
Palmetto Buffalo and my kids cubby

At the back of our Round Mountain farm is the Jet Sprint Boat races, and it was held yesterday! It was awesome to hear the fast flying boats cruse around then tiny track. How they do it is amazing! And the best place to see it? From our hill covered in soft Palmetto Buffalo or for the climbers in our family, the kids tree house. I preferred the hillside. I’m not a climber, and have been known to be able to sit still for up to 10 to 15 minutes at a time! Unlike our kids. Think Marcus may have made 2 minutes, but I think he may have been really interested in how fast the boats were then.

Now I am not a big fan of buffaloes. I really like my soft dark Queensland blue, but I did enjoy the afternoon in the sun on the Palmetto. And I noticed that my daughter who usually gets a reaction from Wintergreen couch, didn’t itch at all. So I am very impressed with the Palmetto. And considering that we have not had rain in over a month, it is still really green. It doesn’t need a mow (makes my husband and son really happy), but is still really healthy and makes you want to go outside and sit on it.


I am definitely looking forward to next weekend and sitting in the sun on our Palmetto hillside again.

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Fathers Day

Well what a lovely Fathers day was had by all in the Coastal Turf Family.  The cold wind was a bit of a deterrent, but I think all the Fathers here had a lovely day.


My Husband had the morning to himself to watch all those movies that you cant watch with the kids a around, and My dad or Poppa had all his kids and grand kids with him all day. I even cooked a cake and only Poppa was allowed to like out the bowl. And then after a morning of self indulgences my husband came up and joined in a game of football, followed by watching the football on TV. Its days like these that really make you appreciate your family and your special family areas. We are definitely more of an outside family, so the grass in the back yard is super important to us. I tend to not be the most coordinated of the family(ie I fall over the most in soccer and football games) so I like a very soft lawn to fall on. So Coastal Mix is the grass for our backyard. Where as friends of mine have hardly any light in their backyard, and have a gorgeous Palmetto Buffalo lawn, and my wonderful old neighbors who are Grey Nomads int heir AMAZING caravan have a beautiful Carpet grass lawn because it doesn’t need to be mowed when they are away over winter.


So like families and Fathers Day celebrations, all yards are different and that’s why at Coastal Turf we specialize in Fitting the Right Grass To the Right Lawn at The Right Price.


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PS Happy Fathers Day to All!

Grass Heads for Great Lawns

Well I think the best place to learn about great lawns is amongst Great Turf Farmers. And that is where the Turf Australia meeting comes in very handy. I meet some amazing farmers from Mackay to Victoria to Perth. All with different grass stories to tell. But we all agreed that different grasses grow and flourish in different places and yards. There is no one grass that works for everyone, and no one grass that works in all situations.


That’s why at Coastal Turf we have our many different varieties of grasses for your many different Lifestyles, Yards, and areas that you want to get that gorgeous green on. Get your Green Growing at your place! And at Coastal Turf we don’t believe that a “named” grass or an advertised grass is necessarily better than a turf grass that will grow native to your area. For example, Queensland blue couch is gorgeous in the yards of Northern Rivers and Gold Coast areas, but in places where it frosts, like Sydney, I would not recommend Queensland Blue. So call Coastal Turf for the Best Grass at the Best Price for Your Yard!

Because really, you want your lawn to be GREEN.


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Gorgeous Green

Gorgeous Green

Meeting Of the Grass Heads

Well thats what my husband calls a Turf Australia meeting. All us Grass Heads get together and exchange ideas and recipes for Turf. We stand on a little grass and watch how the Government bodies do it. I went and stood on several different types of grass, but I still hold by Queensland Blue Couch as my favourite. Its still the softest, spongiest grass underfoot that there is. Well I like it the best anyway. Turf Australia has an erosion control center located at their facility in Brisbane so we went along to find out how turf preforms in roadsides and sloping hill regions to control erosion and sediment loose. I will put more on during the week, but wanted to touch base with you all saying, nt on holidays, JUST ENJOYING THE GREEN!


Sare at DAFF facility

Sare at DAFF erosion facility

What do Little inspiring Turf Farmers look like?

Well if my son has anything to do with it, they look just like their Dads and Poppas. Marcus was sitting in front of the fire with Poppa the other night after Family dinner, when he “accidentally – on purpose” put on Poppa’s boots and hat and sock guards and and his jacket and walked around the house being a Little Poppa – who answered his iPod (no one would give him their phone in case he called someone) “Mostal Turf Marcus speaking…. Yeah Mate….Yeah Mate… Wednesday….See you then…”So very cute and lovely. It is amazing a what they hear without adults realizing…Marcus Trying on Poppas clothes for a fit for future times

And whats your backyard Used For?

