Easter Lawns – As told by an EGGs-Pert

Lawns at Easter can be used for so many different things. From make shift camp grounds, with a fire pit in the middle, to the most important job of all for a lawn this Easter. And Easter Egg hunting ground. 

This year I wanted to find out from the eggs-perts herself on the best type of lawn for the Easter weekend. The Easter Bunny. 

How does a Turf Farmer get the in touch with the Easter Bunny?

Well, we tried social media DM, but couldn’t get a reply back. The Easter Bunny wasn’t even on Snap Chat!

But we do have a Bunny Rabbit called Snuggle who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who is neighbours with a lady, who owed him favour, who is married to the sister in lawn of the Easter Bunny. Long story short,  Snuggys the Rabbit got The Easter Bunny to give us a call. Needless to say her number came through as NO CALLER ID.

The head shot the Easter Bunny sent us!

I thanked the Long eared expert for her time, and asked what her opinion on was on Easter lawns. “Love them! Easter lawns are the best. Always so dark and lush, perfect for cushioning my feet as I jump along. Not to mention they are perfect places to hide the Easter Eggs.”

The Easter Bunny spoke quickly but with a calm quiet voice. So gentle that it was almost as smooth as chocolate. 

“I will absolutely say, that a healthy lush lawn is always so much nicer to bounce across. You get a lovely spring in your step, if you know what I mean. Its so great when people apply a little fertiliser to their lawns over the Easter period.” 

“The best lawns have a little length to them. The lawn leaf needs to be about 25-30mm in length. This allows me to hide the eggs in the lawn, and only have a smidge of the bright wrappers exposed. It makes the hunt so much more exciting.”

When quizzed on if she had a preference on which type of turf made the best lawn for Easter hunting, the Easter Bunny simply replied “I love a buffalo lawn, I love a Zoysia lawn, I love a couch lawn. All of the Coastal Turf lawns, especially those that are newly installed, are soft, comforting and perfect for a Hop, Skip, jump and a hunt across.” 

Not wanting to take up too much of the Easter Bunnies time at this busy time of year, I thanked her for her time, and wished her well for the 2023 Easter run. Her cool charming voice that she would hop by our place soon. 

To make sure your Easter lawn is ready for the Easter bunny to bounce across, and for everyone to have a wonderful Easter egg hunt, give us a call at Coastal Turf where we can recommend the right mowing heights, fertilisers to apply and if you need a new lawn for Easter, we can recommend the best type of turf for your new lawn. 

Looking after your lawn investment!

At Coastal Turf, we love to chat lawns, and helping you to get a beautiful new lawn with beautiful Coastal Turf grasses is just the first step. Choosing installing and establishing a new lawn is a great investment. An investment into your home, and also into your happiness. Looking out and then stepping onto your beautiful soft quality new lawn is a wonderful experience you will get to enjoy every day. 

After you have invested time and energy into creating such a beautiful space at your home, let us help you protect your investment. 

Lawns are our life at Coastal Turf. We love to have a soft beautiful grass under our feet. As a Coastal Turf lawn owner,  we want you to enjoy that feeling all year round. Our team knows all about how to feed and nurture lawns as well as  all about the bugs or beast that will try to eat your lawn. 


After years of trying and researching different  products, at the farm as well as at our teams homes with our families and pets, our team has found the Acelepryn GR to be the safest and most efficient way to protect our and your lawns from army worm and lawn grub attacks.

The Acelepryn GR are little pellets that when spread across your lawn with a fertiliser spreader,  fall down into the lower levels of the lawn where the nasty little critters hide. The pellets then provide you with season long protection for 3-6 months. 3 months  during the spring and summer months when the evil bitters  are at their worst and in plague proportions. 6 months over the cooler months when the grubs are not so active. 

Depending upon the size of your lawn, we have the Acelepryn available for you in the 1kg tubs for smaller lawns, 4kg tubs for medium lawns, or 10kg bags, for people with larger lawns, or who want to store and protect their lawn for a year.

