
Wet Weather Worries – Not any more with Coastal Turf

Well for all the Lawn Lovers, would be Lawn Lovers and the lawn owners, the rain can become a source of worry when it is as consistent as it has been over the last, well shall we say last couple of months, but it may have been longer. For those Would Be Lawn Lovers with nothing but soil (hopefully it hasn’t all run away in this rain) and mud at the moment, the rain can be a consistent reminder that you don’t have nice grass. And that all there is is mud and yuck! But Coastal Turf to the Rescue. We are able to still cut turf for you and still able to come and install it at your place so you don’t have to trounce around in the mud, we’ll come and play in it for you. And in one day you can go from mud and slop to gorgeous green outside. And no mud inside on your floors.

And for the Lawn Lovers out there and lawn owners, now is the time to watch your lawn for fungus infections as well as Lawn Grub infestations. For Lawn grubs, have a look at all dryer outdoor areas and on windows and screens for the little egg sacks. Wash them down now to avoid the nasty attacks that can come later on. Fungus infections are a lot more deadly than lawn grub infections because they can be misread as lawn grubs and treated wrongly.  If you see circles form in your lawn, go to your nearest trusted garden center and ask for the fungicide for your area. Everywhere gets different types of infections. But the quicker you get it the fast your lawn can recover. If you need any help give us a call and we will do our best either over the phone or we can send someone out to give you the expert TURF FARMER advice.


Well have fun in the Muddy puddles kids, and Have fun enjoying your grass grown ups and everyone in between have a great weekend.

Chat Soon




Whats the best grass to cover the dirt in backyards

Well after a really beautiful Sunny Easter I really did have to expect a really wet time soon. But I was wishing it wasn’t going to. It did give me time to sit down and play on the computer doing fun book work on the weekend. But I don’t think that the kids or I enjoyed the wet Sunday at all. But I know that the Palmetto and Carpet grass did.


The Palmetto is beautiful thick and gorgeously green at the moment. It thrives in the shade but explodes in the sun. And being a turf farm our paddocks are all full sun. So with the gorgeous rain and lovely Easter sun, our Buffalo is looking great. It is cutting beautifully. I went out with Dad the other day and helped him cut 5 pallets of Palmetto and even for my bad stacking skills (a lot better than my block laying skills though I have to say -see last blog) the grass was gorgeous to stack and then install later on. And it laid so well because it was thick and it made the yard we installed it in go from dirt and lots and lots of mud to deep fluffy green as far as the eye could see (well to the fence line anyway). I think I may be becoming a Palmetto convert.


I am a native girl at heart. I love the soft deep blues of a Queensland Blue Couch and Carpet grass mix. The pure Australian made blend is soft and hardy all at the same time. And all the rain is being quickly soaked up by the Carpet grass that is symbiotically (big word but means working together – My 10 year old re-affirms this as there is a Symbiotic cartoon series that they all work together as well. That’s how he I think imagines Blue Couch and Carpet Grass – a super hero team defending houses from dirt and children from grazed knees) helping the Qld Blue Couch to grow and be soft, thick and gorgeous.  And is so good for backyards because it work in sun and shade and people traffic.


Maybe palmetto hasn’t converted me yet, but I know that it wont stop trying….

Chat soon


Grass, Mud and Chocloate

Well the heading pretty much sums up my Easter weekend. It was great and Fun, but messy. I helped cut lots of Grass (turf sorry boys – “Its turf when it is out of the Ground Sarah”) for all those keen Easter bunnies who didn’t want mud around their place anymore. I envy you with your soft green grass down now. So clean and fresh, much better than MUD.

After a turf cutting the whole family (Kids, Dogs, Grandparents, My Husband and I), then all played in the mud at our shed while trying to install our new and exciting tank retaining wall. Believe me, if you ever EVER have to get a block retaining wall don’t call me. It turns out that building a wall and then pouring a whole LOT of concrete is not my forte. I ended up just running back and forward for water. But that was after I poured a bucket on concrete down my leg. I am good with Grass and Turf; Really really bad at concrete. But as I tried to explain to my husband, I believe that that is why people have trades. I don’t expect all you people out there who are not landscapers, turf farmers or lawn experts to know how to install turf or how to take care of it later. So he should NOT expect me to be an expert on concrete, or blocks or carrying either. But that is my personal view. I think that if you want your house built you hire a builder. And if you want your yard to go from mud and dirt to Beautiful lush green lawn, then you call Coastal Turf. And if you are brave strong, and a DIY person like my husband (who says that we saved sooo much money by doing it that way, which I know we did, but I think I lost my sanity about 30 minutes into it) I am more than happy to pass on as much of our expert advice to you as you can manage. At Coastal Turf we have a lovely little pamphlet that explains the best practical advice on preparing the ground for installation, installing the turf, cutting in and shaping, and all the other little bits that you don’t think of until you are half way through and wonder how exactly is that going to work?


