
Watch out Lawn Grub about!

I am now seriously disturbed. This morning I found in the cuffs on my favourite denim shorts (you know how you have that really comfy and soft and fit your body perfectly, makes you look and feel good? well I do and I love them) I found Lawn grub eggs! Why oh why! Could they not have chosen any other of the clothes on the line. Why did it have to be my favourite shorts!

So I released my rather on the lawn under the clothes line again this morning and threw out my sand granulated killer again. I don’t care if its useless doing it in the morning, and I don’t care that Tony only put some out last night. I was angry and I felt violated and I wanted revenge! And that was just on my shorts, imagine how insane I could have been if it was on my favourite patch of sitting grass.

So before my slightly psychotic moment the kids and I were chatting about the holidays and my 5 year old has decided that it is time for him to learn how to drive a tractor. Oh I said. “yep its time I learn” he said. After a 20 minute conversation as to why he was too young and the 5 minute sulk/tantrum that followed I said to him that he could sit on the little mower and practice for when he could drive. Now I meant sit on the tractor off and do Play School driving, he did not. So after another 20 minute chat, then sulk then yell, I took photos of what he would look like of he could drive and I said we could just pretend. And of course his sister had to jump in on the act.

So that could be why I went a little crazy with the lawn grubs. I took all my frustrations out on the grubs. I would have squished their guts out if I had found any. But I couldn’t.

So everyone make sure that you put your sprays and sand granulated lawn grub killers out if you see and eggs anywhere (I hope its not on your favourite shorts) and get them before they take over and leave really bad patches. Or make you crazy. And don’t think that they cannot survive underwater because I have seen that too, so get those puddle areas as well.

Good luck lawn grub killers out their. May your aim be straight and true, and your pants safe, and your children not frustrating. I am really really looking forward to the school holidays so they can recoup.


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Marcus and Hollie pretending to drive to little mower

Marcus and Hollie pretending to drive to little mower

The soil makes the difference

I’m a bit worried. I have had a week of doing book work instead of working on the actual farm and my hands are clean. My nails don’t have that dark nutrient rich colour around them and stuck under the corners. No matter have hard I used to scrub they would not come clean. But now I have nails that could almost be shaped into girly hands. I might even splash out this weekend and paint them!

But serious the gorgeous soil that we have at Coastal Turf means that although it does “stain” your hands it grows the most wonderful thick fluffy happy green grass. At the moment Dad has been delivering some of the best Qld Blue Couch I think we have ever grown. It is fantastic grass that is just going to look gorgeous at Blackrocks. I know that the owners and the landscaper were very happy. Hoping to pop down this week and grab a few pictures for you.

And next week is school holidays here in NSW so I will have my three little ducklings following me around, and probably a couple of ring in kids as well. The farm and our house are fun places for kids because now that the rain has stopped there is so much open space that kids can run and run and run. Everyone’s hands will be dirty then….


Chat Soon





Cross Country Grass

I am a super proud Mother today as well as a proud turf Farmer. As you know earlier this year and late last year we put in new turf at the Bogangar Public School oval, and this week the grass and oval where so good that they ran the Cross Country on it. As you can imagine there where lots of cheering mums and dads and grandparents and friends and family wishing their kids on.

My youngest son and daughter had their races but due to rain the older kids had theirs cancelled. But I was so proud that they finished the races and also got a place card. Mostly that they finished. It seemed like a long way to me. And the grass looked great. It help up really well in the rain and kids running hardcore on it. Got to love that Green couch for its hardy resilience and dark colour.

Marcus and best mate Seth running hardcore

Marcus and best mate Seth running hardcore


As you can see Hollie was not as pumped as Marcus. Funnily enough she came 3rd and Marcus came 7th. But as you can see the grass is really green and kids are giving it a pounding!

So congrats to Bogangar Kids for a great run, and go my fast little kids, and great job green grass!


