Empire the truely best lawn for Winter

My kids told me this morning it was definitely winter now. I had to break the bad news to them it was still only autumn. And this was just the start of the chilly season. I must admit I couldn’t feel my fingers this morning either.

And the best part about the cooler months is that I can stop mowing at my house, well the Empire Zoysia area anyway. The Empire’s leaf grow slows right down in winter. ITs amazing. It stays soft and dark green, without me doing anything to it. It really is the E-Z lawn.

A lovely gentleman had some Empire Zoysia installed a few weeks ago and I have turned him into a Grass Crazy Lawn fantastic person as well. He loves the Empire nearly as much as I do. So soft, yet such a strong.

Empire ZoysiaStay warm with a Empire Lawn. The lawn will warm your home in winter and cool it in summer. It will provide you with stress free happiness when you look outside.So you can snuggle up inside and stay warm and cosy, safe in the knowledge that you won’t have to go out and mow this week.

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Green Couch Bounce.

This morning coming down to the farm was much easier than others. The air is warm, and the sun was shining and the grass smelt beautiful. Don’t you just love that freshly mowed smell. It has so many of those childhood memories attached to the fresh mown smell. I always have those happy childhood feelings come rushing back and it makes me smile.

And it is a smell and a feeling I want my kids to share in. Although my children may develop memories a little different to mine. Mine are of my Dad mowing our lawn with the old Victor and then running through and playing in the grass clippings. And of course playing cricket on the couch. You can get a really good bounce off a green couch lawn.

My Children will have memories of me mowing the Green Couch paddocks in a tractor, singing badly to what they call “Old” music. Hopefully though the Soccer Mum memory holds more weight in their minds though. It is, of course, now its Soccer season. So my boys and I are out on the green couch having a practice. And it does always make me feel better knowing that I tend to bounce better on a green couch lawn. I am meant to be just a spectator but quite often I am roped in, to be Goalie or another position that is less likely to have to run,  and I get knocked down. And the couch is comforting when as a Middle aged woman of not fantastic fitness I fall down on the ground.

Green couch Gives a good bounce

I do think my kids will have some of the fun memories associated with the smell of freshly mown lawns. Hopefully its not of their mother strolled on the ground after they have deftly manoeuvred a ball straight past her.


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Autumn Lawns

Its starting to feel a lot like Autumn is actually here now. The jeans are starting to come out of the wardrobe and cardigans are being thrown in the car for when the afternoon gets cooler. And often we start to think less about outside. But really this is the best time to be outside. The air is still warm during the day time and the soils are warm for little roots to get established as well.

Installing turf now is fantastic. It means that you can install a beautiful lawn without the heat exhausting you. Over winter you can look out over your green lush lawn and get that happy feeling, and then in Summer, your lawn will be already established with a good strong root system so it won’t need as much watering in the warmer months. Its really a win win. Less effort and energy now to also ensure less work for yourself later on!

So why not put in an empire Zoysia lawn this Autumn. The Empire is a soft thinner leafed lawn, that cushions your bare foot as you walk. And my Favourite part is the in winter its leaf growth slows right down. To the point where at my place I don’t mow the Zoysia all winter. Its fantastic.

IMG_0303So its soft, comforting, hardly any work, and looks fantastic.

A great Autumn project to make your lawn and home look amazing.Empire Lawn







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Sare 🙂

Monday the 3rd May turf deliveries 

What are you doing this Monday the labour day public holiday? Thinking of getting your lawn in? One of the advantages of being in NSW is that we have different holidays to qld. So we are out delivering and installing new lawns on Monday. As long as you have your order into us by Saturday at 12pm your new lawn will arrive to you on Monday morning. 

Public holidays are great times to install your new lawn as most people have the day off.  So have a BBQ with friends. With the knowledge that they have the help improve your dirt into a green lush lawn before any food or drink can pass their lips. 
Have fun and chat soon


How does the turf get to my place?

I always find that when I order something exciting to be delivered to your place or the office its like a present. Its exciting and I can’t wait to open it. But sometimes I realise after I order something I don’t always know how it will be delivered.

At Coastal Turf when you order an exciting new lawn present for yourself, or your loved ones you don’t really think about how it will be delivered. We try and explain on the phone as best we can about the delivery process, but a picture os worth a thousand words.

One of our amazing customers in Ocean Shores took these great pictures of the delivery and installation. Coastal_Turf-1Ethel is just the Turf dog tester.
Ethel the Dog on the Empire Zoysia

Hope this answers your questions a little, other wise give me a ring and we can have a chat about the best way to get the turf to your place.

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Empire Zoysia Lawn, tried tested and approved by Ethel the Turfdog.

Ethel the Dog on the Empire ZoysiaThis week Tony the Turfman and his crew installed a beautiful new Empire Zoysia lawn at Ocean Shores. The gentleman wanted a thinner leafed soft cushioning lawn, without the fuss and other, and the ability to withstand a little shade. And he choose the Empire Zoysia. Ethel the Turfdog agreed with his choice. It was a wonderful lawn for a lie down after a quick inspection of the property. And Tony the Turfman and his boys worked hard to install the beautiful Zoysia slabs into a Empire Zoysia Lawn.

