Palmetto, the perfect kids lawn

Well its been a great start to 2017 so far. I have just discovered that our 10year old is knows her Turf stuff.

Her best friends parents called and wanted some Palmetto turf installed at their place around their side and pool area. No Problems says my daughter. She quite cleverly measured up the area, set up the delivery date, told her Second Parents (as she calls them) the prices and then went with the truck for a sale over when we delivered the turf. It was the easiest delivery I have ever arrange. For a sleep over or a turf delivery. All I had to do was pack a bag of clothes and a roller. Not the usual, but nearly normal for our house.


So off Hollie went and helped her second Dad install their beautiful new lawn. She said she did most of the work (note the staggered brick formation that the turf is laid in. Perfect for quick establishment). Her second Dad said he is pretty sure he did a lot too. And Hollie measured so well she only had one slab left over.

Hollie did get a special ice cream as a reward from her Second Parents.

So little lesson, that if the my 10 year old can do it, I bet anyone can do it this summer. But I think the biggest lesson is that you can get your kids to help install your new lawn, and only have to pay them with Ice Cream!

Dad’s on the other hand, they probably want beer or something more refreshing.

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Coastal Turf Back in 2017

From our Coastal Turf family, we would like to wish your family a Fantastic Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
We would like to thank all our Lawnatics this year who have installed either themselves or had one of our professionals install a Coastal Turf lawn for them.
Our team is booked out now until the 4th January 2017. We look forward to creating more Lawnatics in the New Year.img_1391

How to show you love your Girlfriend with your lawn, or someone elses…

When it comes to love, lawns are one of those things that so many people have really strong feelings about. And its also a way of showing others how much you love them. Coming up to Christmas, a lot of Mums and Dads are ringing up and paying for their children’s lawn. And I always think that is just so beautiful! A really love to want to pay and in some cases help install their Children’s lawn. Its a gift that adds value to their home, and usually more importantly to the payer, gives their Grandchildren a place to enjoy and love, and Play!


Well this weekend I saw a picture of true love on a lawn. It was a park lawn in Murwillumbah and it really did make me go ohhhhhhh. A, what I am assuming,  young man appears to have Round Up a large grassed area to express his love for Julie!Julie is loved!

Now I am not saying that everyone should go out and round up messages into their law. Oh No! AS cute as I thought this was, I’m sure someone is in trouble. Although probably not with Julie.


Maybe next time dear young man, you could get turf slabs and write her name and how much you love her. It wouldn’t be so rounded but the nice straight edges would make great lettering, and a huge heart shape. Now that in Palmetto Buffalo would really say I love you!

And please remember young men, to only use your own lawn for such expressions of love, as using the Councils lawned area could land you in trouble. And using the beloved lawn of your potential/current girlfriend could create you more problems with her family than you care to go through. But Buying them beautiful Coastal Turf lawn will defiantly get you in their good books. Even more so if you install it as well.

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Kids, Cricket and why we all play cricket from an 8 years point of view.

This week my son came home deflated because he didn’t make the school cricket team. Now try outs were weeks ago and the boys have all been training hard at school and after school as well. I have to say their dedication is to be applauded.


A little back story to Marcus’s sadness though was that the day of school try outs, my youngest son thought he would give it a go. We hade played cricket win the backyard on the very rare occasion. ( Our lack of Cricket enthusiasms is mostly due to me  being very uncoordinated and the idea of anyone throwing a ball at high speeds at me with only a tiny bat to defend myself frightens me. Another back story to this back story is that my brother is incredibly sporty and when I used to play backyard cricket with him when I was a kid he would always bowl a proper bowl down to me. Now I am not naturally talented at anything but wine tasting. So hitting a real bowled ball was really not possible. I was often told LBW! with my whole body.)  So Marcus who has inherited his uncles and fathers natural sporting ability, tried out for the cricket team and was named a member. And then went off to play soccer with his friends at lunch, fell over, and broke his arm. So no Cricket for him.


