REAL Grass makes REAL Sport! With support from your local Coastal Turf

This week has been pretty exciting for me.

Coastal Turf and Tony the Turfman are great believers of being part of our community. And encouraging our kids, families, and friends to play games of all sorts on REAL GRASS. There are so many many health benefits of playing sport an a real natural surface like grass.


The bodily fluid absorption is a big one for me. My kids are the type of kids that although not extremely talented in any real sport, they throw their body on the line. I have told my daughter time and time again, especially as a small child, that skipping hand in hand with your best friend, although super fun and super cute, and probably quite talented, is not a real sport. If its not in the Olympics, its not a real sport. Where as Hockey, and football (of various varieties) are Olympic and Internationally recognised sports. And being children of a Turf Farmer and a Turfman being on REAL GRASS makes then especially appealing.


Take Football. I love that the Tweed area have started a Womens league for both Afl and NRL. I totally do not understand either of them. But we want to support them running on the grass, tackling on the grass and falling on the grass. Coastal Turf supply the Womens Tweed Coast Tigers with some Green couch for their oval. And support the Tweed Coast Tigers.

Go the Tigers! Love that Green Couch to run on and fall on.


The Tweed Coast Raiders Junior and the Senior teams are all supported by the Turfman. We believe that it is so  important to get kids out and playing sport so they will carry the love of REAL Grass and being outside playing sport on REAL GRASS for the rest of their lives.


Coastal Turf was very proud to support the Kingscliff Hockey Clubs juniors to arrange for them to all have a training shirt.



Nothing better than smiling faces of kids playing sport. So much fun.


So go out and enjoy your lawn. Train your future REAL GRASS players. And get them down to Kingy Hockey Club or Tweed Tigers or Tweed Coast Raiders and join them up to play on REAL GRASS some REAL sport.


Chat soon


PS Look for me at the next AFL Tweed Tigers game. And come over and explain to me what is happening, and appropriate times to cheer.





Not getting Enough? Get some Blue Couch to solve that.

I am a mother of a Teenager, and 2 Tweenagers. And yes this does make me slightly crazy. But also it means that I hear a lot about what is trending on the net. At the moment all I have been hearing (other than stupid Narwal song. OMG! Do not look it up!) about is how People aren’t getting enough.


Now this can start off as an awkward conversation with your Teenager. When my son came and said to me “Are you getting enough?” my first face must have been one of shock and confusion. Cause his next statement was “Of Sleep Mum. Really get your mind out of the gutter!”

And of course I am not! I have a Teenager, and 2 Tweenagers! This causes you not to sleep well. Although physically harvesting turf, and installing turf does help me to sleep really well when I do finally fall.

My Tweenagers say its because my bed is not comfy. They said I should go down to the Blue Couch paddock and nap down there. Because it is so comfy and soft. Keith definitely thinks its a great place to have a nap.

Not getting Enough?


So if your not getting enough maybe go outside and lie in the lovely warm sun on your Coastal Turf Blue Couch lawn and relax. Get a few quick zzzz ‘s on the lawn. Before the kids catch you.


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Palmetto Buffalo verses Empire Zoysia. Who is the Favourite?

Hey do you know what I’m Not doing this weekend? I’m not going to be mowing my lawn. And you know why? Its not because I have a sexy lawn mower man. Sadly no. Although I can dream about things like that because I will have the time this weekend.

Because I have two of the best types of turf lawn varieties in our region gracing my lawn. My yard tends to be a bit of a mish mash of all different varieties of lawns. My husband, the Turfman, tells me it because we are testing out all the different lawns at our place. If they can cope with our three kids, their friends, our fat dog and very active dog. They, Hey! They can cope with anything. The Palmetto Buffalo and the  Empire Zoysia are my favourites at the moment. (Like kids, you never have an actual favourite child, just one you prefer to be with at the moment. )  Both are slow growing turf grasses that cope well in the shade. They require little to no love from me to stay thick and lush. Its a beautiful thing.


And like playing two kids off each other, to see who you love the most, the Pal and the Zoys must compete to see who is my favourite. Just kidding, I don’t make my kids compete for my love. They are the bright light in my day that does make me want to keep going, and other days I dislike them all evenly. But the lawn, I am happy to let them compete. The Pal does perform beautifully under the trampoline area. It is robust enough to take the kids and the dog running, driving, falling and playing it all year round. The sponginess underfoot means they do not have to wear shoes outside. And I have no worries about Bindies invading the Pal. Its such a great tight knit lawn that nothing is hurting my kids feet.