The life cycle of a lawn grub.


When you installed your lawn, like all good lawn parents, you would have prepared the area with a good quality soil, and sprinkled across the soil before laying your lawn, the under turf starter or underlay to give your new lawn food and nutrients and access to water as it establishes. By applying the fertiliser and water crystal combination under the turf slab, you provided the roots access to food and nutrients as they greedily ate and established in the new soil. 

Once you lawn is established, the plant has absorbed and utilised the beautiful food of the fertiliser under the turf slab.  It is now time to feed your lawn regularly. Applying a fertiliser at least every 3 months will give you lawn nutrients it will be looking for to stay thick, lush and stay bright green all year round. 

The All Rounder or Turfmaxx are great Couch and Buffalo fertilisers. As pelletised fertilisers, over 6- 12 weeks the pellets slowly release nutrition to promote steady growth in your lawn. Couch’s and buffalo’s are hard wearing lawns. This means that they repair  and grow quickly to stay thick and lush. By regular fertilising with the All Rounder or the Turfmaxx, your lawn will be able to handle swings, soccer slides, football tackles, and your Dogs Zoomies. 

For Pacific Zoysia™ lawns, the Zoystar is specially formulated to provide the specific nutrients that the Pacific Zoysia™ needs to thrive. The complex formula will provide food for your Zoysia lawn for up to 3 months, slowly realising food into your lawns ecosystem to  promote steady growth of your lawn. Making it such an enjoyable experience to walk across your lawn in bare feet. 

Pacific Zoysia™ is just a beautiful lush lawn. Keep it looking that way with the ZOYSTAR .

For quick pick me ups for your lawn, a liquid fertiliser is a better way to introduce food into your lawn. Being a liquid, the nutrients are able to be quickly absorbed into the root system and then utilised by  the plant for exceptional growth. 

The Enhance liquid plant nutrition is a great way to get beautiful colour back into your lawn within 24 hours. Often used in the media to give TV and movie set lawns  that bright green flush. Enhance will help your lawn take on that dark green colour and promote fast growth. 

Seavival liquid soil health is full of bio stimulants to promote long term health of your lawn. The roots of your lawn love to be feed directly, and the Seavival helps the roots to growth big and strong over Autumn and Spring. In Winter and Summer, the Seavival help calm the plant down and destress so the extremes in temperatures  do not worry your lawn. 


After you have established your new Coastal Turf lawn, the pampering watering of your lawn can be eased back. By providing your lawn with short waterings morning and afternoon during the establishment period, meant that the lawn was never able to stress and dry out. 

To ensure that your plant stays calm and happy, growing thick, lush and green, regular waterings can occur on a much less intense basis. 

Give your lawn the foot front test. 

Walk across your lawn and then turn around to see where you have walked. 

If you can see your foot print marks in your lawn, then the leaves are thirsty. The more water the plant  hold in its leaves, the faster it will spring back up. The less water, the more likely the plant will lie down flat. 

Regular waterings at dawn or dusk will mean that your lawn is less likely to loose water through the day, and will stay healthy and happy. 

If we do come into a dryer season, where the rain does not grace us with her presence, applying a Hydramaxx or an Aqua turf wetting agent will allow the water to collect near the root systems and not drain way. This is  perfect for the sandy coastal regions which usually allow fast water drain away, leaving lawns thirsty. 


Regular mowing is a great way to feed and protect your lawn. But keeping your lawn in a neat short length, this usually encourages the leaves to grow tighter together, leaving less room for the evil weeds to invade. 

Three  rules of thumb to live by

  1. Never take off more than a third of the leaf at a time. 

Your lawn is loving life through its green soft lush leaves. It’s where the plant holds water and turns sun into food. If you take off too much of the leaf at a time, the plant looses its ability to eat and drink easily. By taking a little at a time, you leave your lawn the ability to eat, drink and be merry lush and green . 