Now do you know what the best part of school cricket is to an 8 year old boy. The comradely of his team? The experience of facing other schools and showing school pride?  No none of those adult things we like to think is true. No; its the having days off school to travel to other schools and play there. Missing out on a whole days of school work.


So Marcus came home this week disappointed that his friends were off, again,  for the day and he was stuck at school. This is when he talked his Father and Grandfather into making a cricket pitch in the front yard. Next year he is going to be soooo good he tells us they will take him with or without a broken arm. Originally he wanted to make the whole green couch paddock in to a cricket oval, but I said no loudly enough that his father and grandfather could hear. Its probably good timing on his behalf because Turf Australia has a How To Guide on how to make the perfect cricket pitch on their website and the Lawnspiration Facebook page.

FB_Turf_backyard cricket

I’ll let you know how we go. We will defiantly be using the Green Couch for the pitch, and most likely just our Coastal Mix we already have in our yard for the oval part.

Heres your guide too, show me how yours looks and we can see how we went.

And Don’t forget the Lawnspiration Facebook competition to win tickets to the Big Bash!

Chat soon



Family Business

Coastal Turf is a family owned and operated farm and business. It is through our love and understanding of a family dynamic that I believe our Family can offer your family the best service, advice and lawn.

This week our family lost my Mother, one of the centrepieces of our family life. Coastal Turf will be celebrating her life, all the joy and magic she brought to not only our families lives, but to all those who knew her on Friday.

Coastal Turf will be closed from Thursday the 10th November 3pm until Monday the 14th November 8am. We appreciate everyones understanding at this time.

thank you

Sarah Mason


Lawns for Summer

If your like most people you have already been to the Varieties page and seen that most of our lawn varieties are unavailable. “SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE? ” most people are saying.


Well we do have at the moment some emerald Empire Zoysia, beautiful Palmetto Buffalo and some amazing Green Couch.

Empire Zoysia Lawn

Empire Zoysia Lawn


Palmetto Buffalo

Palmetto Buffalo

Green Couch

Green Couch










So we can help you have a magically green lawn for Summer. A place for you to enjoy the sun and cooling winds of the summer months in style. Whether you are lazing on your Zoysia next to the pool, Hitting a cricket ball on the Palmetto, or rolling on the Green with the kids.


We can fit the best suited variety to your sunny lawn, or your shaded area.

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Big Bash coming to your yard, well a Little one anyway!

Coastal Turf is part of the National Turf body whom are running a Little Bash competition. If your lawn is bought from Coastal Turf and wins the competition, we will give you an extra prize of a Coastal Turf Fertilser pack to ensure the health of your new Cricket Pitch. Check out the competition and enter once or 20 times. Good Luck. HowZ That!

The summer of cricket is about to get underway and Lawnspiration through their face book page are giving you the chance to WIN TICKETS FOR YOU & 3 FRIENDS to a Twenty20 Big Bash game in your closest capital city!! We have FIVE lots of tickets to give away!

How do you win? Show Lawnspiration your own unique backyard cricket pitch, share it on our page and our panel of backyard wicket experts will pick the winner!

Entries are now open but stay tuned to the Lawnspiration for tips to help your backyard wicket pass the famous key test! And Coastal Turf can help with your home personal tips!

FB_Turf_backyard cricket

Check out this FaceBook page for more info on the comp!(Copy and paste into your browsers, sorry either my cleverness on the computer or the limitations of the engine is not letting me put a link. Sorry. I’ll ask my 14 year old for more help! )

Lets Bash away!

Chat soon


Backyard Cricket. Its time to start getting ready!

One of the few sports I am still able to slightly compete with my kids is backyard cricket. Every Christmas our family gets tother and we have a really silly game. Its all about having a hit and bowling a few( while we knock back a few ). And of course the wheelie bin is the wickets. Its a family tradition that we all love, and we have passed on to our kids, and friends who have come over for Christmas fun. And now is the time to start preparing your Perfect Pitch for these Summer games.
Backyard scoreboardFB_Turf_backyard cricket

I think I love Cricket with my kids more than any other sport because it is truely non contact. At no stage should I be pushed or nudged to the ground. Just have balls thrown at me. And now I have my glasses (and sometimes a few glasses) I am a pretty good shot. My bowling leaves something to be desired, but my underarm is right up there.