My husband is a DIY type of guy. But we have a wonderful group of friends who are marvelous Tradies, from Block salesman and layers to builders to plumbers to electricians who have been giving him wonderful advice and then surreptitiously coming back and fixing it over the years. Thanks boys. But where were you when I was getting concrete poured down my leg. Probably sitting on the hill laughing. I know I was laughing and definitely would have been laughing if I was watching my silly show.


Ah and the Chocolate part of the Easter Break. Who else enjoyed the beauties of waking up Easter Sunday to “AHHHHH the Easter bunny didn’t come! Oh its ok Mum I found it. Can I eat it NOW!!!!” at 4.30 in the morning.  To which my Husband who is a big kid at heart says “Of course Its Easter Sunday the only day of the year you can.” So my just turned 4 year eat 1 very large chocolate egg, and 2 small eggs by 6 am. He was bouncing off the walls until 10am when he fell fast asleep.  I tell you our family is not coping with the change out of Daylight saving time very well. Too many very early mornings.

I hope everyone’s Easter Break was calming and enjoyable. And now that Easter is over for another year, and we still have chocolate left over, (I had to hide it from my 4 year old, and husband) its back to normal Coastal Turf Time. Back to turf and getting it to your place. Probably lovely and early, cause the kids are still waking up early and trying to get Chocolate for breakfast every morning.

Chat Soon


Easter Eggs and an Easter Lawn

Well how exciting! Easter is upon us and the Eggs are on the way! For most of us Easter is a time of family and friends with 4 days off to enjoy each others company. To eat and be merry. (And if you are a child – at heart or a kid, be sugar high from Sunday on). So why not before you get all your wonderful friends and family over for a great big feed, give them a reason to work for their meal. A little Friday morning, Saturday Morning and even Monday morning turfing will do you all the world of good. Think of the Chocolate you can eat after you are placed your beautiful new lawn in.

Or vise versa, why not get your lawn all spruced up for all the family and friends visiting you in your wonderful house with a gorgeous green lush lawn. Ahh their faces will say it all!

Coastal Turf will deliver to your door Friday, Saturday and Monday morning this long Easter weekend, so if you can talk all your dearest and nearest into installing your lawn with you or if you want to patch up your lawn yourself, give us a call and we’ll see how we can help with your turfing needs.

Have a safe and wonderfully happy Easter. May it be full of Chocolate, fun, and hopefully a beautiful green lush coastal Turf lawn.

Chat soon


Lawn and Turf Supplies -Oh my goodness how I have missed saying that!

Well have you ever been so happy to get back to work that it makes you smile as you walk through the door. That is exactly how I felt this morning! I have spent the last 2 weeks with my children vomiting all over my house car and myself and their self. Yesterday was the first day that my house didn’t have that terrible hospital smell to it.

I am sooo excited to be at work in the quiet of tractors and generators and the rest of it. So peaceful compared to “mum its happening again!”. I take my hat off to all those Nurses and Caregivers out there. You are amazing people! So lovely to sick people all the time and to the over tired slightly psychotic mothers who bring them in.


But back to turf. I wanted to quickly remind everyone that we are open all next week with Dad only having Easter Friday and Easter Sunday off, all the rest of the time we will be cutting and delivering to your door. So maybe while the family is around these holidays get them to install a bit of turf for you or patch up that dirt spot you have been meaning to do for a while. I know that I will be really happy to answer all your calls over the next week because you will talk like an adult and not about why that stuff comes out of my like that.

Hopefully we will chat soon, A really happy to be back at work


Queensland Blue – the softest and prettiest Grass

I have been talking to lots of Landscapers this week who have been looking everywhere for Qld Blue Couch. It seems that the latest floods have wiped out a lot of other arms stocks. Well, as I have been saying to these grass hunters, we still have some A Grade Qld Blue Couch  and 1000’s of square meters of the B grade Qld Blue couch. At Coastal Turf our B Grade grasses are about 6 weeks younger than the A grade equivalent. So not as thick and fluffy, but with a few weeks of establishment time at your place they can be just as fluffy. One of our landscapers likes the b grade better as it means that he can feed and establish it at the owners place, rather than the farm. Others love the thick lush look of the A grade. Each to their own. That’s why we have 9 different grasses.

Well I’m off to eat more birthday cake.

Cat Soon


Marcus’s Birthday!