  1. Never mow shorter than your second knuckle.

Just before you mow put your index finger down into the thatch of your lawn. Push down until you can feel the soil with the tip of your finger in the soil. Your middle knuckle is the lowest point you should every lower your lawn mowing height to. 

  1. Mulch twice collect once. 

When mowing your lawn, mulch the clippings back into your lawn for 2 mows. And then on the third time, collect the clippings and dispose of them. By mulching twice, you allow leave to break down in the soil, feeding the good bugs and also stopping some of the evaporation in your lawn. 

Collecting on the third time means you take away any of the leaves that are not breaking down and give you lawn space to breathe. 

Walk across your lawn with Bare feet and enjoy

Any questions about the love and care of your lawn dont hesitate to get in contact with the Coastal Turf crew. Assisting you to get a beautiful new lawn with beautiful Coastal Turf grasses is just the first step. We love to chat lawns, and helping you have that fresh cut great feeling all year round is the next step we would love to take with you.

Get in contact with us today to see how we can help.

What are you looking for in a lawn?

Looking for a new lawn shouldn’t be daunting and hard, confusing, scary or complicated. It should be about talking to an expert and finding the best grass to become your new lawn. At Coastal Turf we have the right turf to become your new lawn. No matter what you want it for.

Will your new lawn be a place for your kids to play? Knowing that the soft, organic natural grass is the best place for them all to sit, learn and play? We have a grass for that.

Is it the green carpet between your home and your pool? Allowing the water to slowing drip off while on the walk from the pool inside again? We have the best turf for that.

Is your lawn your “Don’t worry about that spill” entertainment area? The place to watch, hang out with friends, or enjoy a BBQ and beverage, a chat around the fire pit or perhaps enjoy an outdoor movie night and not worry if someone spills their drink or popcorn when they get excited. We have the best grass for parties.

Is your lawn the perfect canvas for the perfect picture of your new life? New home new lawn? We have the best turf for that.

Or will your lawn be the best place to place an intense game of backyard footy, or cricket? Teaching the next generation of Commonwealth medalist’s how to perfect their skills. We have hard wearing kid tough grasses for that.

Is your grasses area the perfect place for your fur babies to relax in the sun? Or use the amenities? Our turf is tried and tested by our kids and dogs.

Or a place to reflect? And congratulate yourself on a job well done! We have easy care lawns just perfect for you.

Or is it the frame around your home? The inviting green that invites people to not only admire your home, but feel happy and relaxed as they walk in. We definitely have the grass for that.

Your lawn can have many different uses. Sometimes a backyard or front yard can be everything to you. The green lush grass around your home is the perfect place for you and your family to laugh, play and enjoy your home. At Coastal Turf we specialise in creating smiles for you and your family. Our team custom fit the right grass to your home so you can create memories at the sanctuary which is your home. No matter what you want to use it for.

Call us today to chat about which turf grass is best for your home.

Or have a look at our different grass types to see which one would suit your new home.

From Mud to Marvellous!

Take your home from the murky misery of brown mud to the feel good softness of a beautiful Green lawn.

The recent floods in our area has meant that so many of our homes, our teams included, have had the murky caking mud come through our homes and sit on our lawns. The dark depressing colour of the mud is really a reminder of all the despair we have all been through in the last month.

While we cannot take away the floods from the fore front of all of our minds, we would like to help bring back a little smile to everyones faces. Our team at Coastal Turf know how important it is to be able to smile and laugh. We want to not only make you smile again because life has just got a bit greener.

Green is such an uplifting colour. It reminds us that all will be well in the world again. We know when you have the dirty mud that gets into everything around you, it can really dampen your spirits. But having soft green grass that captures the mud and holds it away from you, can bring so much relief. It is sometimes the little things that make it easier.

Take your home from brown mud to a soft green lawn and put that smile back on your face.

Coastal Turf would like to offer trade price to all of the people who have been effected by these floods for the month of March. As our farm is coming to terms with the floods that devastated our own farm, we wanted to bring some green happiness to the people around us.