Well I’mm off to do a few rain dances to help our lawn and lawn paddocks get ready to be your Summer Cricket Backyard. So watch the Big Bash on TV, and have a little Bash in your yard.

Chat soon


Turfmen – taking the pressure out of installing a new lawn.

This is Josh. Josh is a very hard working young man who loves to install Coastal Turf lawns for people. I promise he does NOT lean upon his shovel all day. He actually installed the beautiful lawn at this Metrion home in Hundred Hills, Murwillumbah. Before and after

Josh looks like he is in deep concentration (yep this is his concentrating face.) because he is ensuring that the soil levels are at the right height to be flush with the driveway and footpath; that the soil is full of essential nutrients; and that the area is fully prepared with the Turfman secrets to ensure the lawn stays as beautiful in years to come as it is today. Josh has a lot of pressure on him to perform.

Usually on the farm we place a lot of pressure on Mick and John to grow the most amazing looking turf, and on Paul to deliver the turf in its freshest healthiest happiest form. But Josh tells me that their pressure and skills is nothing compared to his own.

Not only did the removal of Josh and his shovel from the photo make the house look amazing, but Josh’s concentrated efforts to turn this soil of brown to stunning Green lush lawn for these new home owners makes the photo look fantastic!

So if you want none of the pressure (and according to Josh, don’t have the elaborate skill level of his amazing self) to preform to Josh’s level, then leave all the pressure and time (and back ache that Josh tells me he has) to Josh and the Turfman crew to install your new lawn.


Chat soon


PS. Josh also wanted me to point out that he is also an expert on the aftercare and service of your lawn, to ensure its stunning growth over the years. 😉

Daylight Savings and how it effects your turf deliveries.

You know how some mornings it’s 9am and you feel like you have already accomplished so much. And other mornings you look up at the clock, and think ” what! It can’t be 9am already! What have I even done yet?”

Well today was one of those where has the time gone mornings where I couldn’t find anyone’s lunch boxes to put lunch in,  the kids missed the bus, and I still haven’t checked my emails or done my hair by 8.20am. And the kids have to be at school which is at least on a good day half an hour away, by 8.45am.  And that little panic button in my head started to go off, and the crazy mother came out in me.  You know the one that yells because their son only has one sock and one shoe on ( not necessarily on the same foot) and says they are totally ready, their daughters hair is sticking straight up, and they are throwing random things around to be able to find the keys which they know were around around here somewhere. And god forbid they find their phone without ringing it.

Well that was me this morning. The slightly insane one.  And then my obviously dressed and ready to go son ( in his one sock on his left and one shoe on his right) said to me ” Don’t worry mum. In Qld it’s only 7.20am. We have heaps of time.”

Now at this point, for those who don’t know, I just want to interject that our farm, where we live and go crazy, but mostly grow beautiful turf lawn grasses, is in NSW. Specificaly in Cabarita Beach. It’s beautiful. But in NSW we have daylight savings at the moment. We are an hour ahead of QLD.

My sons  calmness sometimes drives me absolutely crazy. And this morning , probably because I was already in crazy land, I just laughed instead of screaming. I thought I had done enough  of that already. And it did help release the tension and find the other shoe and sock!

It did make me think that it is quite handy Coastal Turf being in NSW and on daylight savings time. We can help service all the deliveries early in NSW, and then still be able to deliver nice and early as well to Qld. A win win situation. So lots of people can have the 7.30am delivery that they are hoping for. I love getting the turf down early. The sense of accomplishment after installing a new lawn by 9am is much better than not finding the other shoe and sock by 9am. (by the way we did make it to school. Just as the bell rang, and with both shoes and hair mostly done)

Coastal Turf runs on NSW time, so it does mean for all you Queenslanders that our hours of a little earlier than you. We are on the farm and in the office from 6.30am – 4pm Monday to Friday, and 6.30am – 11am on Saturday.

Chat son
