
Queensland Blue Couch

Had a conversation with my lovely 5 year old daughter the other day, who has started to be able to read everything, including the sides of our trucks, as to why we call the nice grass Queensland Blue Couch. I said it was because of the deep green of the grass made made it almost look blue in the sun. She then tilted her head to the side and said that was strange. I asked why and she said that all the Queensland things she saw were Red or Purple ( I think she meant maroon).


This is when I finally clicked onto what she was saying. Each year I buy the kids state of origin shirts, and when we were shopping the other day there where cheap jerseys so I bought 2 Queensland ones for our Boys and a Blue one for Holl cause she was born in NSW. So I said that I think it was “discovered” in Queensland, and it grows really well in Queensland because it doesn’t really frost there.


“Well, they should change it and make the purple grass the Queensland one and the Blue grass should be NSW…” was her indignant reply. The “Purple “grass is Soft Leaf Buffalo because after this really cold winter it has gone purple in some leaves and deep green in others. Great for winter in the shade because the red colour holds and attracts more light so it grows healthy and strong in winter. But the Blue Couch is her favorite. I think because she doesn’t get itchy from it and she knows it safe to wear no shoes on it. Also she is probably just NSW through and through.


So she drew this beautiful picture of her and her best friend on the Blue Grass…

Note the Blue Grass


Gotta love Kids

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Watch Out Lawn Grubs About

Yep it is already happening this year. The lawn grubs have their little cocoons everywhere and they are due to hatch soon. Nasty little buggers.

Now again at my Mum’s house I found millions of the little cocoons on the eaves on Mum’s house. I was really worried about my Palmetto and Zoysia trial but then decided that these are the type of woes that everyday people who aren’t turf farmers face, so it will be a good part of the trail.

Anyway, what we did was wash the eaves down with some dish washing liquid and warm water. I don’t know what it is but it kills the sacks (probably because we squished them hehehehe) and takes away the residue that they leave behind. They don’t tend to return to that spot either. Maybe my environmentally safe dish washing liquid is really unappealing to grubs. Oh well that’s fine.

But my husband and I did notice that several little “strings” had already escaped down form the cocoons. Not good, because that means that the bugs are now in her lawn! So over the next couple of weeks watch out for stories on how we defeated the Lawn grubs in the Mum’s lawn! Haha!

Anyway here are some pictures of what they look like as cocoons so you can run around and do a quick check of your own eaves. And remember that the better the lawn, the healthier the lawn the more likely the Lawn grubs will come and eat it. its kinda like would you rather have a gorgeous brilliant 5 star meal cooked and served to you or a yucky highly un-nutritious meal? I personally am with the lawn grubs on this one, I would eat 5 star any day…



Notice that the cocoons are concentrated to the outer eaves

the cocoons are about the size of a thumb nail



The web like string that is hanging down allows the grubs to slide down to earth and then crawl into the lawn

Low cost grass

With all the hard economic times ahead of us and all of us feeling the pinch at the moment, Coastal Turf is going to try to help with your lawn budget. We have 9 different varieties of turf that fit your lifestyle and budget, and the team to help you match it. We have the big named grasses and we also have the unsung heroes of the turf world like the couches and carpet grasses. That means no matter what the budget we can help you get grass down.

But be careful! We have had people call and get a quote and say that they can get the same grass cheaper. And if you can match “Apples to Apples” as Barbara says then its all good. But recently we had a lovely lady call us in to help with a patch job at her house. Another turf supplier had sold her what she was assured was Palmetto Buffalo, but when Mick got there he had to break the news to her that she had in fact been sold a couch! She thought she was getting a good deal but got ripped off. So all the sprays she was putting on for Buffalos was killing all her lawn!

Mick did help this lady and now she has a wonderful lawn, But please Buyer beware! Please check our web page for what the grass looks like up close. Make sure you know what a buffalo and Zoysia and Couch leaf look like before you accept your turf order! Make sure you are getting what you pay for! If you are quoted an A grade Price, make sure you are getting an A Grade Product.

At Coastal Turf we will always deliver what you have asked for. We believe in service and quality and the best advertising is always Word Of Mouth.

