#NationalFamiliesWeek. What does it mean to you?

I have been flicking through my Facebook feed and noticed that this week is National Families week #NationalFamiliesWeek. And it got me thinking about what is a Family now? I guess it means something different to everyone.

In our house my immediate Family is My Husband and our kids. Then theres our larger biological family consisting of my brothers family, my sister in-laws family and our parents and step parents. Then there is my Work Family. As a small family business, these who work with us become more than just employees, they become part of Us. And I cannot forget my Friend Family. All those wonderful people in my life whom I love.

So when I really think about what is family to me, it is all about the people that I love. All the people that if the world was going to end, those who I would put in the Ark with me. Thinking about it I would need a really really big Ark. Theres my Biological family, then there are the people in my lives whom I count as family . The friends whom I call upon in the good times and rely upon during the bad. The ones that when I have exciting news I call them or send out a text to them straight away! The ones when you have to move house or install a new lawn, you call, and know they will come. Those Friends that its ok when they come over and your house is messy. Those friends that when you say “I’m having a BBQ this weekend. Why don’t you come over? Yeah just in old clothes is fine. Might just lay a bit of turf before hand hey? “ And you know they will come. And bring a hose.

Who are those amazing people in your lives? Who are the people that you KNOW you can rely upon to be there during the Great moments, helping you through the bad moments, and getting down right dirty and covered in mud with you when the time is called for? Is it just the Biological family in your life or is it the Family that you have built up around you?

I hope that it is both for you. I hope that you have the people whom you share blood with sitting at your Christmas table sharing your meal, and on that table there are also your Friend family as well enjoying your feast. And I really hope that your Christmas table is outside on your Coastal  Turf Lawn. So if there are any spills or food drops off the table, the lawn will soak it all up, the dog can eat up the scraps, and there will be less for you to clean up. Also the ground will be cool. And more satisfying because you and your FAMILY helped install together!

Happy National Families Week everyone.

chat soon



Every lawn is different. At Coastal Turf we are here to help and stop you from stumbling.

I am a mother of 3 children. 2 boys and girl in between. And I remember when I had my second and third children thinking this is going to be soo much easier than the first time. I know exactly what I am doing this time. But I was really wrong.

When I had my first son, I was on my own.  And that was hard enough. My first son was cuddly and snuggly and loved being cuddled to sleep. He hated being out of my arms. We had a routine and we stumbled through. Be it harder some days than others, we got there in the end. My Grandmother was a god send and gave me lots of advice and held my son when I could no longer function.

After I married my husband and we found fell pregnant with my daughter I was so excited. Thinking I have done this before and it will be soooo easy. This time I had a husband to help. It was gong to be soo easy. And then came Hollie. Who was not easy. She didn’t sleep, didn’t want to be cuddled. Hated eating ANYTHING! Routine was EVIL. My husband helped as much as he could, but we didn’t know what we were doing. Again though we stumbled through.

16 months later my youngest son arrived. This time I was armed with the knowledge of how I had stumbled through my other two very different children. I KNEW this time I would know what I was doing. Especially because it was another boy. So of course they would be the same. BUT HE WASN”T!

Again my youngest son was so very very different than the other two. He loved food and wanted to feed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. He would go from wanting hugs to smacking your hand away. My husband and I again stumbled through the early years. I remember going to a wonderful elderly Midwife after my youngest Marcus was born and saying I will be right this time. I know what I am doing. She smiled at me kindly and said “No Dear. Every child is different. Just like every flower is different and needs to treated so, every child is different”. I remember smiling at her and then I cried.

That was 9 years a go know and we are still learning and stumbling through all our kids difference. Everyday. Nothing annoys me more than when my kids are at school and we go in for parent teacher interviews and a teacher says ‘oh I have had plenty of children like your child before”. That really gets my hackles up. It’s one of those moments when my husband puts his hand on my knee and squeezes so I don’t go off into my speech “No two children, even two children who have lived in the same house are the same. No two children should be treated as EXACTLY the same. Every single child has had different experiences. Has felt different feelings at different moments. Children should not be Labeled as the same. Just like. Or dismissed because they remind you of someone or something else. “

The Midwife was right. Every child, every flower, every lawn is different. The worst thing I think any of us can say or believe is that everything is the same. That we are all painted with the same brush. I often think about how different my children are when I talk to people on the phone about turf.

I can hear you say that is weird. I know I am a mum and like most mums  my mind is often full of so many different things. Kids and what they are doing, Husband, Father, family, Customers,  Turf, lawns, gardens, and soo much more. When I chat to someone on the phone and I hear them say “I have laid lots of lawns before and I know exactly what I’m doing. I know exactly how to care for all lawns” I cringe a little. And I think about how different every flower, every lawn, every child is.