Talking to lovely people on the phone this week about their backyards and putting down grass into them for all sorts of reasons. One lady had a large dog who needed a place to clean his paws before he came inside. Another Elderly couple needed an area covered so when their grand kids came over they could go in the backyard rather than run through their house. And a young Man who had just built his first home – he stated quite clearly NO KIDS AND NO DOGS, wanted it to be soft and easy to maintain and green all year. But mostly I get calls from young families needed a place for their kids to play and not bring dirt into the house.Friends of ours wanted to put a trampoline up, so they needed the softest spongy grass around the trampoline so when our kids feel out it wouldn’t be so bad. Noticed I said When. Marcus is fun – but really uncoordinated…

Marcus and his best friend Cohan jumping with soft green Blue Couch under the trampoline.

And all yards are different. They all have different amounts of sun and shade, and different uses. It may be for backyard sport or a wrestling arena, or little dogs to poo and clean their feet.  But it is yours and needs to be just for you…So give us a call and we can personally fit the right grass to you


Chat soon Sare

Lawn Grubs, Gorgeous Lawns and kids

And now at this point all you dear readers are probably thinking, oh its ok, we haven’t had lots of rain, so we don’t need to be on the watch for lawn grubs. But dear reader, Their cocoons are still lying in wait!

Like Nits in kids hair!


I only know this comparison because my daughter has become infested again. (With Nits not Lawn Grub.) Just as we think we have them beat, back they come. Now the poor thing has her hair covered in cling wrap and we are awaiting the death of the evil nits.

And my Dad came over and said that cling wrap is a great way to see if your lawn has lawn grubs too. By placing a large piece of plastic or cling wrap on the ground over night, waited down, you can tell if there is any grubs in your lawn. Put the plastic down over night, and in morning lift the plastic up and if you have grubs, they will be hiding under the warmth of the plastic. Then if you have them, lainch into action!


So good luck to all you lawn owners, I hope your lawn doesn’t have an itch it can’t scratch. I’m back to combing my daughters hair.


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Aussie Aussie Aussie OiOiOi

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
That’s the chant at Coastal Turf at the moment.
Go the Green and Gold in London.
Go the Green in the front and Backyards of Gold and Northern Rivers Coasts – especially the ones with True Blue Couch!

Olympic’s on the turf

My goodness! The Olympics are here and I don’t know about your house but they are definitely dominating at ours. My 4 year old asked my husband yesterday if when the Olympics were on on the other side of the world was there anything else on television? My Husband said no. Oh, said my 4 year old. So that’s all we have been watching.

Last night we watched the Aussie Hockey girls and they were fast and amazing. (I think my boys may be inspired to take up hockey – not sure if its for the girls in short skirts – teenage son, or because you get to hit other people with sticks – 4 year old son. I like to believe it was because it was such an amazing game). My daughter asked her father what type of grass they were playing on. My husband said it was Astro Turf. Oh, said Hollie (aged 6 but thinks she is much older and wiser), that must be a type of Blue couch. Why I asked her. Because there is no way you could fall over on any other grass and and not rip a hole in your leg. Then my eldest son explained what Astro turf was (being a teenager and an expert on EVERYTHING he would know) and Hollie was shocked and appalled. Why would anyone want fake grass?She cried. How would you play on it, how would you get that great smell from it, how would you know when it was summer or spring or winter? Now at this point I think we both had a proud parent moment. “Oh, it must be because they don’t have any Coastal Turf Turfmen around to look after it or grow it”. Wonderful Daughter.

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Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Buffalo – the new Green

So many times we have all heard the term “The new Black” for something that is new and has just become Super Cool. Well I thought that it was totally the wrong saying for Grass, so i thought maybe the New Green?


Buffalo is definitely what lots and lots of people are on the hunt for at the moment. It is a really tough robust grass that loves the shade. So its very popular for areas like back yards where you want a little shade for lazy (or very full on when you send the kids outside) afternoon. We have had lots of calls for Buffalo’s this week, especially the Palmetto. So the bad news is that due to the wet weather and huge demand for this grass, Coastal Turf now needs 2 days notice for delivery of Buffalo.


But as always we are very happy to do next day delivery on all soft and Lush Green and Queensland Blue Couch.


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May your weekend be green