But around the outdoor shower, where MY feet are most often bare, is my Empire Zoysia. Its soft, comforting and always green. I love the slow growing thinner leafed Empire Zoysia. The Zoysia envelopes my feet in its lush leaf. I feel like I’m walking on clouds of fluffy green as I move from the shower to the house. It does take a little more water than the Pal, but it takes half the mowing.


So I have put the two next to each other. And Turfman says we will see which one tries to invade and take over the other. The area is shadey, only getting 4 hours or so of sunlight per day. So it will be a real tester.


I’ll let you know which one at the end of winter is my favourite.

Chat soon


Empire Zoysia

Palmetto Buffalo

Holidays, and the best lawn makes for happy times.

Its school holidays for  both NSW and Qld. And if your like me, you are looking for something for your kids to do. And my favourite thing to say to my kids is to tell them to go outside. We have a deal that for every 20mins outside, they get 5 mins of wifi! This means  Netlix, YouTube, and all those other things they watch the internet is limited to how much they go outside. And I have now enforced the “Fighting Penalty”. I’m not sure what happens at your place, but at ours, my son and daughter are either best friends or worst enemies. For levy fight I can hear (unfortunately I had to put this in so I don’t get the dobbing. Sigh) there is a 10mins penalty to existing Wifi time. Haha! I am an evil mother! Well thats what they tell me.

We are lucky here in that I have a huge area I can send my kids outside onto. I was shocked to receive from Turf Australia some info which said that now a days, in some places,   that 39% of our kids are spending less than an hour outside! 

What was really encouraging to me though, was that most parents were looking for places to live where their kids could enjoy some green grass time. 

We are all more than likely to put ourselves out for the happiness of our kids. And to stop the bickering. Being outside means our kids can run, tumble and giggle. Having a great lawn, means they can take their shoes off, feel the soft cushion of the lawn under their feet and laugh all day. At Coastal Turf we are here to help you you get the best lawn for your place.


A Natural Grassed lawn will absorb all those accidents; Be they wee accidents or bloody accidents; with little to no clean up from yourself. By walking bare footed on the grass kids get lots of sensory stimulation which calms them and helps them to earth themselves. This is meant to create happier people in the long term. My kids hardly ever wear shoes, and run bare foot across the turf farm all the time. The more I can keep them outside the better I think.

It also means that they have tried and tested all the turf varieties with Bare feet and can recommend what feels best. Here are my three’s recommendations….

Hollie (age 11, girly, plays hockey and loves Polar Bears) – The Wintergreen is best cause the ball moves faster across it. And its best to cartwheel on.

Riley (age 15, very tall 179cm. Loves his wifi, and will work hard to get more. Even if it means playing with his brother and sister) – The Coastal mix. It has two different grasses so it gives you different feels as you run. (He is a great at articulating his feelings. As most teenage boys are.)

Marcus (age 9. Loves Football. And wrestling. And Dad jokes) – The Palmetto Buffalo or Zoysia. Cause it is better to fall over on. Softer and bouncier.


I would definitely say that having a green lush lawn to play on is a thousand times better than your kids coming home like this though…..

This did not come out easily. I had to get them to stand on the greener grassed area to take the photo. On the mud you couldn’t see them.

Chat soon



Family Turf Farms – Where Dad jokes where born!

I work with my Dad. And my Husband. And now its school holidays, with my kid as well.

Yes please do pass me that glass of Wine.

One of the Funny parts of working with my family, day in day out, all day, and then having dinner with them. Which I have made. And then making them all food for the entire day. And then cleaning up after them. As well as making sure they are all safe, and clean. And making sure that they know where all the orders are going and which turf is goes where with whom. Driving to soccer, football, hockey. Social engagements. Good I think my kids have more of a social life than I do! And Dad I think might as well. And finding that one illusive sock! Don’t get me started! Yes, thanks I will have another glass of wine. Sorry what was I saying?

Ahh yes, as well as all the boring day to day stuff that we all go through as mums, wives, and daughters, there is the lighter side of stuff, like the Dad jokes. My Husband does them. My dad retells them – sometimes badly. And my sons think they are hilarious! Ahh the men in my life. Have you seen those Facebook movies of the two men telling each other Dad jokes, and the other gentleman has to try not to laugh? Well here at Coastal Turf and Turfman they have. And it goes on regularly. And it put s a smile on everyones faces.

I do love dad jokes though. They are clean, happy and often cleverly funny.

Dad – Like Why did the chicken cross the road?

Son- Why?

Dad – To go to your house.

Dad- Knock Knock

Son – Whose there?

Dad  – The Chicken, remember he is coming over to your place?

So when I saw this I had to put it on. It just says everything that our Turf farm would Dad Joke about.