Give us a call in our office on 0266763695 and chat with us about your lawn needs. Starting from as little as $6.85 a sqm, we can help turn your house back into your home.

Our team will help you to best match the right grass to your new lawn, and also offer the best advice on how to install, and then care for your new lawn.

What a Huge start to 2022!

It has been a HUGE start to 2022. And February and March have left their mark on our farm.

We have been through so many floods in the nearly 30 years we have been turf farming here at Round Mountain. But never one so high and slow moving. Flood usually come here to our little price of paradise in big Cyclonic explosions. Coming in quick and leaving just as fast.

But this year, it came from months and months of rain just sitting above us. And then when the really heavy downfalls came on the Monday night, we all knew that the flood was coming. We just didn’t know with how much force it would come through.

This has been the largest flood we have had. I am only 1.65m tall and the water went well over 1.7m high in the shed. We do not know how high it went over on the lower parts of the farm. I know I am short, but that is a LOT of water across the farm.

Although the water is now receding from our paddocks, they are still very wet. Our team is working hard to ensure that the paddocks are clean, healthy, eeed free, and nave little to no mud on them. But the process is slow.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will have the Pacific Buffalo, Pacific Zoysia and Wintergreen Couch available to become your new lawns. The Pacific Aussie Blue Couch, Sir Walter buffalo and Coastal Mix will be about a month away from being able to be harvested.

WE really are looking forward to having paddocks look like this

To beautiful paddocks that look like this again.

Our beautiful Coastal Mix paddock about 6 weeks ago.

We look forward to working with you as closely as we can to ensure you received the best quality turf as quickly as possible. So we do appreciate your patience.

Give us a call and we can chat with you about the best turf for your lawn that is available for you.

Welcome to a Fantastic Green New Year

This year our team at Coastal Turf is looking forward to a new year full of beautiful green lawns and smiling faces.

The last couple of years have been very full on! And I think we all are looking forward to 2022 hopefully not having so many headlines with the numbers of people we have lost. And more numbers about how exciting the future is!

One way that has been proven that everyones Mental health improves, is to surround ourselves with Green. For millennia our brains have associated the colour green with safety and good health.

Even in our cities Green means GO. Green traffic lights mean go.

Green at home means we have a sanctuary. A safe happy place that our families can relax, unwind, and play on.

Coastal Turf is excited to help create so many more sanctuaries. Safe places. Happy places. Lawns for everyone to be happy on.

Coastal Turf is really looking forward to helping so many people create a Green happy place at your home.

Whether you want a thick lush buffalo lawn, or a soft fluffy couch lawn, or an in-between Empire Zoysia lawn.

Give us a call and we can help you choose the right turf to become your new lawn like these ones.

Buffalo lawns are great for active families with shady areas. Couch lawns are so soft under foot, perfect for running around on with bare feet. And Empire Zoysia lawns are that beautiful space in between, soft under foot, but tough enough to handle anything you can throw at them.

Or get in touch with us and we can help you choose which lawn is best for you.

Thank you and good bye 2021!

The whole team at Coastal Turf would like to thank you for coming with us on the journey that has been 2021!

It has been another wild and crazy year, full of lockdowns, lock outs and masks that hid our faces from each other. Thank God for the out doors!

2021 brought so many challenges right to our doors when we thought that we had jumped all the hurdles of 2020. Which meant that our homes become so much more than the place we lay our head. It become our everything. And in turn, our outside spaces took us back to nature.

Our lawns have become so much more than that piece of grass someone has to mow. Although who does not love the smell of a freshly mown lawn?

The soft green grasses of our lawns became places to meet friends, chat or people watch as we sit and relax. Places to send outside our children. A soft comforting sanctuary away from all the noise of COVID.

Our Team at Coastal Turf is so proud to have been able to produce beautiful turf grass to turn peoples houses into Homes.

Christmas is a time of family and a time to finally be able to catch up with family and friends on both sides of the border.

