
Archives for November 2013

Weekend Lawns

I was just sitting here looking at my weather app, and it looks like its going to be another wet and warm weekend. Not sure about your neck of the woods, but ours also has windy conditions predicted. The rain, I can handle, the warm I love, but the wind just annoys me. Does it get to you as well?

I’m not really sure why it really annoys me, but it does tend to make me cranky.Maybe on a grass way, it does tend to dry everything out a lot faster. I mean the warm windy weather is great for clothes drying, and maybe sailing ( I don’t know. I really get sea sick thinking about sitting on wavy conditions. ) but for newly installed turf, it means drying out the leaves. So a great idea is to water smaller little amounts more often. So like 5 to 10 mins in a spot then move on come back to the area sooner rather than later. This means the leaves can soak up the water and concentrate on establishing itself at your place rather then concentrating on how thirsty it is.

IMG_0750This is some awesome Palmetto that one of our crew installed this week. So by following a less is more more often approach to your lawn’s water needs, you will definetly make your side of the fence greener with Coastal Turf.

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Queensland Blue Couch

While walking through the farm today I couldn’t help but stop and take a picture of the farm. The Qld Blue Couch paddock is a gorgeous deep green colour after the rain. It really makes me feel calm and tranquil. Which is great after a really full on morning of delivering chatting with people. Sometimes it is really nice to sit back and soak in the beauty around you. Not that I have lots of time for that, that’s why even walking past this paddock makes me feel better.

And I guess not many of us have time to sit back and smell the roses. That’s why when we do need a little bit of tranquility or calming, it is great to be able to cast our eye out over the Qld Blue Couch. Imagine having this lush deep green at your place all year. So whenever you feel a little frazzeled or frayed at the edges you can look outside take that deep breath, breathing in the smell of gorgeous green lawn, and then return to the craziness of our every day lives once more on a more calmer note.


Ahh the magic of A green lawn. Imagine this at your placeChat soon


Rain, Grass, and getting your new lawn

Well, haven’t these storms just been an amazing phenomenon. Wonderful to watch, scarey to kids, and way way to wet for my liking. I am now know as the mud queen by my children. Cutting the Blue Couch in the wet is an experience not to be missed. Mud is great for the skin I have heard.

I have been chatting to the “Weather Fairy” and said that we would appreciate a break in the weather. A little sunshine for a while would be wonderful. She smiled and then stuck her tongue out at me. I don’t think she heard my plee. So more rain is coming.

For all of you who have already put down your lawn, the rain will be doing wonders for for you. For those preparing to get a new lawn., hold off until the day of grass delivery and watch the skys! Mud is not anyones friend. No one really wants to get the soil all ready then have it wash away in the rain. And we just can’t harvest you any turf when its too wet. It falls apart and I will not sell you turf that is MUD. Coastal Turf prides itself on providing a good quality lawn for you to get the best looking grass at your place. Making the Grass on your side of the Fence Greener!


Weather Fairy

Weather Fairy

So please give us as much notice as you can for when you want your new lawn delivered, and I will try my best to get it to you. I will have a stern word with the weather fairy but not sure how far I will get.


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Greener on Your Side of the fence

This week I was up at the old DAFF Qld Redlands facility, and found a perfect example of getting the Right Grass for The Right Place. (Don’t know how much they paid so don’t know if it was the right price but knowing the Qld Government…) But I think this photo totally illustrates that if you don’t put the right grass in the right place, no matter who you are and how great your degree’s are at managing horticulture, the wrong grass wont grow as well as the RIGHT grass.

Right GrassSo as you can see, the darker grass in the background enjoys the shade and is thriving, where as the grass in the foreground is not loving the space as much.

So make sure sure your side of the fence is green, fluffy and the envy of the other side of the fence, and get your lawn from Coastal Turf and we can make sure you get the Right Grass for your place. By having a bit of a description of the area, light levels, if your are putting in any new soil and what colour the soil you have there now is, we can help match you to your right grass.

Greener on your side of the fence.

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Another one of Coastal Turf’s Perfect Patch of Palmetto

Over the years you have probably all heard me chat on and on about little perfect patches of green. Really I think that is what we are all trying to achieve with our yards. A Great place to sit, relax, play and enjoy the out doors. And for those of us with kids, grass is a great place for kids to be. Running, playing, wrestling, and sometimes, being away from grownups.

Schools to often these days are going to the concrete jungle. So I was so excited to help Bogangar Public School take out some of their concrete and put down a Palmetto Patch for the kindergarten kids to sit down and have their breaks as well as an awesome place to do some outdoor learning. I know my boys learn much better outside than they do in a class room.

Bogagnar Public School KidsWhen I asked the kids what they liked best about it, the kindy boy and girls said it was because it was called the Kindy Green, so it was just for them. The year 2 girls said they liked it because it was so soft to sit on at lunch. And the big Boy, said it was great!

So I think if the Bogangar Public School’s perfect little patch of Palmetto can handle the rough and tumble and wear and tear of nearly 300 kids, it should do for a lawn at your place.

Make the Grass greener on your side of the fence with Coastal Turf!

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