The Great Palmetto Empire Zoysia Debate…

Well the experiment continues…..

Ohhh are you hanging in your seats….. No not really. Thats ok to. Cause the pictures aren’t that conclusive. This month has been cold and rainy here at Mum’s back yard. So the grasses have got lots of water, but not as much sun as in previous months. And not as much traffic either. So they are pretty much left alone to grow.

The Palmetto is on the back on Empire Zoysia in front

Both are green, and soft. The Palmetto is definitely a slightly darker colour and the zoysia is softer underfoot. So I think it may come down to personal choice. We’ll just watch as the winter unfolds. Half way now…

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What are the dark spots throughout my lawn?

That has been a question that a lot of people have been questioning lately. And it looks a little like this…..






Both these lawns are the product of a very cute but annoying pest when it comes to lawns. And no its not the Lawn Grub but…


This is Bruce. He is lovely, but he and his friends have favorite spots to wee in the garden and it leaves a huge amount of nitrogen in the soil which the plants thrive on in small amounts. In large amounts this weeing will kill the grass. So try to get the little lovelys to wee all over the grass…

Oh and Girl dogs have a higher rate of nitrogen in their wee, so really make girl dogs wee everywhere


But they are cute and loving.

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Tax And Carbon

Wow! Hasn’t the heat come on with the carbon tax debate! Global warming will have to wait for the argument to cool off to even get a chance to heat up the room.
One of the best parts about being in the QTPA (Queenland Turf Producers Association)  is that they do send out every now and again a really good article for us to consider. A while ago we recieved an article from the “Golf and Sports Turf Australia” Magazine that spelt out the true values of turf with carbon off setting. Todd Layt is the author and the whole article can be viewed at http://www.golfandsportsturf.com.au/article.asp?ArticleID=1968
I now offer it for your consideration…
So give turf a chance. Give the world a chance and put down some lawn for us all….
Chat soon Sare
PS I’m sure my next one will be far less serious
So be a greenie and plant some Lawn. By having a GREEN Lawn you are showing the world how really green you are. In fact post your pictures of you and your green lawn for the world to see!
Turfgrass is a positive sequester of carbon
Its official! Turf tested positive as a carbon sequester in three different
studies. One study found turf sequestrates between four to seven times as much
carbon as a modern mower discharges. The others were less clear on amounts, but
all three studies show turf could be one of the biggest crops when it comes to
sequestrating carbon, based on the sheer volume of land under turf cultivation.
This is great news for golf courses and other sporting facilities. The days of
turf professionals cowering to environmentalists over negative press must cease.
It is time we fight back with science on our side.

Turf is one of the best filters for heavy metals. Fifteen square metres of
lawn produces enough oxygen for a person to breath, and turf is 20 degrees
cooler than fake plastic grass on a 40 degree day and 30 degrees cooler than
dark coloured concrete. The only bad thing they could really say about turf is
that mowers pollute, and turf uses too much water. We now have three studies
that declare turf is carbon positive, and two studies that show warm season turf
uses less water than many ornamental plantings. Unfortunately many less
reputable environmentalists will not let science and facts get in the road of a
compelling yet misleading media beat up. But if turf professionals all over the
country let their clients know about this new research, and how turf is such a
good guy, turf will get the good wrap it deserves.

Grass Lovers need holidays too…

Well you are all probably wondering where I have been this last couple of weeks. Well I have been off traveling Queensland with my family. It was lovely. We made a quick trip out to Toowoomba then out to freezing Roma, and then off the Engella National Park(where we saw real live wild Platypus! Yeah even with three loud chatting kids at 5am you can still see them), with a stay over in Mackay and their many fantastic parks. On the way home to the Tweed we stopped at Forest Lakes and really actually relaxed.

I was amazed at how much you Queenslanders love your Carpet Grass. It was everywhere and thriving. I think you all must identify with its rugged good looks, its tough exterior and hopefully not too much with its need not to be groomed very often. All the Queenslanders I meet were very well groomed. But Carpet Grass needs little looking after, doesn’t need a lot of mowing, is so tough it can stand kindergarteners running all day over it and thrive, and is always a beautiful blue green colour!


