
Pottsville Public School Amazing new Cola is now Green

Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with Craig B the president of the Pottsville Public School P&C to green up around their new amazing exciting Cola (for those without kids at school that Covered Over Learning Area – or shaded play area). And we have taken the dirt to Gorgeous Green. I must say that the kids , parents and teachers that I worked with on Thursday were a fantastic group of people. The kids never wore out and with Pride in their step, they installed their new grass. The parents, some who had never installed grass before took to it with great gusto, and the look on the helping teachers face was fantastic as they saw their dirt filled play ground transform into a green lawn of joy (one little boys comment. I loved it!).

Here are the before pictures….

Before the school Cola dirt area was trasnformed...And more importantly the during and after pictures….

Potty School Cola area - all greenFrom all of us here at Coastal Turf, we hope that every child at Pottsvillle school enjoys the grassed areas, that the teachers can relax a bit more knowing that the kids are playing on soft grass, and the Parents congratulate themselves for such a great job. I know that I am a little sore and tired today. But I bet those kids are going strong today still. Itching to go out on the grass and play. Sorry guys not until after the holidays…

Chat soon all


Qld Blue – from Cabarita Beach to Sydney

I know that I tend to prattle on about how great Qld Blue Couch is, but I really do love the grass. I love its dark colour, its easy going nature, and super soft feel under foot. I love that even after months of no winter rain, it still is looking dark green in peoples yards. And my love has been spreading. All the way from our little farm at Cabarita Beach, down to the ocean views in Vaucluse in Sydney.

I recently went down to see how my babies were doing. And see for yourself?


Its green fluffy and the owners as well as the landscaper is very happy with the grass. So am I. Look at that. Our grass from our little farm all the way down with Harbour Bridge views. I think our grass can almost say its been everywhere.

Coastal Turf can get your grass to your door stop, no matter how far away you are or how hard you think your location is. I will get the grass to you. Especially if its our baby Blue.

Chat soon


PS Next week we are off to Pottsville School to returf their oval. Watch out for us there and more exciting photos


Grass – from our farm to your lawn to Across Australia

Grass really is an amazing plant. It pumps more oxygen back into the atmosphere for us to breath than any other plant per square meter. Without grass we would all be gasping a bit, and feeling a bit miserable.

I think that is why so many sports are played on grassed areas. From young to old, from soccer to football, to baseball, to hockey, to Lawn bowls, to tennis, golf, cricket; we play sport outside on grass. And each one played on the right grass for the right conditions. I know that running around gives us all that endorphin rush, but I think aesthetically the green landscape also makes us feel, Happy, for want of a better word.

Our little farm is on the east coast of Australia on the border of NSW and QLD. A Perfect place in the world really I think. But recently I was given the opportunity to head over to WA to check out their similar conditions to ours and what they do about it. I learned so much.

I went to the WACCA! It was amazing and we got a little tour involving the grass. IMG_1443Wintergreen, Greenleaf Park, Couch. I leaned so much about where our grass goes and how and what it gets used for.
And how to use sandy soils to our advantage. And I can tell you, I certainly had a smile on my face looking at this grass.

Chat soon and give me a call and I will regal you with fun grass WACCA stories




Dogs and Grass – a dog-gone good combination

A recent chat with a lady down the Shops, (I totally know. I am becoming one of those chatty women at the shops. Now that Caba has its own little shopping district, I can’t go to the shops in daggy clothes or take my kids in PJs anymore. Too many people recognize me and want to stop and chat) about how she would never consider getting REAL grass for her house because she has two largish dogs. A Labrador and a strange big fluffy dog. Both lovely active dogs. I questioned her on her reasons and she simple said that they will kill anything.

I then said that really, you need the right grass for the right area. At Coastal Turf we have 7 different varieties of REAL grass and all have their different uses and needs. Couches need lots of sunlight, but Wintergreen is so strong that even Footballers and their stud boots cannot kill it. Buffalo’s like shade, but because they grow in several layers, can take a bit of a beating. Carpet grass is robust and doesn’t mind the sun but prefers the shade. And I have always found that if the nutrient levels are there and the water is there, the grass will grow.


