
Next Day delivery, if not today on the Tweed and Gold Coast Area

Well almost like fast food, Coastal Turf is now offering fast turf cut and delivery on the Tweed and Gold Coasts. That means order it in the morning and you can have it delivered that afternoon on most grasses. But unlike fast food, Coastal Turf’s grass wont make you fat or make you worse for wear, it will improve your quality of life. No more dirt, just beautiful green. So aesthetically, it will improve the look of home, and add value as well. And mentally, you can keep your sanity. Get the green outside so the dirt wont come inside. Happy all around.

And just because it is fast does not make it expensive or look bad. Its quick good looking and not heavy hitting to your wallet.


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Quick Quick Get your New Lawn Quick from Coastal Turf

At the moment Coastal Turf is offering order now and get within 24 hours service during the week. When you decide to install grass at your house you don’t wan to wait days or weeks for it (except for all those planning people out there. And I take my hat off to you. Congrats.), you want to do it now. Well at Coastal Turf we now have that service available for you.


Many of our customers are ordering in the morning and getting it that lunch or afternoon. So literally at the moment you can go from dirt to green at your place straight away. And we will even bring it to you with a smile on our face! So get your Green from us to you NOW!


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This beautiful Green Grass could be at your place NOW!

Have I showed you our Farm?

It accorded to me as I am sitting here listening to the Kookaburras, that I dont think I have put many photos on of our little home Farm. Our Farm on 279 Round Mountain Rd, near Cabarita Beach, is small compared to other turf farms, but it grows fantastic grass thanks to out deep rich black soils. Ever since I was a kid and used to mow for Dad on the farm this little corner of the farm has become my favourite. It always seems to grow the softest grass that is so deep green it almost reflects. I think too, because it is a little out of the way of everything else on the farm it is lovely.

This is the Big Triangle paddock. We do also have the small triangle paddock (named because of their shape and size – not much imagination at Coastal Turf when it came to naming our paddocks. I guess it is better then paddock 1) but the big Triangle always had more trees and bush around it, and feels more secluded. I love the grass that grows here too because it is so soft and robust because it has grown in the sun for some of the day and the shade for the rest. And that is what most peoples houses are like. Not like a giant paddock that is in full sun all day, so when it goes into a home that has sun and shade, it goes into shock for a couple of weeks. The big Triangle grass is great at home grass. It has even had me and the kids and dogs running over it and its beautiful. we are just giving it a bit of a test run for you ……

Chat soon Sare

June Rain Headaches and Grass

Well June is nearly at its end and I for one will be happy to see it go. This month has been wet and really cold and miserable. Which of course brought sickness to our house. And for the first time in ages, I caught the kids disease. And where as it took them 5 days to get over it and go back to running playing loudly and fighting, 2 weeks later and I am still struggling. I don’t think I will ever be rid of this headache.


And the rain is playing havoc with everyone grass installations. Its not much fun having mud tramped into your house (believe me I KNOW!), and really it is better to have small time in the wet getting grass down and be done with it, rather than the alternative. Or better yet get us to come and do it for you. And them the boys can get wet at your house instead of being wet on the farm…


Hehehehehe but lets not tell them it was my idea…..



Jubilee Weekend

Well Congrats are in order I think for the Queen having been sitting at her desk and preforming her duties for 60 years now. Wow! Its not very often that you see many workers in their jobs for 60 years do you (Other than Mums). Imagine the long service leave she would have accrued….

Well over this long weekend if you are sitting in the sun and thinking what should I do, why not finish off that yard to be gorgeous and green. Put in what we think is the Queen of our Grasses – Queensland Blue Couch. Soft Gentle yet strong tough and resilient – Queensland Blue Couch has been around for so long that in some of the Heritage Listed houses in Sydney and Brisbane.

So Party and celebrate your way with a bit of royalty in your backyard this weekend
Cheers Sare

Carpet Grass

Turf Grasses really have some strange names don’t they. I mean Buffalo grass (so not a cow), Zoysia (huh?) and then Couch (spelt like the big soft thing you sit on but actually said Cooooch) and then there is Carpet grass. No you don’t have to go out and vacuum it, but if you had big windows it probably would grow inside as it needs very little light to grow and it loves people waking running falling all over it. It is so super hard waring that we install Carpet Grass into preschools with giant shade sails and it thrives. It requires as well very little mowing as it has a tendency to grow out rather than up. Which is great for back yards with pets and kids, because you want them out there having a good time, rather than you be out there mowing all the time. And recent studies have proved that due to Carpet Grass’ leaf composition, Carpet grass is also the least likely to cause an allergic reaction. All in all a lovely little bit of Green…

I guess kinda like Carpet, but a hell of a lot cheaper.


In the spirit of End of Financial Year sales (although I don’t think we will be having a New Financial Years Eve party), we have Carpet Grass on a huge special and free delivery for orders over 300 square meters. I wont put the price on here as blogs last forever, but I will say WOW!


