
Green Lawns for Christmas.

Now is the time to start all those exciting preparation for Christmas. I LOVE Christmas. it rocks. All the food, presents, food, family, friends, food, and of course water fights, and food. I love to cook for all our family and friends who come out for the day. We put on a big spread across our lawn and party and eat all day. Its great. I am really looking forward to having our Christmas Day water fight on our bindi free Blue Couch and Palmetto lawn. Our new Blue is coming along beautifully and Palmetto hill under the cubby is soft and bouncy. Our hill of Green Couch has bounced back after the gorgeous rain. It is perfectly understandable why councils use Couches for thier sidewalk areas. There is little to no fuss over the lawn and a bit of water and it flashes back wonderfully GREEN.


Part of our Christmas tradition is to make all our family friends some wonderful cookies for Christmas. Hollie and I started early this year as a practice. we came up with Greening Australia and Turfman!

Cute as

Chat soon


Coastal Turf and Turfman - Greening Australia one cookie at a time

Coastal Turf and Turfman – Greening Australia one cookie at a time

Cookie Turfman
Cookie Turfman

Greening Australia
Greening Australia

Wedding aftermaths

Well as I think I may have spoken quickly about before, our lives have been consumed in a fantastic way with my brothers wedding. It was gorgeous and so wonderful to see Rob and Rikki so very happy. Also very very happy were my children who got dressed up and showed off all afternoon. It was a wonderful family experience. All the generations of the Turf family joined in and we all had a great time with out grass….

Just a few happy snaps..



The Grass family

Well they always say that its pretty tricky to work with your family, but I love it. It mans that I get to experience everyone’s highs and help with the lows. And a great big high that happened last weekend was that my brother and his very long term girlfriend finally tied the knot.


The wedding was wonderful and she was gorgeous. Rob look alright too I might add. But my daughter stole the show in her fathers and my eyes as the beautiful flower girl and our boys made a lovely speeech about what a promise between Aunty Rikki and Uncle Roby meant. I think we all welled up…


So no grass chat today just proud mum and sister. I’ll get back to the grass tomorrow…

Chat soon


Hollie and Marcus at wedding

Hollie and Marcus at wedding

Rob & Rikki @ wedding
Rob & Rikki @ wedding

Green Lawn lifestyle

Whats the point of having a big area around you if you don’t get to utilise it? By putting down some gorgeous green lawn around your house yard you not only cool your house for summer (on average your house is 2 to 3 degrees cooler in summer when lawn butts up against the house – TPA) but it also gives you an area you can use.


Back yards and front yards that are turfed with wonderful green are great places to run play relax and spend time altogether. Since hurting my wrist the kids and i have been doing a lot more walking places than we have riding bikes or playing “games” (our football and soccer games on the lawn may be unrecognizable to the untrained in Mason games eye, it may just look like chaos…) on the farm. So in one of our recent walks the kids were running and in Hollies case Frolicking on the green paddocks. The rain has made it wonderfully green and soft.  But to make it more challenging she of course tried the road. Luckily when she and the dog were frolicking and they did tumble it was on the couch paddock, so no tears, just a lovely soft landing.

Chat soon


Hollie and Bruce at the Round Mountain Farm

Here comes the Green Grass

Well here at the farm this week we have had a week of exciting new arrivals.  The best of which I think was the wonderful rain. It only takes a splash to make the grass and ground gorgeous green again. I love it. I love hearing the rain on the shed roof,  I love watching the kids jump through muddy puddles, and I love how the grass gets the wonderful green colour and smell after the rain. It makes  us all warm and fuzzy here at coastal turf.


Another thing that makes us warm and fuzzy was the arrival of our new kitten. he is wild and so fluffy and cute. Definitely expect to see more of him on the site and blog.


And I now have a cast on my left arm. Luckily(or not) I am right handed so a wonky left wrist isn’t the end of the world, but it is a dampener. So typing and phoning are challenging and my family thinks quite funny.

So lots of arrivals this week. But great to see the wet nights and sunny days. Perfect grass growing cutting and installing weather.


Chat soon


Marcus and Jimmie the cat

Marcus and Jimmie the cat

GrassLad and TurfGirl to the rescue!

Sounds like a great new comic strip about a duo who combat Lawn Grubs doesn’t it. But sadly no. I am not talented in the drawing arena, but I am raising some beautiful young children who love to hang out and play at the farm with us. It is a wonderful time for all. We all really enjoy hanging out with the kids at the farm, I get time off to spend gallivanting on the farm with the kids out doors, and they get cool names like TurfGirl (Hollie), Grasslad (Marcus) and George (Riley)!