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Training them young – Harrys recommendation on the best grass

At Coastal Turf we like to ensure that the next generation will be interested in farming as well. That’s why when my very good friend Alica Harvey ask me to look after her kids, I took them for a walk on the weekend down to the farm. And when they realized that we had tractors and trucks I have never seen two more excited toddlers. My kids now feel that the  farm is kinda old hat. Of course Mum can drive a tractor. Yes Poppa drives a truck. Of course you harvest Turf with the Great big tractor harvester. But Harry and Mia were thrilled. They had only seen Tractors and Big Trucks in books and TV. So I let the kids sit on the tractors with the keys out. They were super excited and I had forgotten about he truck noises that little kids make when they sit on tractors. It was a real joy to see that kids now are still excited by trucks and being outside.

Afterwards we went for a walk on the grasses paddocks and they were so excited by the great big backyards that my kids claim is theirs. Harry likes the Blue Couch paddock best because it was the softest when he feel over on it. Mia however recommends the puddles. They are her favourite. Did tell her that I can’t really cut them out and bring them to her place but she smilled and said that she is sure her daddy could.

So if you want to go with Harry’s expert opinion and turn our Qld Blue Couch into your lawn at your place give us a call. After all who better to trust than someone who is down on their knees sometimes face first in the grass…

Chat soon Sare

The next generation of female tractor drivers

The next generation of female tractor drivers

Harry on the tractor

Harry on the tractor

Green Grass around the Pool

On Friday afternoons I take my kids to swimming lesson at the Local Gym. They are fantastic with all my kids and my kids are starting to swim with a proper stroke. As my friend says they “swim like real people do now”. I took it as a compliment.

An while sitting in the grassed area watching them SWIM, and giving a Mother a quote o the phone I realized why the grass was so spongy and dark green. It was because it was our Palmetto Buffalo. True it was from many years ago now, and they have taken great care with it, but it is run on with gym training, has pool water splashed on it all the time, and has the wear and tear from being in a gym. It also has Rabbits eating it. And as you can see it is great. Green. Lush. Thick and great with no shoes. Well after seeing how much fun the kids where having I had to have a go my self.

Chat soon


(but there will be no photos of me swimming as I don’t swim like a real person, more like a dying walrus my 5 year old says. Ahh its the compliments that make you love them hey…)

My Boys Swimming like Real People

My Boys Swimming like Real People

The green soft lush grass around the pool

The green soft lush grass around the pool

Queensland Blue Couch – greener than ever

Keith the tired pup

Keith the tired pup

Poor Pup Pup. We had such a big day harvesting turf yesterday that the poor Keith was so exhausted that when it came to jumping in the car to go pick the kids up after school, he couldn’t quite make it all the way. Keith feel asleep on the drivers side floor on my pedals. He just found it so exhausting running backwards and forwards after the harvester and chasing Dad’s old dog as well, that even jumping in the car was way too much exertion. Dad and I while the dogs were frolicking were cutting some beautiful Qld Blue couch to take all around the place. It is so soft, dark green and lush at the moment. I am just loving it and recommending it to everyone with a full sun area.

We had a lovely couple who are ripping out their old lawn to replace it with a softer brighter Qld Blue Couch. They were amazed at what Couch actually was. Most people associated couch as stringy horrid grass. Where as the Qld Blue and the Wintergreen is thick and lush. The wintergreen when maintained can be a bowling green style lawn. The blue couch is soft more subtle grass that works with you and your family to create a warm dirt free yard.


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Qld Blue Couch on a pallet

Qld Blue Couch on a pallet

Cutting the Green

This week has been an exciting full on week. We have been taking turf everywhere. And I have been a busy bee cutting turf left right and center. Think I am loosing weight and getting heaps fitter as well. I told Dad the other day it was definitely better than a gym cause I got to work outside. Marcus (my 5 year old) thinks it way sick (he is 5 and already says way sick!) that I get dirty while getting fit as well. “Hardly any other mums play in the dirt for work mum”. I’m taking it as a compliment.


This week we took over 550sqm of Green couch to Tanglewood near Cabarita Beach for one of our local landscapers. I had to take a snap firstly cause the Wintergreen was gorgeous, but also look at my stacking. It has got heaps better!


The harvested wintergreen couch on a pallet awaiting delivery

The harvested wintergreen couch on a pallet awaiting delivery







A Wintergreen Stack of 50sqm


So with the sun out this week people have started to smile a lot more now, and going out to what used to be a large mud pit, and installing some great grass this week. We look forward to bring more green to peoples life in the coming weeks. And feel excited that your turf was probably stacked by myself. And smile and laugh a little to yourself cause we are cutting in the evening rain so you can have your turf first thing in the morning fresh green and ready to grow at your place.


