
Coastal Turf – The gold at the end of the Rainbow

Yesterday Dad and I were sitting down to have smoko when it of course started to rain, but only on one side of the shed. The sun was shining through from the other side and it formed to most beautiful rainbow! Which landed on the Queensland Blue Couch Paddock.  Talk about the Gold at the end of the rainbow!

For softness, deep colour, low watering and durability Qld Blue Couch is definitely a pot of Gold. And like gold its an investment; in your home, your lifestyle, and the environment.

Research says that turf increases your homes aesthetic value and perceived value. Qld Blue is the most drought tolerant grass, which means you are watering less, and conserving the water ways while not only storing carbon(grass is the best for carbon stores) but also putting oxygen back into the air. And your lifestyle can only be improved when you don’t have to clean mud out of your house everyday, and you can send family, friends and pets outside to enjoy the soft green.

So why not put some Gold in your lawn.


Pot of Gold


Also we areon Instagram now. Look for GreenGrassSare. More grass shots!


Chat Soon


Awesome Grass made better with Great Installation techniques

Well I had another Saturday morning in the mud and wind with my kids at Soccer and Hockey. It really made me a appreciate my lawn at home and how we don’t have low lying spots that collect water in puddles in the lawn that cause muddy ditches that small children (and not so small) children can saturate themselves in. And that is because of our good installation techniques that the area slopes away from the house, and doesn’t sit around doorways like we saw on the weekend. Club house are no fun for adults when you have to jump over a puddle to get in the door or the canteen. Kids however its great.

And Puddles are great for kids, don’t get me wrong. I, like the best of them, have jumped in my share of muddy puddles. But as a turf farmer now I understand that water lying on grass can cause all types of problems later on. Infections in the grass can be a nasty problem. Its a really good idea to make sure you do it right the first time and get it right. Also choosing the right grass for the right area for the right circumstances is very important. It’s no good putting a small leafed grass in a shadey area. This can cause die off and then bared patches that can turn into muddy puddles.

That’s why we are here to chat and help you choose the right grass for you. I saw an amazing yard that had Blue Couch out the front in the full sun and then Empire Zoysia out the back in the shaded areas. Looked fantastic! Green Everywhere, no bare patches!

Chat soon, I’m off to wash uniforms!


Where the green begins

Have you ever had that conversation with your kids where’s the rainbow begins and ends? My kids and I were driving in the car yesterday and chatting as you do and we all saw this amazing rainbow. It was gorgeous. Tried to get a picture but as I was driving I had the kids snapping away and I mostly got pictures of each other and fingers. My kids are talented in so many areas but define toy not gifted when it comes to taking photos of landscapes. Where as if you need someone to take a photo up someone’s nose then I have your man!

Off the point. Anyway we were talking about where the colours in the rainbow come from and as I launched myself into a boring scientific explanation, my daughter says in a matter of fact type way over the top of me ” obviously the blue comes the sea, and the yellow from the sun and the green from the grass on our farm”. That seemed like a better explanation than mine.

So if you would like green grass at your houses that is as green bad the green in a rainbow, give us a call. I presume that type of grass she was talking about wasn’t Qld blue couch, so maybe it’s the deep green of Empire Zoysia, or the emerald green of Palmetto buffalo, or the deepness of the wintergreen! Decide for yourself! Come check out the green of the rainbow at Coastal Turf!

Chat soon


Saturday Morning Grass

Good Morning everyone! Now Saturdays to me are now starting to mean finding an out of the way sporting field to cheer my children on for their sporting prowess (or lack there off sometimes. It is just being part of the tam sometimes.) But for other people Saturday mornings mean time to finally spend some time at home to do all those little odd jobs around the house and garden. At Coastal Turf we are happy to support those gardening urges and deliver turf to you Saturday morning for you to Green Up Your Place.

Imagine starting the weekend with dirt and mud around and Finishing the weekend with gorgeous Green as far as the eye can see. The change will improve your home, and according to some studies that I have been reading online (try the Turf Australia website) having green around your living space improves your mental health. Personally I believe not having mud walked, run, tramped, shaken through out your JUST cleaned house would improve anyone’s mental health.

