlorophyl and stop the plants photosynthesis. Another sign is of these moths flying around your lawn.


They really are horrid. So what do you do once they are in your lawn? Well there are DIY sprays and sands pesticides you can use. These are usually very effective. They do require you make sure that you have covered all areas though. Get all those little corners. Check the labels your chosen Lawn Grub Killer for instructions. I always do suggest to people to get the Professionals out to do the job. They know where the little buggers hide and the best times to spray to ensure maximum death to all lawn grubs. The moths can fly up to 5 kilometres to lay their eggs at a good healthy lawn for their babies to devour. So if you see any signs at your house, chat to your neighbours, tell them they may have them as well. Because even if you kill them at your lawn, and your neighbour still has them, they will return quickly.

This time of year with the warmth and the humid wet conditions are the perfect breeding season for the lawn grubs to out of control into plague portions. And this is what kills your lawn. To test to see if you might have some lawn grubs at your home, throw a towel over your lawn tonight, not the browning areas, but the green ones, and when you return in the morning in the daylight, have a look under the town. if you see any of theses act quickly.

CommonArmyworm-Larva-500Call me or email me if you have concerns and I will endeavour to help you as best as we can



[email protected]

Australia Day FUN!

So whose up for a Very Long Weekend? How awesome is it that Australia Day, the one day we are meant to laze on the sun, sip our wine and beer, play lawn cricket, and wear singlets (blue of course) with speedos and bikinis no matter our size! And of course throw a snag on the Barbie! Its a day of fun, slip and slide and cricket at our house? Sure we are all a lot sorer from the cricket than the slip and slide (but that because the time honoured kids verse adult challenge is now serious because they are getting better than some of us. Mainly me) but we all throw our bodies into it.


Thank goodness is all I can say for our soft lawn where we partake enthuse little adventures. This year I turned 36 and I don’t seem to bounce as well as I did at 26! So when I throw myself down our slip and slide at speeds only reflected by a lightning strike and slid to a stop at the other end, its good to know that I have a super soft blue couch lawn to comfort my instability to stop. And for the Cricket match to end all cricket matches, the Kids verses adults, six a side Cricket match, pitching Mum verses Son, Dad verses Daughter, Aunt verses Nephew, Uncle verses Nieces, Grandparents picking the winning side as their own at the end, I do love a wonderful soft cushioning lawn to help me catch that match winning hit. I may fall dramatically when I pluck the ball out of the air. And my older not so fit as it used to be body is very glad to have the cushioning bounce of the Blue Couch to comfort my body.


So whats your Very Long Weekend (for those taking Monday off as well) going to entail? Installing a new Coastal Turf Lawn so next year you can hold the Match of the Year at your place? BBQing next to a robust Buffalo lawn? Strolling to the beach across the Tweed Shire Councils Coastal Turf Parks or just enjoying the park lands?

What ever you decide to do have a great time. And remember if you get your orders in by Friday we can deliver you some lush lawn for you to have an Australian Day party and have your friends come over and help you lay it!

Chat soon


PS no pictures to day as my kids who are still on holidays want to add a picture of me playing cricket. I said I didn’t think anyone needed to see such uncoordinated-ness.:)

Camping on the lawn – a mini holiday for you and the kids

At they time of year, my kids always complain why don’t we go on holidays like EVERYONE else. It seems that everyone in the whole entire universe goes on holidays at this time of year, especially camping. We don’t go on summer holidays. We live near the beach, in a beautiful part of the world, where other people come to holiday. And the farm paddocks, the paddocks that will one day become your new lawn, need our care and pampering in summer to bring out the best in them, so your new lawn will be the best in the street. So this year, I sent my kids on a mini camping holiday.

Not really in an exotic exciting place with new and different people to meet, but in our backyard with the family pet dogs. On our soft cushioning Coastal Turf lawn. The lawn was a fantastic place for the kids to set up our two little tents by themselves, we did say no camp fire, and they set up their little beds in the tent. The cushion of the lawn was so much better for the kids bodies than the hard dirt of some of the natural parks dirt floor camping grounds I have been to. Last year we took out some beautiful green couch to the Hosanna Farmstay camping grounds in Uki NSW, and now I know why. It wasn’t just for the beauty of the lawns, (which is really stunning our there)  but also for the comfort of their guests.

This year if you are one of the people who don’t live in my kids universe of everyone going on holidays, and have kids who need to get out of the house for the night, I suggest kids camping on your Coastal Turf soft fluffy lawn. The lawn will be soft and comforting the kids happy they are on a special adventure, and maybe like my husband and I, you can pretend that the kids are away for the night and enjoy a relaxing glass of wine. Almost alone….

Kids camping

Kids camping

Chat soon


Happy Grass – the lawn varieties of happy grass…

Happy GrassI love this picture. Its a cross section of a blade of grass, with dye, put under a microscope. Isn’t it amazing how there are little faces that smile at you! It would be awesome if the scientists had used blue for the water areas and yellow and green for the chlorophyl. But it does show the plant with smiley faces! I just think its great that Grass is “Happy”. I know that seeing green grass always makes me feel happier. A bit more relaxed in my surroundings. I don’t know about you, but green areas are always that little bit happier places for me. Be it grass or trees or shrubs. But I do prefer grass.


And I know think that I prefer grass because it is already happy! And its happiness must flow through to me. Or something like that…

Oh no I just read the title and I realised that some people might think we are growing the wrong type of grass! We grow definitely lawn varieties of grasses. And it does make me happy, but not the-slumped-back-in-a-chair-with-the-munchies type happy. Just inner peace happy. Oh no. What you people must think if me now.


So make your happy with a bit of grass.

Chat soon



Happy New Even Year!

I love even years! I don’t know why. I think we all have our little superstitions, and mine is that even years are much better than odd years. I think because all my kids were born in even years. And they are the bright light of our lives. And then the greenness of the farm always seems that little bit brighter in even years. It lights things up. And all my good news comes in even years, and bad news comes in odd years.

And thats why in this glorious even year of 2016, with the new years rain to bring new life to everything and freshen everything up for a bright and lush new year, Coastal Turf is offering a new discount offer of 5% off when you pay for your turf over the phone. Starting from the 6th January and going all year!

We wanted to share the hop and good will this year, rather than the hidden extras, we are offering obvious discounts! Other businesses charge you to use your credit card.  We are offering a discount for paying with your credit card on the phone! Or if you pay before your turf is delivered via direct internet banking transfer the day you order, you can have the same discount!

That way everyone is happy, and we make things more fair more Even. For an Even Year. Your turf will arrive in the morning all fresh and happy ready to become your new lawn, you will have your discount, and the boys will arrive with a smile on their face.

Chat soon

Happy New Even Year


Happy New Year from our  family to yours

Happy New Year from our family to yours