Back to School Buffalo

A lovely friend of mine is building a house and called and said he wanted a hard wearing, tough, shade tolerant but not expensive lawn. He said to me that with school going back in 3 weeks, funds are pretty tight. And I totally understand what he is saying. Uniforms, shoes, books, bags, hats, USB sticks to name a few.

So I said to my friend I think I have the turf for you! So this is the birth of our Back to School Buffalo. Back to School Buffalo is that we are calling our new paddock. This paddock is where we have planted some Buffalo but over the extreme dry of last year and then lovely rain of the past couple of months, the Buffalo has been invaded by Green couch. When we had a look out over the paddock it is gorgeous and green, but it is definitely a mixture of grasses. It is the perfect Family Lawn for those on a budget, but want the look and feel of the buffalo. This lawn will be great for shadey areas with kids and dogs playing hard.

And because we know that going back to school can be a huge expense, we are offering this paddock out for $5.25 a sq.

So while you can have the kids at home you can have a back yard full of green lush grass. And then when they head out to school you can still have a lovely green lawn! Call me for more photos or come out and have a look!

Chat soon


0431 014 951

B2S Buufalo


Wet Weather School Holidays – Send the kids Outside to play on the Green Grass

Well there is only 2 weeks left until school goes back. And that means that my kids are just about at that stage of nearly hating each others company. The first couple of weeks we had exhausted family time, and then we had love to play with each other, and now we have the hate each other one moment to your my best friend the very next. Thats how I know that the school holidays are coming to an end. They are being to get sick of each others company and are looking for their friends again. THANK GOODNESS WE BOUGHT A TRAMPOLINE FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!

I never thought I would utter those words, especially after the fun time my husband, father and i had putting the thing together on Christmas eve in semi darkness. But after this week of having the kids in and around the office, I love it. We live on our farm and the office, although detached from the house, is still pretty much staying home for the kids. So in the wet weather, when they can’t go down to the farm and play on the paddocks, I have sent them to the netted trampoline. The rules of the trampoline we bought say no shoes should be worn on the trampoline. My kids naturally think this means no shoes should be worn near, around, or even if you think about the trampoline. So they run from the verandah to the trampoline. Oh how I love my Palmetto to Coastal Mix lawn!

The area in the back has the Palmetto Buffalo near the steps to take the heavy step falls . Its the place that gets walked on the most. And it stays thick, fluffy and bouncy. This then goes down to the Coastal Mix in the larger paddock. And this is the one lawn that I truly love. The Qld Blue os so super soft and the carpet grass is tough and being so tough and soft means that they don’t let tother “Weeds” like bindis get in. So my kids can run like wild crazed animals to jump like monkey gets tired and still love each other at the end, run back inside for a drink to repeat it all again. All no shoes! soft lawns means happy kids.

Soft Lawns mean Happy Kids, Happy Kids means Happy parents, which means happy holidays!

Well it does at our house!

Chat soon


Holl on the Jumpoline. From Palmetto to Coastal Mix. Bare feet all the way.

Holl on the Jumpoline. From Palmetto to Coastal Mix. Bare feet all the way.

Greener on YOUR side of the fence

These the old saying that says it always Greener on the other side of the fence. At Coastal Turf we want to help you make your lawn the Greener side of the fence. Why bother looking and lusting over your neighbours lawn when yours can be the greenest softest fluffiest lawn in the street when you start out with a Coastal Turf Lawn?

I believe that your lawn should be something you can enjoy and relax either on or while watching. That’s why Barbara and I make sure that we match the right lawn type to you to make sure you can have more time enjoying your lawn than worrying that the other side of the fence is Greener. And of course get all your neighbours looking over at your lawn as they drive past, casually walk past or stop to have a chat with you about how Green Your side of the Fence is.

So Sun, Shade, lots of water or dry conditions we have a new lawn waiting for you to be enjoyed and envied….

Chat soon



Empire Zoysia. Back in the house!