And the lawn is beautiful.


So give us a call for Some Funny Dad Jokes. But please do not call after 5.30pm. I will be having a glass of wine.

Chat soon



Bring your Dog to work day. Everyday at Coastal Turf

Friday the 23rd was bring your Dog to work day. I told Keith, Ethel, Jessica, Millie and Indiana this exciting news and they just wagged their tails.

Although every day at Coastal Turf is bring your Dog to work day. Sometimes I wonder whether Jessica, Ethel and Keith believe in their doggie heads that is really bring your owner to work day, because I am the only one that can drive the car. Its a good to save their legs you know. All that running around the harvester is a lot of hard work. And in their heads, really important. I think that Jessica feels that if she didn’t the harvester wouldn’t work. Keith and Indy on the other hand are content to keep John company in the harvester.

And deliveries are always a pleasure with my Dogs there to keep me company.

I do think though that maybe we all just forgot to NOT Bring our Dog to Work today.

I don’t know about you, but I know that our dogs help us see fit, help us to relax and take away stress in our lives. A great big cuddle from a dog is wonderful. And the lick up the side of the face means you cant really take life too seriously.


They are a really part of the family. Ones that won’t talk back. Always are excited to see you and look at you with that face.


And thats why Coastal Turf make sure we have turf lawn varieties to suit all dog sizes and shapes. We always make sure that each varitiety is tested by our dogs at home and at work. As an important part of our families they need their rooms (your yard) to be clean and safe happy places. And natural grass is the best at absorbing their toileting habits. Give us a call and we will help you pick the best type of turf for the really loving member of your family. Keith, Ethel, Jessica, Indiana and Millie will make sure of it.

Chat soon


Keith and Indy. The Turf dogs. Perfect to trial the grass for your 4 legged family members.

And now with the girls as well, each variety is tested for all dog walks of life.




Coastal Turf and Turfman now Movie stars!


Well we aren’t really movie stars but we now have a youtube channel you can watch instructional videos. And they are pretty cool

Enjoy them guys

Chat soon


Coastal Mix – The perfect family lawn.

The perfect Coastal Family Lawn

*Coastal Mix is a combination of the Qld Blue Couch and native Carpet grass.
*Coastal Mix is a Dark green colour
*Coastal Mix is the perfect family Lawn. It is light and soft underfoot, but won’t be worn away by little feet or paws.

*The Carpet Grass component requires less mowing as like a carpet, it will grow out. As a native it has adapted to thrive in our wet and dry climate extremes. Combing with the softness and dark colour of the Qld Blue, Couch, Coastal Mix has the best of both worlds – tough yet soft and fluffy.

  • Great for rental properties1

*Carpet Grass within a symbiotic relationship with Queensland Blue couch creates the Perfect Family Back Yard Lawn Grass – Coastal Turf’s Coastal Mix. *Coastal Mix grows in sandy salty soils as well as richer darker soils.

  • And is the most effective lawn, to purchase and to maintain! You don’t have to be expensive to be beautiful!

Winter Lawns. Great to install now, Perfect time to look after your green space

Turf Australia has just release their winter “what to do to your lawn”. Its a great reminder that your lawn will slow down at this time of year, so you don’t need to mow as often or as high.

We are exceedingly luck here in the Northern Rivers Gold Coast Regions, because our soils ever really get cold enough to holt turf establishment. Which means we can plant your lawn all year round.

And the winter rain, it just makes the establishment period faster. And means less work from you to ensure the establishment. Always a good thing with instant lawn. The less work from you to make your lawn green and fluffy and fun, the better.


With all this rain at the moment I know I am really thankful for our lawn out the front of our house on the way too our cars. There is so much less mud coming into the house than there could be. I say less, because I have 3 kids, and there will always be mud in my house. And two are boys, so even when they are older, I’m sure I will still have mud being walked through from somewhere. Even when its dry. Thats why I made sure when we built the house that grass came right up to the front door.


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Murwillumbah’s school gets a new green area to play

This week has been all about going back to school for us and Tony the Turfman’s boys. The Boys said it was better than going back to school because they got to spend all day outside on the school oval, instead of having to go inside a classroom.


I really do hope they learned something though. I mean they all already know how to install quality turf, green side up. They know how to role so that no gaps are left and the ground is even for kids to play on. And they do already know how to drive the skid steer around to place the turf percent for installation.

After the floods, areas around Murwillumbah were deemed unsafe of the kids, the  town has been working really hard to get new green areas for our kids to play. And what is more green than Grass!


This new area will be great for sports carnival. lunchtime football games, and the chasing games across the grass. Ahh to be young again and run around on the grass.