Even when you have installed lawns at your home in Tweed, then in Mermaid Beach, and in Labrador; looked after your friends, mums and daughters lawn after it was installed; All of them are different. Every locations different. All the soils are different. The amount of sunlight is different. The amount of rain it received is different. The climate is different. No two lawns are panted with the same brush.

And for those who are variety specific, every variety variation is different. Sir Walter Soft leaf Buffalo is very different to Palmetto Soft leaf buffalo, different to Sapphire Soft leaf buffalo different to Shademaster soft leaf Buffalo. All of them thrive in different conditions and require very different after care to ensure a thick healthy lush lawn. see our variety page. www.coastalturf.com.au/turf-varieties/

For instance did you know that Palmetto requires a third of the water you would give any of the other varieties. Often people who have installed and looked after other Buffalo lawns give Palmetto way too much water. Drowning the plant in love. Often this leads to fungus infections and a lot of costs to repair the lawn. And each variety requires different minimum amounts of direct sunlight per day.

At Coastal Turf we provide an information pack on installation, and after care to ensure the health of your newly installed Coastal Turf lawn. This means, unlike children, you get a plan on how to best look after each variety differently to ensure their health. We try to stop you having to Stumble through. We know what that is like. We want to give you steps to go through to make your lawn amazing.

I mean I think my children are amazing now. But there was and still is a lot of stumbling. My lawn though, looks great!

One of the kids younger shots of the kids. You can actually se the stumbling.

Empire Zoysia lawns from Ballina to Coomera.

Each time I get a chance to sit down and write something here, I skip through my photos to see what looks amazing. This month just seems to be all about Empire Zoysia. I believe its because of the amazing colour of the Empire Zoysia throughout winter is always a winner. And it really does seem to be on peoples minds at the moment.

I can understand why. I have the Empire at home around our outdoor shower. Crazy story about this area. You know how Builders homes are never really quite finished, and plumbers always have a leaky tap, well Turf Farmers and Turfmen homes are usually a bit lawn bare. For 2 years I talked and talked about getting lawn for this area, and every time Turfman would say “yeah I’ll get to it”. Well last year I broke and I just put in an order and got the boys on the farm to cut it like it was for a real customer, and picked it up and installed it myself around the outdoor shower. I love the softness on my feet in the shaded areas.


I think I talk on the phone all the time to people with shaded areas that still want the softness under foot about my outdoor shower area. I did mention quite enthusiastically my Empire to a Lovely Lady in Ballina. And I convinced  her of its awesomeness. Last week one of our recommended  skilled Landscapers travelled down to Ballina and installed to another Enthusiastic Empire Lover their new Lawn. I am very happy to give you his number if anyone wants installations of perfect lawns in the Byron Ballina area. This photo says it all!

There are times when Turfman cannot get to a client in a fast enough fashion. So we have a list of Recommended  Landscapers and Turf Installers to assist you in creating the perfect Coastal Turf Lawn. Give us a call because no matter where you are between Ballina to Coomera we can bring you your Essential to a Good Life Coastal Turf Lawn.

Chat soon



Shadey areas? Soft Lawns? You bet!

More and more I chat with people about needing a nice soft easy to look after lawn for a shaded area. A lawn that will be good for kids bare feet to run across. A lawn that will be ok for their dog to play on. A lawn that doesn’t require all their spare time and money being spent on it.


Well that is what the Empire Zoysia is perfect for. As a thinner leafed grass, an Empire Zoysia Lawn is cushioning an soft on little bare feet. But being a Zoysia it is tough and hardy enough with a deep root system to withstand those little bare feet, be they paws or People feet,  playing on it all the time. And the part that I love about it the most is that it is extremely low maintenance.

The Empire Zoysia is my second favourite lawn. My first favourite is Qld Blue. Because it is really soft and when I walk on t with bare feet in the full sun of our lawn area under my clothes line, it is soft and comforting.  I really like the softness under my bare feet.  And the Empire is very similar looking and feeling to the Blue. It is still soft on my bare feet but it will grow in the shaded areas.


The is why I have the Empire around my outdoor shower. After the kids and I have been to the beach I make them shower outside first to get rid of the sand. And there is nothing worse (first world problems!) than already having walked on rocks and road and other mean sharp pointy things on your bare feet which are really used to walking in shoes. It really hurts. Especially on my feet that are used to tough boots surrounding them. That is why I have the Empire Zoysia to comfort my feet when I step out of the car and walk to the shower. Well when I say walk, I mean try and run to the shower before anyone else.