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Coastal Turf on TV

Well our grass will be anyway. And most likely to be on TV in England. But it is there! Super Super excited! During the week we had a call from the amazing people out at the Clarrie Hall Dam Farm near Murwillumbah to supply them some turf for their production they are conducting out there at the moment. This project is very exciting for the whole region. After a long drive out there Dad delivered the turf to an area that he said doesn’t really look like a TV set yet. (Think he thought that the place might have Personalities running around rather than Landscapers. I can understand why he was disappointed. For Dad Landscapers aren’t exciting. Maybe I will deliver out there next time to check it out.) But really what do we know about what a TV set looks like? When we supplied the turf to Big Brother at Dreamworld they wouldn’t even let my Little Brother (hehe. was a funny pun at the time too) through the gate. They had to hand unload it off so that the poor crew could take it into the house. Our name was on the credits really quickly though.

But it does seem that Queensland Blue Couch is the is the preferred grass of TV. Maybe its colour comes up better for film, or maybe its just easy going, which is probably good for TV too.


Our other brush with stardom is that my daughter Hollie is on Toasted TV on the 18th March 2013! Bit excited. She says she is the one splashing in the back ground.

So I think a great big congrats to the Northern NSW area for attracting all these TV crews to our area, and a personal thanks for involving my family.

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PS look for Hollie on the 18Th and the soft green blues of the Murwillumbah mini series soon. Don’t worry, I think I will add in links. SOOO EXCITED!


The Big Blue Wet Thing – Thats the Queensland Blue Couch paddack at the moment…

Well this year just seems to be the year of the BIG WET for the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers region of Australia doesn’t it? I am very very much over the rain now. Puddles are no longer fun to jump in. Umbrellas are no longer an exciting new accessory. And mud – don’t let me get started on MUD!

Last week Marcus my youngest had his tonsils out then had all sorts of drams that go along with being 4 and not liking sitting still inside due to the rainy weather even though we are really quite sick. This week we are all hands back on deck at school, and the rain only seems to really really pour when we get out to drop them off or pick them up. Is this some sort of weird funny Karma? The light in the dark I guess is that the Bogangar School Oval is looking so green and lush.

Dad and Rob said that when they are delivering, its fine until they step into the bobcat to unload. I hope for the people installing their lawns last weekend that they got some reprieve from the rain. And our last customers on Saturday who were putting it on a  hill seemed very happy to have the grass.

Last Thursday during the large down pour we put 160sqm of A Grade Queensland Blue Couch on a truck and sent it to Sydney. And I have just received a photo from them saying how great the grass was. Blue Couch is definitively a winner when it comes to rain and heat. Blue Couch can take to extremes of being an Aussie. Blistering Heats (not that we can remember them at the moment) and Pouring Rains, Blue Couch just laps it up and turns it all into gorgeous lush soft easy going green. A love it. So even Sydney siders can enjoy the beauty and easy going lush green of Queensland Blue Couch.

Everyone can from Coastal Turf this week. We can cut in this weather the A grade Blue and it is fantastic grass. I get really really really muddy, but the grass preforms great looks fantastic and takes the mud away from your place!


Chat Soon, maybe over or about Qld Blue



Turf Pup

Meet the new Turf Pup. Keith is our new recruit. Although he did just wee on my office floor so he is definitely going out in the truck from now on. And I am sure that he will be a large part of the blog from now on. As I type now he is snoring on my office floor.


My Turfman husband bought him home from the Tweed heads RSPCA last week because our son had been in hospital and he thought he would cheer him up. He definitely has, but I had totally forgot how much hard work puppies are. So cute and lovely but hard work. I defiantly think I will be kinder to anyone who rings up now about puppy problems and turf installations. Also can’t wait for the puppy helping stories that I am sure  will come in the following weeks

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Keith the Turf Pup likes to sneak inside. And yes that is my, or was my stocking

Keith the Turf Pup likes to sneak inside. And yes that is my, or was my stocking

Keith the Turf Pup on a rare sunny day.

Keith the Turf Pup on a rare sunny day.