AS you can see, team work is the best idea for lawn installations, with someone carting the turf to the right places, someone lining up and installing the slabs, and the most skilled and coordinated person using the cane knife to cut into the edges and shape the slabs into a beautiful lawn.

Have a great ANZAC weekend. For those marching, thank you.

We are booked out this weekend, but are happy to take your orders for the following week from Tuesday on delivery.

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How does a beautiful lawn begin? At Coastal Turf we have the right recipe

Where it begins

At Coastal Turf we work hard on our paddocks to create beautiful soft lush green turf grasses for your new lawn. We use a special recipe to feed the plant and nourish its every need to create a healthy root system, which support the lush green leaves which will become your lawn. By feeding the plant on our farm, when we harvest the turf with soil and roots as about half the slab width 9the other half thick lush fluffy leaf) we send along to you all the best bits to create a beautiful lawn. This secret family recipe is tried and proven over the past 20 years to create not only gorgeous green paddocks on our farm, but Stunning lawns at your house. And it all starts at the ground level up.


Soils are so important. Microorganisms, worms and bugs are so important in the growth of a healthy lawn. These are crucial in unlocking the stored nutrients in the soil for the plant to absorb to become a Gorgeous Green Grass. Fertilisers within our secret family recipe provide the stored nutrients for these amazing animals to eat and poop out for the plant to absorb.  Sunlight is vital. The leaf requires the amazing warmth and nutrients that the sun provides to photosynthesis to stay green and lush, so picking the right turf grass for your area is really important. Low lights a thick leaf, full sun a thinner leaf. Water, like for us mere mortals, is really important for all life to survive. Where Coastal Turf comes in is really important. And that is providing you with not only the right grass for your situation, but most importantly providing you with a Healthy, Green, Lush (secret family recipe enriched) Turf Grass for your lawn. By starting out with the best, you give your new lawn the best opportunity to be the healthiest greenest lushest lawn in the street. And be the envy of all those around you.

Chat soon,

I’m off to mix up the family turf recipe to feed our paddocks. Unfortunately it doesn’t smell as good to me as our secret Scone recipe, but the paddocks sure do love it. 😉


School holiday Lawn fun

Autumn is here and the air is cooling down. And that means its much nicer to be outside, especially when your installing your new lawn. Our climate here on the North Rivers and the Gold Coast is so special and wonderful that it means we have great planting and growing weather all year. So its much nicer to be outside installing your new lawn in the cooler months of April, than in the heat of January. And with the kids at home with school holidays its is GREAT time to bribe and, well not use kid labour, but ask for help from you adoring children to install your new lawn.


IMG_0140_convertedThis family had the advantage of a teenage son who was wonderful at helping and  installing new lawns. School holidays are a great time to install your new lawn. So teenagers and  primary school kids are great at unrolling your lawn. And the little ones can be chief waterers.

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The week of Chocolate and Daylight savings endings

I know my stomach is very full of chocolate now. My kids were lovely and “shared” their chocolate with me. Well, by “shared” I mean that I got all their chocolates that they didn’t like. Which is great cause I love peppermint chocolate. And now my nieces and nephew in Qld are on holidays, and are relaxing at home. While my NSW kids are still at school.

But I think the most exciting thing happening this week is that Daylight savings finishes. This week will be our last week of getting to our NSW farm in the dark. The last week of confusing people when our drivers day they will be there at 8am and arrive at 7am. The last week of accidentally calling someone at 7am instead of 8am because they live in Qld and didn’t mention it on the message. I for one will be so glad and relieved. I think Sunday will feel like a HUGE sleep in for us all. We will gain an hour, but we will lose an hour as well.

We will loose an hour because we have been able to accomodate both NSW and QLD people with the 7-8am delivery slot with ease. Now there will be more shuffling and arranging to make sure everyone gets their turf early in the morning to install your new lawn.

So this Saturday book in for Saturday morning early deliveries

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Is your Lawn Easter hunt ready?

While walking over the paddocks this week I have found lots of these little sweet bunnies skipping through the grass.  It must be getting close to Easter. The beautiful Blue couch is the perfect place for a Hippty Hoppity Easter Bunny to hide delicious sweet Easter surprises. So is your lawn ready for Easter Egg hunts?

Bunnies in the Blue

The beautiful Blue couch paddock was the perfect hiding place of these little bunnies. The long soft leaves of the Blue couch provides a great place for bare feet to run happily across to find sweet treats, or for little bunnies to hide.

This Easter make sure your lawn is never mowed shorted than your second knuckle when you press your finger down into the soil. Autumn is the time of year your lawn is hunger and like a bunny or bear is trying to store fat for the winter. So feed it up with a organic pelletised fertiliser, like the Dino Fert, just before rain, or top dress with a sandy loam with chicken poo mixed through. This will give your lawn a big feed, and