Thanks and Chat Soon


Month of May at Coastal Turf

Well hasn’t May been just awesome this year. It has been a wonderful month of Sun and warm weather. But also it is the Biggest Morning Tea month. And that is great. Being a small family business there wasn’t much point having an Office party as there would have been Me, Mum, Dad and Mick. So I was delighted when Bogangar Public School had a Biggest Morning Tea that we could all attend. My children attend Bogangar Public School, and Bogangar has all been effected by the News that a local football boy has a serious cancer. One of the mothers at the morning tea had a Nephew recently diagnosed. So it had meaning to everyone this year.

It was great to see other working Mums taking their time out to come down as well.


Biggest Morning Tea at Bogangar Public School 2012 with Jodie from Ocean Spirit, Sare from Coastal Turf, Tracy and Cohan from Aline Building, Sonia from Precious Parcels

And being the month of Cancer research fundraising, my boys all got in on the act too. At Raiders Football Club, they held a Shave Day to help a young man. And my wonderful boys went to help. Together they raised money to shave off their hair to help. Riley who is 10 already had a shaved head, so he just got a “Top Up” in his words, but Marcus who is 4, had really long hair. I’ll let the pictures show for themselves….

Not much on grass this week, but its definitely for a worthy cause

Chat soon



Face Book and Grass

I was flicking through my Facebook page the other day (look us up its Coastal Turf Australia!) and was rather disappointed that someone had put on there that Family businesses were dying. I was really sadden that the blog had said that Son’s were leaving the family business to go work in the mines because there wasn’t enough money with the family business to support 2 families. Well, I had a problem with someone who is my “Facebook” friend because they completely ignored the fact that Daughters can carry on the family business. And in many ways better. (Sorry little Brother, nothing against you) The relationship I have with my Dad is totally different to the relationship my brother has with him. And this means that I can work here. Now I know that one of my Sons I will never be able to work with. But I think I will be able to work with one of my Sons and probably my daughter.

Especially my daughter who comes up with funny rhymes about Grass at the moment like “Coastal Turf the best grass for my Arse”. Isn’t school great. They come home with so many nice words from school don’t they….

Chat soon

Green Lawn Care that spreads right over your lawn

Well the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. Winter must be on its way. But that doesn’t mean that outside time is over. Nor should it mean that you should run away from your lawn either. Autumn and Winter are definitely the slower growing months of the year, but that does not mean that the turf will not establish at your place if you install it now. Oh no. It will take a little longer to get to that mowing height (but then again isn’t that a good thing? Less mowing more playing on the grass), but it will still establish and turn into that same lush gorgeous lawn it should. I guess the real advantage to installing turf now is that by Spring and Summer when you want to go out on the grass (or send the kids outside for a GOOD LONG TIME) the grass will be established beautifully and ready to go.


And don’t forget you can call Coastal Turf at any time for tips and advice on how to care and maintain our grass at any time. I had a lovely Man call be last weekend who had unfortunately sprayed his weeds with Round Up and and the wind was blowing and the spray head was a little too large and he killed half his lawn. When I asked him what type of weed he was trying to kill, I offered him advice on the weed specific spray to use. Round Up definitely kills everything it touches, which is great when it hits what you want it too. But unfortunate weeds grow in and or around your lush turf grass and if the Round Up hits that it will kill the roots of the Lawn as well and mean that it will take longer for the grass to come back over the dead patches and be green all lawn over. But a weed specific killer will mean that it only kills the Weed not your Grass. And your Grass can grow back over the dead dying weed and make a beautiful lush green lawn for you again. We love to help so give us a call and we will see how we can help.


Have a lovely weekend

Chat Soon


Mud, Girls, Empire Zoysia and Palmetto Buffalo

What to do in the Rain Aren’t my girls lovely! All dressed in pink. And Mud! That is our driveway and then our lovely Empire Zoysia and Palmetto Buffalo patch behind them. In all this rain these two grasses have fared really well. Much better than the girls did anyway. The grass was not half as muddy as they were. You can see the 2 tyres marks where my husband parks his truck there every day and all night. It is a very worn track now after the past 2 years. But you will also notice that the Buffalo given half a chance is trying to grow back into wheel riles. Its a really strong grass, especially in the wet weather. It just sucks up all that rain and takes off. The Palmetto is in the foreground and the Empire Zoysia is in the back ground, and you will also notice how green it has become over this wet weather. Such a lovely deep green colour. But of course the best part of the photo has to be the muddy girls. Not only because they are mine, but mostly because they are not yours and wont be walking mud into your house this afternoon. If you have little ones like my 2, then get some lush green Coastal Turf grass at your place to stop the mud. And don’t get a back pebble driveway. It just fills with mud…..

Chat soon