Our outdoor shower was built by the Turfman as an experiment before he built one for a customer. It is solar heated. In that he has black tubing that is warmed by the sun and heats the water. Very water and energy efficient. And although the amount of pipe works great for a 3 people family which he was designing it for, for our 5 family members, only the first couple of showers get warm water. No one wants to be the last shower. Its freezing. Which is great in the heat of summer, but in the cooler times of Spring and Autumn, it does become a little breath taking. Although the pipes are in the sun to heat up, the shower it self is sheltered from the  public eye by large trees and a retaining wall. Which is great for showering, especially when you are a naked child. Not so awesome when you’ve just had a cold shower though.


So after a cold shower, it is much nicer to walk off the pavers onto soft comforting Empire Zoysia on my feet. Luckily it doesn’t need a lot of sunlight to stay thick and lush, and from the water run off from the shower in the warmer months it stays thick lush and soft. And in winter, it goes to “sleep” and requires little love and care from us to stay amazing.

Love the Empire for a shadey conditions for those who want a soft lush comforting to bare feet lawn. 

Chat soon


Long Weekend Lawns

Well QLDers you guys are getting another long weekend. Its ok, cause us hard working Turf farms down in NSW are more than happy to help you make a long weekend a great weekend! May I suggest, this long weekend a little plan …

Saturday – Kill your weeds. Spread your soil. Level the ground and create a fantastic soil area of your new turf to live in. Call us at Coastal Turf to arrange to have Gorgeous Green Couch, Beautiful Blue Couch or Coastal Mix delivered to your home on Monday.

Sunday –  Sit down relax. Breathe. Congrastulate youself on a great preparation job. Take some selfies of you and your amazing soil. Before shots always make you feel good at the end. Call your Friends and Family and ask them for a “BBQ” at your place tomorrow. Go buy some sausages and maybe Beer.


Monday-  Sleep in. Casually make your morning Coffee and smile proudly to yourself that your preparation is all done and your new couch lawn will be there today. Get ready for the transformation. Greet your “guest” and if you haven’t already told them, let them know there is no food or Beer until they have helped you install your new lawn. Don’t forget to smile. Greet The Coastal Turf delivery person with a smile and let him know where you would like the pallets of turf placed. He will use his skid steer loader to move them as close as possible to where you would like to install your new lawn. Get stuck into it with your family and friends and install your new lawn. Take th after shot and be super happy.

Monday night- reflect on how awesome you are and how great your lawn and home look now. Smile and take another selfie!


Hope this plan is a goer for you. And we will chat on Saturday to arrange your new couch lawn.


My selfie with our road and  paddock. I know yours will looks heaps better

Chat soon


How essential is your lawn to you? And to our kids?

Most people think if our lawns as just being that bit of green out the front that we have to mow.

But what really is your lawn? How essential is it to your day to day life? What does your lawn do for you?

To me, my lawn when my kids were smaller was a life saver! It was the only place I could send my kids to when they were driving me crazy. Our lovely little grassed area had a slide and a trampoline (or a jumpoline as my kids called it) and a lovely area where they could run around and play, kick a ball (or each other sometimes) and entice neighbours kids over to play as well.

Our lawn was the place where angry cross words, turned into giggles and laughter. Something about being outside just made the kids happier. More adventurous. And being able to play with no shoes on the grass, I believe, was really important to their tactile learning. Feeling the different textures under their feet.

And on the days when the play got a little full on, like heads clashes when they both went of the ball, the blood was safely absorbed by my lawn. And because it was covered with lovely green tick lush grass, their cuts and grazes where always so much cleaner.


Lawns really are the perfect playing area for our kids. And it does so much more.


So with another long weekend coming up (I mean really who wants to work on Monday?) why not do your family a favour and install some green cushioning, fantastic lawn out the front, and the back, and enjoy the giggles again from your family.


Chat soon



Easter green grass is nearly as good as Easter Chocolates.

Its nearly Chocolate time! I really do love Easter. It is that amazing time of year when you are encouraged to eat chocolate before 9am!

It does mean that it is a short week to get your ordering in for a new beautiful Coastal Turf Lawn. Imagine this beauty in front of your home. Or better still in your back yard with you sitting back relaxing. 

Coastal Turf is delivering Thursday afternoon so you can have your wonderful family and friends come over on Friday and help you install you beautiful new lawn and then have the next 3 days to enjoy  the gorgeous green.

And by installing your new lawn yourself, can can enjoy as many Easter Chocolate eggs as you want with no guilt. And it also makes a great place to hide Easter eggs in.

Chat soon


Samples of all the Best Coastal Turf Lawns at JH Williams Chinderah.

Like everyone in the Tweed Shire, we are extremely wet that the moment. Last week we had water over my hips. Not that I am tall, but it was still a very lot of water.