Our team is taking a break to help the grass grow stronger, healthier and greener from the 24th December to 9th January.

We will be back o the 10th to bring you green lush lawns.

From all the team we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a fantastic New Year. We are really looking forward to a less lock downed year in 2022, and look forward to seeing you and creating your new lawn

Green is Good, in so many ways.

Green is just one of those colours that makes you feel good when you see it. That is why a really lovely green lawn is so important to all of our lives. 

By having a beautiful green lawn right at your door step, means you always have that  comfort right there when you need it. 

Green is the colour of Go! Of Peace.  Of Hope, and nature. And according to the practice of colour therapy, green is the colour that invokes feeling of positivity, profitability, calmness and hope. It is the colour of healthy nature, and the colour that our brain tells us that everything is going to be “ok”! 

“The colour green is reassuring on a primitive level,” explains Karen Haller, a specialist in behavioural colour psychology and author of The Little Book Of Colour. “Early humans evolved to instinctively know that when they saw green, they’d be able to find food and water. (from Stylist magazine August 21) . And when our brain knows that our bodies will be nourished, it allows us to feel happy. 

It’s not only our eyes that want to see the Green to make us feel good, but also our bodies want to feel the Green. There is a technique called Grounding. Sounds weird, but it really just means walking with bare feet across the grass; to reconnect with the earth. According to Healthline “…Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth…One of the easiest ways to ground yourself to the earth is to walk barefoot. Whether this is on grass, sand, or even mud, allowing your skin to touch the natural ground can provide you with grounding energy.” 

Walking with bare feet across your lawn can help you feel calmer and happier

Although we have all moved into towns and cities, our bodies and minds are still longing for the full natural calming sensory experience of Green! 

The easiest, the best, the most convenient to all our busy lives, to give ourselves what we need, is to have a soft, Green lawn. Your lawn will allow you to see Green first thing in the morning, as you wake up and sip on your warm brew. Allowing you to have a positive outlook for the day.

At the moment with so many lock downs, and border issues, we are often unable to get out and about in nature to satisfy our need for Green. By having a Green lawn that you can walk across in  bare feet, or a soft Green calming place to sit on in the warming sun, your body can get its green fix. Your lawn is great place for calm relaxing times, as well as loud busy play. 

Getting outside and kicking a ball to each other, or throwing a toy for your 4 legged loved ones, gives you those wonderful good endorphins pumping through your body. 

Your lawn is not just the frame around your home to make it look pretty, it is also your grounding to nature. On elf the ways you can make yourself feel Good. Its your gift to yourself to ensure your mental and physical health needs are meet in the safety and comfort of your own home.

Its so easy to have a green space at your home to calm your mind and body. Get in touch with us on the farm, and we can arrange beautiful turf to come to your home to become your Green space.

Yes, we can still deliver amazing lawns to your door!

Well I don’t know about you, but my head is spinning with all the Covid Rules regulations and updates. Its hard to no if you are coming or going at the moment. We want to assure you that Yes! We can still deliver your new lawn right to your home.

Each day seems different and can be confusing and scary. Especially here in the “Border Zone”. Border Zone sounds almost like a Sci Fi TV show. And sometimes I think that with everything that is happening, I wouldn’t be surprised if a Martian just popped onto the farm in their UFO to have a look at some blue couch turf.

With the Qld and NSW premiers realising all the days “News” each morning, sometimes by 11.15am I am ready to move from tea and coffee to beer and wine. I haven’t been. Yet. But the kids are all home now…. And home schooling can be so much fun. Sometimes it can just be, hmm. Whats the right word? Hard? Twice on the first day of home schooling my 13 year old son tried to convince me that playing the Switch is actually his school work.

With NSW in lockdown, and Qld’s borders patrolled and “closed”, I have tried to work out the ins and outs of the Border Zone. After a rather extensive search on NSW and QLD government sites, chatting with some really helpful Police people at the border, crying and also laughing at the complexity of the systems these are the rules as we understand them, and how they affect your deliveries and pick ups from our farm. 

