
How can you get a new Brillant Green Lawn at your place?

Isn’t modern technology just great? And being mobile means that I can have so much more freedom and time to do all the millions of things I have to do in my day. Like answering emails, and taking orders to make sure that new lawns are delivered and installed to people when they need and want them. I have found the best way to chat with people is on the go. Going mobile means not only can I track the farm and make sure you are getting the best quality new lawn at your place, but it also means we can chat to you from the farm. On the paddock that will become your new lawn. Very cool.

And it also means that if you have a bit of a rush job, I can get your call, or email or text quickly and help with your new lawn as quickly as possible.

from Email to new lawn!

So your new Coastal Turf lawn can be at your place with the easy steps of Email, phone or text.

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Maybe via email, maybe via text, or the old fashion way across the phone. I really do love face to face though.


Green Lawns – love you rain!

Wasn’t the rain such a welcome relief this week. My eldest son woke up on Tuesday night worried because he almost couldn’t remember what the sound on the roof was. After he realized it was rain we all ran around shutting windows and getting just that little bit excited. rain is such an invigorating occurrence. It revitalized not only our lawns, but I really think it revitalizes us as people as well. The brown of dust, dirt and dying lawns is just depressing. The Green healthy glow of lawns, trees and shrubs around our homes just makes people smile I think. I know running around with my husband this week to chat with some of his maintenance customers, they were feeling the Love of GreenIt really does make a difference to our lives. Families are more inclined to go outside together on green lawns, we are all more likely to go to a green park to play with family and friends, and it is  so much more enjoyable taking the hairier members of our families out on the lawn when it is green and refreshed.

Green is good and green needs rain. So bring on the rain more and more so our existing lawns can look gorgeous green again. And for those of you whose lawns have been lost over the harsh dry heat of summer, Give us a call to discuss what variates will work best for your Lawn. We will work with you to discuss what you wan to do with your lawn, how often you want to take care of your lawn, and who wants to use it and how. Like below, Keith likes to use the Palmetto Buffalo when its long as a lovely place to relax.

Keith loves his Buffalo!

Keith loves his Buffalo!

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Green Lawns made easier with Green Couch

Over the past very very hot humid weeks, without the rain, I have been irrigating and irrigating our paddocks. And it really has given me a chance to see how the dry effects the different types of grasses. And I must say that the Green couch has impressed me. Now its not often that you hear me sing Green couches praises. I think it stems from all those years of sitting on green couch at school. Yes it was soft, but our groundsman at school was an ANT LOVER (or lazy, who knows which one) and let millions of ants live and bite anyone one who dared sit on the soft green couch.


But now I am seeing green couch in an entirely new light. Throughout this dry time, and we are watering the green couch paddock, the green couch is still SO GREEN! I know its name suggests it should be, but the toughness of this grass just amazes me. Its roots system is so deep (I’m told up to 4m deep in some tests) that it is tapping into water not seen by the naked eye. Its colour is deep and rich, and just with dam water. It usually takes rain to turn a lawn from green to Dark Rich Healthy green, but this paddock of gorgeous green couch is so deep a green it makes us all want to sit on it. And not being an ant lover (nor hater until they bite me) our green couch has no ants or bitey things in it. Yes watch out Qld Blue Couch, the Green couch may be taking over as my new favorite.

Its robust toughness and deep roots system does not only mean it holds it colour and drink well (if only we could all say this), but its also supper tough with wear and tear. That’s why green couch is used on sporting ovals, footpaths and parks. Its tough enough to stand your dog and kids playing hard on your lawn, and pretty enough to look great as you gaze adoringly at your new lawn and home. Almost as cute as my puppy.