This week for me with the Rain, is not about Grass, Turf or Lawns. It’s all about Marcus! My baby is turning 4! It is shocking to think that my littlest child is now going to be 4 years old! This Wednesday is going to be a big Boy he tells me. All grown up and too big for me to carry, and then he will be able to drive the trucks like Poppa and Daddy. Wow the things you can do now-a-days when you are 4. Not to sound old, but back in my day, when I turned four it meant that I got a “Big Girl Bike” and that Dad took off one of my training wheels. Now Marcus thinks he can drive a truck. Excellent. Don’t know how many off you will be happy with a four year old delivering your turf. Hang on mate I know you can’t now, cause you can’t drive the Bobcat to get the turf off. Haha Mum wins! No truck driving for you Marcus! He tells me he has to be at least 6 to drive one of them. Phew we are all safe a little longer!


And what were we all doing 4 years ago? But in 2008, a big boom in Salt in Northern NSW was talking place and we were taking in loads and loads of beautiful Queensland Blue Couch into peoples front and backyards. And on a reminiscing drive the other day, I noticed that thees lawns are looking soft and fluffy. A place where I would love to lie down and play with my kids in. Congrats to those with those lawns. 4 years on it looks great. And I am a lot more Brain Power these days.

Chat Soon when I am all partyed out


Grass in the Rain to you

Well even though it is really quite damp outside at the moment, people still want turf. Whether it be to stop all that dirt running away down the hill, or to stop all the mud coming inside, Grass is so much better outside your place than mud! And that’s why we are still cutting! As you can see this is from earlier today, where the boys and I (yes I was out there in the rain, and mud. And so was Hollie my daughter, but she stayed in the truck and took the photo of Poppa driving a pallet over to the truck that we just finished cutting. She also took some lovely pictures of clouds, and her leg, fingers and some dirt on the floor. But this one was the best, and really the only one that was worth while. But Hollie your picture is published!) were out in the lovely weather cutting grass for a home, because the lovely family didn’t want their top soil going to someone Else’s house!


So don’t worry it is not too wet here to cut for you! Unless we are under water and then that Couldn’t happen again this year, could it? Fingers crossed, as well as grass!


Chat Soon


Measuring it twice – Do your lawn once and do it Right!

How many times have we all just gone, “Yeah that’s about right” or “Near enough is good enough”, and then we get to the end and it just doesn’t work.


I myself LOVE to bake. Cakes, scones (I am actually a prize winning champion with my scones), brownies, pies, I love to bake. And the general rule of thumb taught to me by my Grandmother was less is more when baking. But this is definitely not the case when turfing your lawn. Especially when you are only a few meters short.


Do it once and do it right. Take the time to measure your lawn. Not many people have a measuring wheel at home to measure up their yard. But if you go back to primary school in a little memory flash back you may remember that most adults pace size is about 1 meter in length. So give that a go as a measuring wheel replacement, but walk it out twice and see if you get the same. If you do Great, if not try a third time and use your best judgement.


Also not many people have a perfectly square backyard. Most yards are funny shapes. But can usually be broken down into shapes that we can all work out the size of. So look at your yard and do a small sketch and see what you can do. I know I am a visual person and when its on paper it is so much easier for me to work out.


But if you are one of those gifted many who can look at an area and just know the size, like my father, then order away. But maybe get someone to measure it just in case. Like us. We do it for free and then you know how many meters are involved at your place. And we can bring little sample pots for you to check out what grass will suit your yard and lifestyle. Then you only have to get the turf in once, not twice or 4 times like a customer the other day.


Happy measuring


Where can you get grass on a Saturday?

Well at Coastal turf we don’t really believe in having 2 days off a week, just one is enough for Dad. He is not the type to sit around and watch tv. He would rather be out on the farm or better yet in the truck bringing grass to your house- Rain Hail or Shine.
If you want to install your turf on Saturday why have it sitting at your place cooking in the sun or being drowned in the rain when you can have it delivered first thing Saturday morning?

And we all get involved. Last week I was told that since Marcus is at preschool now and I have 2 days at work without him (I had all these delusions of having a day to myself maybe doing ladies lunch or something relaxing. Silly me) I could learn to drive the bobcat and maybe even the big truck. So watch out for me one Saturday delivering to your place. I do enjoy the office though. I was going to say that it’s calmer and easier but in retrospect the office doesn’t have air conditioning and the truck does. I end up walking around the office and then back and forth from the farm and the truck I can sit and maybe even enjoy a little music. And I don’t mind being dirty. Hang on I think this may be a good idea. It’s just I don’t know if I am as strong as the men in the trucks when it comes to pulling out the ramps. I know I’ll take my kids to help. Awesome
Just please remember I will still need at least a days notice to get you your turf.

So see you soon