I am so excited about 2015! I always like New Years any ways because they always bring a new sense of adventure, fun and excitement.


Well my big exciting moment of the morning was that the boys on the farm said we have Empire Zoysia again!!!! I am so excited. This means all of you who have been waiting for zoysia may have your lawn looking fantastic again.


So Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you all have a wonderful year in the GREEN. Playing, relaxing and breathing in the sweet natural wholesome goodness that is a natural turf lawn.


Chat soon



May your new Year be Greener!!!

Well as another year slowly closes to an end, I always seem to reflect back on the year. This year I reflect back with a smile. The farm is greener, that little bit bigger and a whole lot better than at the beginning of the year. This year was defiantly a success across the farm for Coastal Turf. Personally this year also saw my eldest graduate from Primary school and my two “Little” ones thrive and grow into amazing children. It has really  been a year of WooHoos!


I am also a big believer in the “Just keepSwimming” analogy (from Finding Nemo). Just keep going forward and getting better at what you do. And 2015 is going to be a year for Coastal Turf and the Commens Mason family to do that. Our farm’s new paddocks will be ready to harvest in January/February, our new Truck arrives in January ready to delivery in its sparkling goodness, and of course the grass is always greener at Coastal Turf!!! Personally all my kids start a new school this year, its gonna be fun all round!


Thanks 2014 for a great year, and Bring it on 2015. I can’t wait to get started!

From the 5th January all back to normal trading hours and deliveries. Until then we are available to help you on 1300 787 545 or 0266763695 from 8am to 12pm NSW times. You are welcome to pick up from the farm this week, and we will gladly deliver to you from the 5th.

Chat soon. And may your New Years to all that you wish for


Family Farm

Family Farm

Christmas time availablity

Well its only 10 days until Christmas Day! I am so excited! I love Christmas. The joy; the presents ; the people; the fun; the couple of days off!

We are booked until the 22nd December now though. so if you if you want to book in, get in quickly.

Coastal Turf will be stopping deliveries on the 23rd December 2014 and returning on the 29th December until the 31st December.

We will be backing normal Monday to Saturday mode from the 5th January.

So if you want a beautiful green lawn for Christmas or the New Year book in quickly as the delivery days are filling up quick.  At the moment at least 5 days notice is best to ensure you get your turf when you want it. We as always try our best to get it to you as quickly as possible, but some day are already booked up.

Merry Christmas and Peace and Joy to the world!


How will Santa get to your house this year?

I love having little kids in our family. Especially at this time of year. They are really the joy of Christmas! And they say the best things!


While standing in line to get our Santa photos (again. I think have had 4 now and still not everyone is smiling. Have tried with just my kids, with all the cousins, with family, you name it and we still cannot get everyone to smile at the same time.) with my niece Mia and my youngest son Marcus and we were all chatting about how excited we all are for Christmas and all our families being together and having fun. As we were getting closer to the end of the line, closer to the all powerful and amazing Santa, Mia and Marcus suddenly realised that neither of our families had a chimney and how would poor old santa get into our houses? Our windows are too small for him said Mia.


Up pipes Marcus in his authoritative 6 year old way (as Mia is only 5 and obviously doesn’t know as much as he does about life), “Well Mia. It goes like this. He lands his sleigh on your lawn. Thats why you leave carrots on your lawn. But it has to be soft lawn other wise all the presents will get dusty and dirty. Then he Magics in to your hose and leaves the presents. But ONLY Mia if you have been good!”. In my head I am thinking, but Santa is meant to come down dirty smelly smokey chimneys. What difference will a little dirt make? But I am not 5 or 6 so maybe some of the Christmas magic is not shinning so bright in my eyes.

“Of Course!” said Mia. “Thank goodness your Mum just put that new lawn in at our place. My presents will be safe!”

So after a major crisis for Santa had been resolved, Thank Goodness, we moved up the line to tell Santa he would be able to find Mia’s house easily from its bright green soft lawn and that the Deer would be happy standing upon it, and that all the presents wouldn’t get dirty.