Green Couch. Holding its own

Green Couch. Holding its own


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Sare and Ethel the puppy. (Yes Ethel. its amazing what names your husband and 3 children can come up with. Not princess, not flopsy, but Ethel. She definitely does not act like a lovely little old lady though. More a wild crazy young thing.  )

Queensland Blue Couch – tried and tested

IMG_2569Well its the first week back at school, and I think I may be more exhausted now, than when the kids were at home. I don’t know about you but getting the 3 of them then the 2 of us organised to go to school and work in the morning is a pretty full on adventure! And mostly we are on time to school. Mostly. And it doesn’t help the morning routine that we now have the new pup who helps us in the morning – you know really helpful things like stealing shoes that you have to hunt for, and sitting in the most unappropriated spots, or showing her pure love for us while we are trying to eat breakfast. She is a joy but a handful at the same time. That is why we have taken to having breakfast on the out door table. Firstly it eliminates the TV from any breakfast conversation, and secondly, it means the pup doesn’t whine becuase she can see us but not get to us. I though it was a time saving idea, sometimes my plans don’t really go to plan. And like recomending varieities of grasses to people I really do like to test try and prove to myself what works in various situations and what doesn’t.

Like the Queensland Blue couch above. I know that it can handle some wear. 2 rambunctious puppies playing on it all day, and 3 kids sparatically playing on it and it has held its own over the holidays. I love how even though it is soft under foot, it can still take my 3 kids and 2 dogs out “practicing” on the lawn. Now holidays are over, and school is back, the kids are now into practicing their respective sports which will start soon, and the pups are practicing to be Big Dogs. But when you look out the window it looks more and more like they are all just running around crazily on the lawn, and then falling haphazardly on the ground and rolling about. But they assure me its all for the better good. I do think that the lawn will be happy now the kids are back at school and it can have a little break, as will grandma. Recovery is sometimes the key to happiness in all our lives.

And what can I say? Qld Blue is definitely a good grass for our family. It is super soft at the moment, and a great green colour, so who wouldn’t want to roll around in it? I can safely recommend the Qld Blue Couch, but not the eating outside for breakfast to save time. Maybe I will unplug the TV at the wall so neither the Husband nor the kids can turn it on in the morning…

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Qld Blue – recommended by Kids and Dogs of all ages…

Australian Grass for Australia Day!

Aussie Aussie Aussie

Aussie Aussie Aussie



Well you can’t get more Australian than a wide brim hat, a Kelpie Dog, and in my mind, Blue Couch. The wide brim hat protects us from the sun, and Kelpie is of course mans best friend and the Blue Couch, well, it is everything wrapped into one.


By putting Grass up around your house you can cool your house by up to 5 degrees. And the couches native quality means that it is drought tolerant and hardy, so that means less time outside watering and mowing. Not exactly mans best friend, but still helpful.

So this Australia stay Cool, have a slip and slide to water your lawn (any excuse for a slip and slide I say – although one Australia day I did end up with 3 stitches in my back from a rock, so maybe safe slip and slide is way better than my “I really am still 7 not 34” style of slip and slide.), BBQ some sausages, relax on your lawn, and have a rippa of a weekend.

Gotta love a long weekend.

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New Years Grass and Lawns

Happy New Year!

I know, I Know. I am a couple of days late, but new years eve always takes it out of you doesn’t it? The late night is enough to drain you for a day after, let alone if you have consumed a little too much liquid as well….Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! That is the golden rule, after New Years Eve parties, as well as after your lawn has been sitting in the hot sun all day. Getting tht wonderful water into your systems will mean healthier happier you and your lawn.

As I watched the sun rise over the farm this morning, while we were irrigating our paddocks (watering in the morning means that your lawn and our paddocks get a freshening cool down before the heat sets in for the day. And a lovely drink), I snapped this picture to remind myself of the Amazing new year ahead of us. The wonderful times are are set to come.

Sunrise at Coastal TurfA New Year, A New Stronger healthier paddock, A New stronger healthier happier GREENER lawn for you. And as research in Qld shows, the more green grassed areas around your home, the cooler the inside. And at the moment I think we would all enjoy a little cooler around us.


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Happy New Year! May your sunrises promise and deliver wonderful green times!


Merry Christmas From the Coastal Turf Family to yours

Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to everyone. May we all enjoy our well earned rest and have fun with family and friends over the coming weeks.

Now that my toast is over, if only I had a glass of wine in my hand right now.

I would also like to thank everyone who has bought their new lawn from us this year. And for those quick thinking people who have booked in their orders for Christmas. These quick thinking forward thinking people have snavelled all our delivery and pick up slots until after Christmas.