So everybody, lets get in on this Carpet Grass craze and fit your lawns out with the True Queensland Grass – Carpet Grass. I think that if the Cane Toad can be their NRL icon, then Definitely Carpet Grass should be their grass icon. Because it says it all. It’s just that you should buy it from the NSW farm.



Chat soon

And lots cause I am so relaxed and revitalized now


PS would put some pictures of our holiday up, but its mostly of the back of my kids heads or what like because I would say stay still for a photo and then they would laugh and run away… Wait till they get older and want to know what they looked like at 3 5 or 9, all I will have is their backs.

School Holidays are here

Well isn’t it amazing how fast the year has gone. I know that I have mentioned it before but I am amazed. The kids are super exhausted and cranky at the moment and I can’t wait for Saturday when I don’t have to make the 2 eldest get out of bed and get dressed for school. Meanwhile the youngest is still up at 4.30am! AM! Who in their right mind wants to do that!

Farmers that’s who. Crazy people like my father out there making sure that the Blue Couch isn’t frosted and that all the grass looks good for when we bring it to you.

But while the kids are home, I say get them to work outside. Now is the best time of year. Not too hot, the sun doesn’t have that bite to it, and they are out doing something interesting for the day. The neighbors kids love when we bring home off cuts and they help put it down. There is lots of mud playing and stamping that they cannot get in trouble for. So why not get your kids out there to help put down some new grass. Get them to make their own football area this holidays. I remember the year Dad told Rob and I we could have a swimming pool if we dug it our selves. Well we dug about half a meter down by a meter across and then gave up and planted a tree instead. So maybe just go for a lawn bowls area. Thats nice and small and we do have the right Green Couch for that…Also for football fields too.

Dad says to say too that we will match prices for locals

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Need Grass?

This is a sign that I have been seeing as I have been driving around the Tweed region lately and then underneath the sign it says that they supply fake grass or artificial grass. To me that is not even grass. Grass and especially Lawn should be soft underfoot, and smell of earthy freshness, especially in the morning when the sun first strikes it; or when it has been freshly cut. There is nothing else like it!

So if one does need GRASS one in my opinion should get GRASS. Not the plastic imitation, but the real life gorgeous natural green. Too much of our lives are based around silicon life. And in most cases it definitely makes our lives better (unlike my fax machine which I would gladly kill), things like modern appliances (except fax machines), communication tools (except fax machines) and all these little things that just make our days and lives easier.


But in the end we still really do need to breath, and grass is one of the best plants that produces Oxygen and it can be right on your door step bringing you that bit of fresh air morning noon and night. It really is great, hardy, impressive stuff. Back a few years ago in the drought (hard to remember now with the floods just gone and the rest), any body who saw a little bit of green around especially on someones lawn would reveal in the chance to stop and stare at it and enjoy the fresh feel under their toes, and it would bring a little bit of joy to their face. Not only does grass help us breath but it helps us emotionally as well. Nature has taken millions of years to give us this great green wonderful stuff, that we really just can’t replace with plastic. We need it body mind and soul.


Wow, who know that grass was so Deep. Only when you mow and care for it right…..hehehe just a little turf humor. You probably didn’t even know there was such a thing hey? There is even a turf joke. Ready for this…


Fred and Bill were sitting on Bill’s verandah having a lazy afternoon beer when they see a Coastal Turf truck go past with a couple of pallets on the back. Fred turns to Bill and says ” You know Bill, I’m gonna be that rich one day…”

Bill looked at Fred questioningly and said “What ca mean Fred?”

“Well,” says Fred, “One day I’m gonna be that rich that I am gonna send my grass out to be mowed as well”


Hehehehe not that funny, but I couldn’t put on the web site the joke I know about artifical grass…


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Long Weekend Grass

Well who is looking forward to a busy weekend? I know we are, but not from rushing around doing holiday excitement, we are looking forward to bringing you grass! Coastal Turf is open Saturday and Monday of the long weekend, but we need your orders by Friday lunch to confirm delivery and grasses. So give us a call now and book your grass to turn your dirt to Lawn over a lovely long relaxed GREEN weekend.
Cheers Sare