So if you have a 5 or 6 year old at your house who don’t know how Santa will get to your place, tell them on good 6 year old authority that a nice soft fluffy lawn, and a bit of magic is how he does it.

And of course I believe that a Coastal Turf lawn will mean a softer quite landing for Santa, and a better new year for all.

Merry Christmas everyone


I was going to put Mia and Marcus’ Santa photo here but I couldn’t get either of them to smile at the same time. Both of them were too busy talking.

Qld Blue – my summer picks of Turf to become your new lawn.

I was so hopeful yesterday that rain was about to defend upon our little farm. But No! it went around us to leave us standing there irrigating our paddocks still. And even though all our Qld Blue paddocks are getting is irrigation water, non of the amazing rain that seems to be falling elsewhere (so jealous of you people and lawns and farms who are getting the rain) and it is going strong Emerald green and beautiful.

Hopefully waiting for Rain

Yesterday I took this photo of us about to harvest just before we thought it was going to pour with rain. It did’t. Not even little spots, so out we went to turn on the irrigation again. As always it is wonderful to accidentally walk through the sprinkler on the way somewhere. Even with the dark clouds looming over the harvester the Qld Blue Couch about to be changed from being in our paddock into someones lawn looks gorgeous and green and was so wonderfully fluffy to touch. Sorry to sound like I have a little favourite, but at the moment the Qld Blue is definetly my favourite. It is requiring the least amount of water and care to stay turf green and ready to go and be come someones new cherished lawn.

Love it

Chat soon


Green Christmas.

Green Christmas is nit the most well known of sayings but I think it should become more widely used. I know that many of the farmers and people out west would love to have a bit of rain to have a Green Christmas. And I know I would not knock back any rain at the moment.

So I am starting the tradition of saying “have a merry Green Christmas” especially if you give or receive a new green lawn as an amazing gift. How wonderful to wake up on Christmas to a green fluffy soft lawn ready for you and your families enjoyment this Christmas. Water fights, backyard cricket, and a place for the new trampoline (that’s what our kids are getting for Christmas. Looking forward to putting that up Christmas Eve) that the kids can run to bare foot across your new soft Green lawn, or the place to sit and relax while watching all these shenanigans.

Green Christmas’ are great fun. And even better it’s a present you can give not just to others but also most importantly to yourself. Your lawn is the first thing your visitors see when they arrive. Having the greenest fluffiness lawn is not just a great present to yourself, but to everyone who comes to enjoy your Christmas Joy as well.

So let’s start planning your green Christmas and I will continue to pray for rain as well as play In our sprinklers as we are irritating your new lawn at the farm.

Chat soon
Merry Green Christmas

Family values for great quality new lawns.

Family Farm

Family Farm

At Coastal Turf we are a Family farm with “old fashioned” family values. I am one of these crazy mums that make everyone sit around the dinner table at night and discuss our days. Even though some days we are all on the farm together and we all know what has happened. I still make them sit and talk. And laugh and play and have fun together so we all know what is going on in all of our lives. It helps to create a trusting family unit, which means I know when Dad or Tony says that the turf is a good or great quality I know I can trust their opinion.


Which means that when I tell you that our Qld Blue Couch is thick and Fluffy and soft and Deep blue, it is from a trusted source. Straight from the farmers mouth. Or any of our varieties for that matter. And because it is a family farm and my husband installs the turf, I will only harvest turf and send it out if it is good enough for my husband to installs.


There is nothing worse than sitting around at dinner with your husband cranky because his day was really hard because he had bad turf to install. It is definitely much nicer to have a happy husband who has had a lovely day brightening someones home with great quality green grass for a beautiful new lawn.

Your new Lawn?

Your new Lawn?


So think about our quality care and service  like this I will only harvest, chat with you and deliver your new lawn to you in a condition that I would want to sit around a dinner table with you at night and listen to how good your turf was.

Chat Soon