So dogs and Grass do mix, and really do save you a lot of cleaning. But  like all plants, Grass needs food, soil, and sunlight to grow. And by looking after your 4 legged family members you are also looking after yourself and the environment as well. A real win win win situation.


Chat soon


Keith and Indy. The Turf dogs. Perfect to trail the grass for your 4 legged family members.

Keith and Indy. The Turf dogs. Perfect to trial the grass for your 4 legged family members.


Parks, Qld Blue Couch, and impressive FUN!

The kids and I went to a local Tweed Shire park this week and had a great time before soccer training. Afternoon tea seems so much nicer outside on the grassy hills at the park than at home inside. And fortunately for us, on Tuesday the wind had not started up yet. It was wonderful to have the kids outside running around and great to see a park that was mostly grass land for kids to run on. So many of us are getting smaller yards and that means less grassed areas at home for our kids to play on, but as a bonus less for us to mow too.


We weren’t the only ones at the park after school either, there were heaps of kids walking home from school who stopped and had a wonderful play either on the equipment, but mostly on the grassed area, having a quick game of “footy” on the way home, a tag game running the grassed hills, learning a few cartwheels from friends on the soft grass, and so many other games.


At first I must admit I was a little surprised at how much all these kids stopped and played at the park before going home, but then I remembered when we were kids playing with our neighbours outside for hours too. I am sure there are kids playing games inside too, but there are so many who given the opportunity want to be outside running, jumping, cartwheeling, and PLAYING on the grass outside.


So lets keep giving them this opportunity. Lets keep our parks GREEN with grass, and parts of our yards soft green and fluffy for our kids to play on. And even hey, why not I might even go outside myself and try my luck at a cartwheel. But I think I will definitely give it a go on the Qld Blue Couch paddock, as it is soo super soft and fluffy at the moment. It loves its full sun that we have been having for a while now, and has its great dark green winter colour. I can’t emphasis enough the soft fluffiness of the Qld Blue Couch. Just the thing for a mother to embarrass herself in front of her kids trying to show them how cool I am, I mean SHE is,  by doing a quick few cartwheels this afternoon. But if like the certain she (or really me, Everyone knows it is me going out there to embarrass myself but have a good time doing it) and you don’t have a Farm with a lovely soft fluffy Qld Blue Couch, give us a call and we can get some Soft Fluffy Green Qld Blue Couch to your place. Don’t feel you have to cartwheel on it. But at least the opportunity is there….

Chat soon


Sliding fun at the PArk

The paddock that I shall be impressing my kids on....

The paddock that I shall be impressing my kids on….

Its not Spring, but the warmth is wonderful for Qld Blue Couch and Palmetto Buffalo

Hasn’t the sun coming out again been a lovely welcome reminder of where we live? Seeing and feeling the warm sun again is marvelous. We even had a stop off on the weekend to the beach. It was still way to chilly for me to swim, but just being outside was wonderful.

Its almost as if the world has brought spring in a bit quicker this year. Its warming up, and as I was taking a stroll on Saturday afternoon around the back of the farm, I found our escaped chicken with 14 babies. At the Jet Sprint track behind the farm, there are 2 Rebel Roosters who walk around the track. And I think my wondering chicken may have visited these rebel Roosters and come back with 14 babies. No wonder there has been no eggs.  So babies are coming early as well, as if its an early spring. Chicks Mum and 14 bubsAnd with Spring thinking that it is already upon us, all those people who have been putting off installing your new lawn NOW IS THE TIME! Spring is perfect for new installations as its not to hot for you, and not finger numbingly cold either. Perfect for the installer. For the grass, its a great time too, because you wont need to water your newly installed lawn as heavily now as you will need to in the hotter months. And by the time that Summer comes, and Spring comes in with the calender, your new lawn will be established. Especially if you install a Qld Blue Couch lawn, the most drought tolerant lawn. Or a Palmetto Buffalo lawn that requires half the watering and mowing of any other Buffalo grass. Put some effort in now and relax in the warmer months.