So if you want New Years grass we are more than happy to help. We will be back on the farm from the 29th December for your New Years Eve and beyond grassing needs, but our pre-Christmas availability is none.

Again Merry Christmas to all, and have a great time over this festive season.


Chat soon in the New Year


Give the Gift of Green

This Christmas there has been a lot of chatter about buying local to save our Carbon foot print. And what better way to store and save Carbon foot printing than investing in a lawn. Imagine the glow of your loved ones face with excitement and joy when they open their gift of a new LAWN!

When you look at a house the first thing you see is either the lack of or the Gorgeous Green Lawn. It is this green scape that defines if the house it ready and livable, and a happy home or if it is a work in progress. Now I am not saying that Coastal Turf can gift a happy home, but we can definitely supply the means to an end.

Imagine – Christmas on the green soft fluffy grass. New years with everyone complimenting you on your new fresh lawn. The kids rolling about playing on the lawn. The water fight in the heat on the day with Dad falling over w=and everyone else stacking on top. And then the quiet slow down of resting peacefully on the lawn after a long day.

What other gift can do so much!

Give your loved one a Coastal Turf Gift Voucher for as little or as much as you want (either in square meters or in price) and give the gift of soooo much, that continues throughout the year!

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Christmas Lawns installed!

The Christmas Rush is on! The rush to have the kids Christmas shopping completed before they finish school. The rush to get everything finished at work before a well earned break. And the rush to get your home ready to either go away or have everyone party at your place!

I LOVE CHRISTMAS! It is literally my favourite time of year. I love to get presents ready for my family and friends. I love watching as they peoples faces change to Happy and Joy at this time of year. It is just so exciting and fun!

This time of year too so many people are getting the GIFT (not really a gift I guess since they paid for it and have been waiting for what is sometimes ages…) of their new home being ready to move into. That is something that is REALLY exciting at this time of year. My hat goes off to you all who can do that and still be prepared for Christmas. A lovely family who told us that it felt like they had been building for years, had their lawn installed last weekend and the transformation was amazing. We installed Coastal Mix, not our most expensive grass, but it looked a  million dollars after we had finished. I love making people happy at his time of year too! That is one of the best Christmas gifts you can give and receive I think.


The dirt to Green transformation was fantastic!

Dirt to Green Coastal Mix Lawn!

Dirt to Green Coastal Mix Lawn!

The three phases of install - dirt - turf slabs - LAWN!

The three phases of install – dirt – turf slabs – LAWN!

And already pre-tested for quality and softness by Keith the Turf Dog!

And already pre-tested for quality and softness by Keith the Turf Dog!

So if for Christmas all you want is a GREEN Lawn, then give us a call and we can make your dream come true!

Or give the gift of Green, and transform the lives of someone you love!

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Summer Lawns – is now a good time to put in my new Lawn?

Keith the Turf DogAs summer is now with us in full swing, I keep reminding everyone its really hot remember your hats! Well at least the dog listened to me. Most people think that summer is a terrible time to install grass. Its only not pleasant for the people installing the grass, it does no harm to the turf slab to be in the heat. No more than in winter. At Coastal Turf we harvest our grass and deliver it to your site with the minimum amount of time in between to ensure the best quality of grass can become your new lawn!


That’s why we deliver to your place on Saturday mornings. Most of us have Saturdays open to con, bride and get family and friends over to help install your new lawn. And as a gentleman said to me on the phone today, do not bring out the refreshments until after the job is done! The more people you can get over to help the more fun the day becomes and the quicker you can see great results. Installing your new lawn is an exciting experience and still after 15 years of changing dirt to lush soft green lawns, I still love looking back on what we have accomplished. Th transformation is amazing and often breath taking. Many a time I have had to hold peoples hands as they get a little emotional at how wonderful their new lawn looks.


But Please do remember to wear a hat. Preferably not the one that Keith the dog has already worn (yes that is my hat and no the kids didn’t tell me where it had been, and yes I did just put it back on my head. I didn’t get fleas but the smell meant I had the wash my hair three times before I was comfortable). And hydrate with water while you are installing, and then sit back relax and really do enjoy the amazing dirt to GREEN LUSH Lawn transformation!


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