Usually I encourage people to come out to the farm and walk across the different paddocks with their shoes off to feel what their new lawn could will feel like. And smell what their new lawn’s aroma could be freshly mowed. And gaze at what the beauty of their new lawn could be.


This week I would not encourage anyone to come out to the farm. Rather call into JH Williams at Chinderah Industrial estate and check out our display plots there. We have worked with the block guys to have samples of the Qld Blue, Palmetto Buffalo, Wintergreen Couch, Shademaster Buffalo and Empire Zoysia areas 9sqm wide so you can have a chance to walk bare foot across the grasses and choose which is best for your home. The Block boys have all the info on the different grasses, and quick access to give me a call to meet you up there this week. I am happy to walk to lawns and help you choose.

Head down to 24 Ozone Street, Chinderah NSW or give myself a call on 0431 014 951 or Blake at the yard on 02 6671 2200. The yard is open all weekend, so you can easily access all the different lawns at your leisure. And take your mobile so you can either give us a call or go to our website and check out the turf details.


Have a great weekend, and give us a call for the best Lawn on the Coast.

Chat soon


Wet, but ready to help you create a fantastic Lawn.

What an exciting week we have had here at Coastal Turf. And I have learnt so very much.

I have learned that rain can bring joy as well as hell.

Its not often that my kids can canoe across the farm. Our paddocks were saturated from Wednesday night to Saturday morning with water that was higher than my hips. Not that I’m very tall (I have one son taller than me already. But I am 169cm tall.) but that was a lot of water across the farm. Now to the three of us grown ups at the farm, my Father, Turfman and I, this was a mini hell of watching our farm go underhand under with more water than we had seen away from the ocean.  And it brought lots of joy to our kids who got to swim and play across the farm. They have always wanted a pool at home. Unfortunately we had 300sqm of Green couch which was harvested on pallets that went under the water.

The pallets are roughly the 1.3m tall. And on Thursday morning we couldn’t see the pallets at all. By Friday the water had gone down enough for us to see the pallets and the kids had found the canoe on a neighbours paddock and brought it back so they could go across the farm. (I have also learned  that I am a really really bad at canoeing.I believe our canoe is too small and only for kids size. Even though my son is bigger than me and has coordination and stuff that I may not have. But I think its the size of the boat)

This 300sqm of Green couch was given to the Tweed Shire Council to assist and provide turf to people affect by the flood and in need of bank stabilisation and to stop any more erosion control.

Coastal Turf sends our love to all the people effected by the waters of 29th March. It was an event that I do not believe will be forgotten easily or quickly. As much fun as my kids had in the flood waters of the farm, I know it was not a happy event by any stretch of the imagination.

On Monday the paddocks were back to normal-ish. I learned that I have patience. Especially when on Sunday I finally drank that nice bottle of Red Wine that I rescued from the flood waters. I also learned that Red wine is delicious, but it can lead to sore heads. Most of the water had receded Monday and we could walk across most of the farm. I really enjoyed this much more than swimming. I am not the type of person who enjoys unknown things touching my feet. And there was a lot of that on Friday and Saturday. As well as the occasional snake trying to swim its was out of the flood waters. Thank goodness we always take a dog with us everywhere. Even to swim across the paddock.

Over the last 5 days I have learnt so much about our family and how well we come together in a crisis; How well we know the farm like the back of our hands when we can drive trucks and tractors out without being able to see the roads; and how in times of Bad we can see some good.


Chat soon to all the amazing people in our area who through so much we have done so much.

And we can still help you get the best lawn in your street before Easter.


Even the Professionals recommend walking on the green grass

I have a very physical job that often creates minor problems for my body. In particular I have silly wrists that have a habit f trying to dislocate if I pick up anything too heavy. And the Turfman after years and years of picking up turf and turning Turf into Lawns has shoulders that can become very sore. And thats why we go to a Chiropractor and encourage all of our team to use one.

Now I’m not telling you this saying that installing turf is so very hard that it is almost back braking work. NO Way. It is definitely physical, and it will get you a good sweat up, but it is doable. And it is less likely you will need a good Chiro after you install your lawn, unless you are installing 5,000,000sqm. (This is how much Turfman reckons he installed last year. I personally believe that is a vast exaggeration. I don’t even think our farm has that much turf) And we do have a good Chiro who understands we love our jobs, it is our passion and we are not going to stop so she just has to put my wrist back in and we move on.

This week on my Chiro’s Facebook page was a fantastic quote. And I think this is what gives us at the Turf farm all that happy smile on our face. Not that we are bare foot all the time, but I really do believe spending time on and around grass makes you calmer, happier and gives you the ability to take big deep breathes to keep going with the day.


So take my Chiro’s professional advice. Go walk on the grass, run if you can, and feel all the days “problems” become non events.


Chat soon