Turf is Instant Lawn. So you can have dirt one hour and Green lush lawn the next. Awesome! And by installing your lawn yourself over the weekend you can casually invite people over for a BBQ and ask them to help you install your lawn before they get a Beer. Or if you want the sit back and relax approach, then have us come and professionally install your lawn for you either before the weekend or on a Saturday morning. How cool would it be to wake up to dirt, take the kids, or yourself off to Saturday morning activities (if you are like me and I do see you at Hockey or Soccer smile and wave. I’ll be the one with the large Tea in hand and dirt on my hands.) and come back to a beautiful green lawn. That I think would be just as amazing as coming home to when a cleaner has been at your place.

Chat soon. And if your are at Hockey or Soccer wave to me!


Autumn and the Turf Farm

Well with change of season coming, hopefully it will mean that the rain might head away from us for a while and go places that have not had the pouring rains.

But what I love about change of seasons as well is the babies that are born. At the farm we have lot of of little baby Ducklings. So cute and waddlely. And it also means that our new paddocks will be coming on as well. I know that new paddocks opening are not as exciting or cute as baby ducks, but for those waiting for zoysia, Palmetto or Carpet grass it will be pretty great.

But just in case here is a photo of the baby ducks anyway…

Baby DucksChat soon Sare

The Best Grass for You

Wow. Have just been at the 2013 Turf Australia conference this week and a Big topic was how the world is moving quickly and unless we keep up the world may take us over.

And here I am with my mobile Internet not working. Oh no! Little did I realize how much I relied on the Internet and being able to find out information really fast until it’s gone. Thankfully after I turned my phone on then off it worked again. Phew. So I still got tot take all your calls and send those important emails. And receive emails (thankfully) and find out if what these presenters at the conference were saying was correct, real, authorized.

Then it got me thinking about how I tell you guys stuff about grass and how wonderful it is that you guys can Google the grass, or care or anything you want and find out everything your want about say Qld blue couch. So very awesome in our fast over taking world. This means I have to stay factual and if something is my opinion make sure I say it is my opinion. Being able to communicate quickly is great and something we have really (especially at my house) come to rely on.

But to slow the world down a minute, I would also like to believe that old fashioned values are a big player as well. I know that price is a very important as well, but how I chat to you and meet face to face I find important as well. A I keep telling my kids manners are super important. Telling the truth about what you can and cannot do is very important. At Coastal Turf we believe that the best grass is the best grass because it will thrive in a certain area. Not the most expensive grass we have. When we built our house we choose our builder not only on price, but the fact that he talked to me as well as my husband, valued my opinions and understood that we had 3 children, and our own businesses which meant that my mind was not totally on the house 24 house a day 7 days a week. Having that understanding was great.

Our a grade Palmetto buffalo is our top priced grass, and it is the best grass for low light high traffic areas. It’s fantastic. But our lower priced Qld blue couch is so much better and wins hands down in high light areas with low water availability. So the Best grass is the Best grass for you and the area you want to put the grass, and the same type of grass may not be the best grass for even your neighbor.


Thats what we offer, The Best Grass For YOU.


Chat soon after I have recovered from my conference. Back to harvesting, and delivering turf today. Ahh the norm. It has its advantages and disadvantages doesn’t it.




A Grade Quality Turf – Inspected by Me

At Coastal Turf we believe that A grade quality should be top of the line grade turf. A Grade Grass should be thick fluffy GREEN and gorgeous. We hand load your turf onto your pallet to be delivered so you can be assured that if we feel that one slab is not good enough, we throw it away from your pallet. Each slab is carefully inspected as it comes up the conveyor belt to make sure it is a grade. That is usually my job. And I have been told that I can be a bit obsessive. We don’t have a machine that quickly zips up the rows and cuts then stacks your grass away not knowing what type of grass it is meant to be or how it is meant to feel, or look or smell. At Coastal Turf we have the real personal touch. There is not a slab that goes off the farm that has not been touched by one of us to make sure it is Go for Green.

Some times even the Dog gets involved. But I am the real grader. Keith just thinks that because I run my hands over the turf their must be something good about them. And there always is.

Keith the inspector

Keith the inspector




But not all of us have the money for Top of the line grass. But even when you don’t have the money for Top line grass, you still expect quality turf to come to your house. And that is a big priority for us here. You may be ordering the B grade but B is NOT for Bad. B is for Beautiful. When you are putting turf in the transformation from dirt to green , or weeds to a green mat is amazing. And that doesn’t mean it costs a fortune. But getting the right grass for the right place at the right time for the right price is what we strive for at Coastal Turf.