1) We can continue to bring you quality turf in Qld as well as NSW. Our drivers are able to cross the border into Qld and NSW. There are lengthy delay’s in border crossings. So please be patient with our delivery times. 

2) We will provide contact free services. All invoices and installation guides will be emailed through to you, and our drivers although they will talk on the phone to you, and smile and wave, they will not come within 1.5 meters of you to ensure your safety and ours. Our people will be wearing a very fancy Coastal Turf mask.

3) If you live in Qld, you can NOT come across the border to pick up your turf. But we can deliver to you. We will place your turf as close as possible to where you want to install your new lawn with our skid steer loaders.

4) If you live in NSW, you can still come and pick up at our farm. Or have one of our wonderful people drop your turf off to you. For pick ups at our farm, located near Cabarita Beach and Hastings Point NSW, we will load you where possible with our skid steer loaders, ensuring your turf is untouched as possible. For deliveries, we will place your turf as close as possible to where you want to install your new lawn with our skid steer loaders.

5) John, Paul, Mick, Sarah and I will still be available to assist you with any turf questions. 

6) We have Pacific Zoysia and Wintergreen Couch in abundant supply. Aussie Blue is available, but it is soft and tender. Pacific Buffalo stocks are very low. Sir Walter is out until October.

So don’t get lawn envy. When you are sitting at home, or at work, flicking through your Facebook, or watching the latest Instagram feed, don’t let those pictures of other peoples homes and lawns twinge envy bone. Embrace this time to make your hoe the best on the street. Take pictures of you and your enclosed family on your beautiful Coastal Turf lawn.

Contact us to day to organise your delivery or pick up

Wanting to increase your property value?

Real Estate agents believe a quality, beautiful lawn can boost your home’s value by up to 30%. Whether you are looking at increasing the value of your property for your own enjoyment, or to sell in this peak prime time, now is the perfect time to install your new Coastal Turf lawn.  

 We can offer you 6 different Turf varieties to suit all budgets. From our premium Pacific Zoysia, Pacific Buffalo & Sir Walter Buffalo to our very own Australian native Aussie Blue couch, Wintergreen, and Coastal Turfs own Coastal Mix, we can tailor match a turf grass to your home. 

Here at Coastal Turf we offer, pick up & contact free delivery service. We service all of The Gold Coast down to Ballina NSW. Whether you want to install your new lawn yourself, or have one of our recommended installers contact you, we can point you in the right direction for achieving the best lawn in your street.

If you want to DIY your new lawn, we can provide you with a step by step installation guide on the best way to achieve lawn perfection. This step by step guide will show you how to prep, your space ready for your turf. We have an easy 5 step site preparation guide. We then give you easy steps to follow for the process of laying your turf. Laying your border first followed by staggering in a brick formation, watering your new turf as you go. Then following with rolling your new lawn.

With over  25 years of quality turf production we know a thing or two about new lawns. We are always only a one call away. Giving you professional advice on your turf installation with our exclusive guide with lots of tips and tricks, full of our expert knowledge to help you achieve the best outcome. 

We also give you a watering guide to help you keep track of watering times for the first two weeks of your new lawn. This creates routine as the best lawns are well looked after. We always will help you with aftercare and fertilisers selling them direct from our farm to you.

Our service to you doesn’t just stop once you receive your new turf. Our expert knowledge is always available to our customers. We are only a phone call away. Our farm store also has available to our customers quality Australian made, cost effective products to ensure your lawn looks as amazing for its whole lifetime. 

Coastal Turf has quality fertilisers and pest control to ensure your quality, green lush lawn stays that way! We sell Australian made organic fertilisers, as well as hose on liquid fertilisers which are a cost effective, well-balanced fertiliser ideal for providing nutrients for exceptional colour, these slow release fertilisers add iron to give your lawn a beautiful healthy long term growth