Chat soon,

Hopefully not with the noise of 15 chickens in the background


Coastal Turf's grasses

Empire Zoysia and a pub lunch

I had the very fortunate event yesterday of my mother in law and father in law coming down for Grandparents day at my kids school and then asking if my husband and I would like to meet up at the local pub for lunch. I love pub lunches, they are always delicious. The catch up was wonderful as we hardly ever get to see them. And while I was at the Cabarita Beach pub – the Beach Bar, I thought I would just take a quick pic of our Empire Zoysia there.


Empire Zoysia at he Cabarita Beach pub - The Beach BarAs you can see the area is quite shaded and as you can imagine being a grassed area next to a pub its very well used. And its very green. My kids think that I am crazy taking pictures of grass, but there was also A LOT of pictures of them yesterday as well. Happy grandparents day!


Chat Soon


Empire Zoysia – my soft shadey patch

Today I have been spending a bit of time with my Empire Zoysia. Doing some bonding if you will. Well really I have been neglecting the Zoysia at my house. I haven’t mowed it all winter, and I don’t think I will even try until Spring. Its lovely dark rich colour and soft soft leaves make the best sitting ground around my Strawberry patch at home. My strawberry patch is growing some mulch (really grass clippings and other things the kids and I found) and it is in a bit of a shadey area so in winter it gets little to no sun and in summer its still shaded by the shed. And both my strawberries and my Zoysia love it. I must admit to having a little secret weapon for growing them both though….

IMG_1145It is letting my washing machine water flow over the area. Not that this winter, or summer we have needed that extra water. and I don’t know if it does anything, but the grass loves it, and I love that I have a soft area in the shade to sit, and kneel while I attend my strawberries (or really what I mean is kneel and eat as many as I can before the kids see I am there and want to share my strawberries. And then having a soft place to play wrestle with them while we “fight” over who gets that big gorgeous delicious strawberry). Actually I think that the Zoysia patch is calling me now, and of course those strawberries…

Chat Soon


Greening your Lawn

Whats on at your house this weekend? It is now the middle of winter and it is a bit chilly outside. But we are still out there most weekends aren’t we. I think that is definitely one of the reasons we live here. Going outside all year round.

And like a gentleman just said to me, he would rather when his grandkids come down that they play on the grass rather than the mud and bring it inside.


So cause we are outside all year, turfing in winter is still on the table. Its great and it gives the grass time to establish before the spring growth and summer stress. And it is so much easier on your body and ours to install the grass in the cooler months.


We have been installing a lot of Palmetto buffalo lawns and Qld Blue Couch lawns this month. Two very opposite grass types, but both perfect in their own way. The same gentleman who wants to stop his grandchildren playing in the mud has gorgeous Blue out the front in full sun and rugged Palmetto buffalo in the back for where it is a bit shadier. Looks fantastic!Green thick and lush everywhere.


Anyway I am off to potter around outside

Chat soon


Cabarita Beach Celebration Sports Club Style

We are proud to say that we are part of a wonderful small community at Cabarita Beach and even prouder to help celebrate the Cabarita Beach Sports Clubs 50th Anniversary. The Palmetto Buffalo between the Greens is ours. The dark green and thick leaf of the buffalo contrasts and also compliments the thin well manicured bowling greens. The bowls club looked great this week for its Anniversary. Our kids helped celebrate by attending the amazing kids day last Sunday with jumping castle, pony rides and More (I know there was more but my kids stuck to those 2) and then the Bogangar Public School joined in the celebrations yesterday with the Dance troupe and the choir and Drumming team preforming as part of the Anniversary celebrations.


We are there again this weekend for more of the grand events, and we hope to see you there. I will admiring the amazing Green keeping skills and making sure that they are showing our Palmetto Buffalo as much love for its use on the walk ways.

Green all year round, especially in winter Palmetto Buffalo

Green all year round, especially in winter Palmetto Buffalo, and on the walkways between the greens

This is my amazing Hollie preforming at the Cabarita Beach Sports Club 50th Anniversary celebrations

This is my amazing Hollie preforming at the Cabarita Beach Sports Club 50th Anniversary celebrations