Chat soon.



Winter Installations

With the passing of Anzac Day and the singing of my daughter that brought many a tear to my eyes (because of pride. Not as her brother said because she hit the high notes a little too high. Its so nice to have brothers isn’t it?), we are nearly at the end of April. And with that we are now in Full Autumn swing.


I have had many a call from people asking if it is too late now to install turf in their yards. Have they missed the Spring Summer planting times? No Way! Turf is an all ready established living grass. It comes with its roots covered in soil. And it was growing strongly on our farm not that long ago. So when either yourselves or our installing crew come along and place the Grass into your lawn, with a little love and care, your grass will soon be a green lush LAWN! So No, installing grass is NOT just a warm weather activity. I think I would prefer to install anyone’s lawns in the cooler months because then I wont get so hot installing the new lawn. Dehydration becomes less of a major concern in winter installations, for both the grass as well as the installers! And it does seem easier to get people round to help with a little grass installation in the cooler months than on a hot summer day when they would prefer to be lazing at the beach.

So why not install your lawn in the cooler months, and have a wonderful soft fluffy green lawn for summer to enjoy!

If your in NSW enjoy the rest of your holidays and for the QLDers enjoy have the kids back at school.


Chat soon all


Green all year round, especially in winter Palmetto Buffalo

Green all year round, especially in winter Palmetto Buffalo

Earth Day – Go Green for the Earths well being as well as your own.

When we woke up this morning and we checked our calender my daughter said “whats earth day?’. I did shoot her a weird look and she explained that today was Earth Day according to the calender. So as a techno savy mum(also don’t know how to get fast info anymore) we Google’d Earth day and we were both impressed.


So as far as I could understand Earth day is about making the Earth better. Making it a healthier Greener place to live. Stopping Carbon emissions and storing the existing carbon that is floating around. Awesome stuff. And did you know that Grass is one of the best Carbon stores there is? That Patch of green at your place is cooling your home, adding at least $30000 in property value to your home, being the best place for lawn cricket, football, and the adventures that children (and adults), and it is also sucking carbon out of the air and storing it. (INFO TAKEN FROM TURF AUSTRALIA 2012).

Sometimes I think we take grass for granted. We just think that it is a bit of green outside. But it is also so much more. Green Grassy areas are really good for people feeling blue. Its meant to make them feel more calm and peaceful.

So for the Earth, for your Sanity, for your home, and for your general well being, Green up your place. Put down some grass. Feel Good about yourself for helping the Earth. Feel proud of your lawn. Enjoy and relax with your lawn and you will be loving your Earth as well.


Happy Earth day everyone. May you Green it up …

Chat Soon


This is Hollie contemplating Earth Day 2013 on the Palmetto Grass.

This is Hollie contemplating Earth Day 2013 on the Palmetto Grass.

School Holiday Grass

Marcus at Seaworld getting ready to be the future Coastal Turf Delivery Driver

Marcus at Seaworld getting ready to be the future Coastal Turf Delivery Driver

Who is enjoying the NSW school Holidays? So far I have been to 3 theme parks and I am exhausted! I think I am more relaxed at work. I think it is because I am a little insane and have taken other peoples kids as well. And kids just don’t seem to stay together. They run opposite directions. We had a wonderful time at all of them, but I am exhausted as are the kids. So at work today I am having a pretty quite day out of the kids so far.

Unfortunately for a lovely lady I was talking to the other day, her holidays were filled with MUD. With her 4 kids (3 boys 1 Girl) at home from school and a brand new home with white tiles (she said she didn’t know what she was thinking) she was going a little mopping crazy. And then we took her some Queensland blue couch and when I drove past yesterday (after a rather intense day at Seaworld) I saw how green her place was. It was fantastic. I hope her floors are staying whiter and her kids cleaner.

Probably her kids don’t like us though. They appeared to really like playing in the mud.

Chat soon

And hopefully if you are  on holidays with your kids, don’t go to Themeparks unless you have too. And if you do, my advice is big breathes, lots of food, and water. I would really advise doing that bit of lawn up instead…