Turf Girl is awesome at supervising the cutting and grading of turf.

Grasslad loves to inspect the grass closely at ground level. Mostly the dirt and building great new imvemptions (to english seaking people its inventions)

George (who is Riley my 10 year old) just wants to go home and do the paper work side.

So we at Coastal Turf are priming the next generation to come through the ranks, and like all generational farms and businesses, we make sure that it is a family name you can trust for quality and client commitment, because we want our kids to be proud of who they are and where they have come from.

Cheers Sare

Turfgirl and Turfman hanging out near the truck after a hard day cutting turf

Grasslad showing off his latest imvemption
Turfgirl taking sometime out to practice her cartwheels on the green couch

George hanging out

October Long Weekend Lawn Improvements – done Grand Final Style

Wow! October long weekend is always a busy and exciting time here at Coastal Turf. Over this three days people get excited and DYI their lawns with  beautiful fresh turf. We love it. But what my Husband really loves, is that it is final football time! All football season has been leading to this one Game. This one match! This one party at our place on our lovely Palmetto hill and Blue Couch lawn.


At half time we always have a quick game outside with the Dads and Mums and more excited and daring of the kids. I like to stand back and take photos as I have the coordination of a very very drunk blind man. (Sorry that is unfair to blind people. They I would definitely say would far far far exceed my coordination skills). Last year we preformed this crazy act on our old Rental place that had a lovely soft green couch lawn. Great hardy grass for Football fields and all sports grounds. This year we don’t have any Green down yet so at our new place we are either on the Palmetto hill, or the Blue Couch sloops. Will definitely have to toss to see which team gets to run up hill. Hehe


For all those Long Weekend DYI garden Improvers, make sure you keep the water up to it over the next week or so. This weather iis really drying out the ground, and no rain is forecast for a while yet. Water Crystals under your turf are a brilliant idea at the moment. Hold all that water near the roots! And some really really smelly dynamic lifter or Rooster Booster will just bring that spring growth in full swing. Get that green flowing at your place this Spring. Don’t let these lovely growing months go to waste. Put in that Gorgeous Green from Coastal Turf and then sit back and enjoy that calming happiness of Spring.


Until someone comes running through your yard with a football! Then tackle them and ask to run down hill and with the wind behind you.

Cheers and have a lovely weekend all. I will definetly put the pictures of Crazy Turf Farmers and Turfman and Landscapers and Builders from our local area playing a crazy fun half time game on the web page as well as our Facebook page. So watch out and enjoy!


Green Grass at your house this weekend

Good Morning all you Grass hunters out there.


Due to a series of Very Unfortunete Events, we have 90sqm of Coastal Mix and 100 sqm of Green couch that is ready and cut and waiting for someone this weekend. Usually have I have to say to people on the weekend I am sorry but I don;t have any cut for you. But this weekend I have heaps.


So Green couch is robust and Green and great for sunny areas.


Coastal Mix is a gorgeous blend of Carpet grass and Queensland Blue Couch that is great for back yards with sun and shade and kids and dogs who want to galivant over it.


So give me a call. we can break it down into little pieces or you can take the lot. Its totally up to you. Can even do Sunday this week


Chat soon Sare

Green Grass and Make Up

Well does this mean that we are now applying make up to our turf to make it look good? No!

Does it mean we are applying it to out Coastal Turf staff to make them look good? Well, we tried.


Last Friday I wore make up to work to make myself that little bit less Mum like and more awesome working woman. I looked alright. I was happy, even had a few comments on how different and “nice” I looked. Thanks for that. Then in walks Dad and says we have a few meters to cut, need you to come and help. “sure” I say. Stupidly thinking that a “few Meters” meant 10 or so. But Oh No!

A few meters was a few hundred. There was dust (swear there was a mini wirly wirly circling me in dust) and mud (from where we had been irrigating) on me. The turf was lovely and pretty easy to cut, but i walked away not as lovely as I had entered. Lesson- Never wear Makeup to work unless you know you aren’t cutting turf. Good life one. Told my life lesson to Macca (a lovely 50 something gentleman who has worked with us for over 20 years) and he said yes. He would never wear makeup to cut turf either. He says the lipstick makes the dust stick to his lips. Ha ha

Chat Soon, hopefully less dusty. Come on RAIN!

My face in make up after cutting turf

One of the pallets of Turf that we cut on our Cudgera Creek Farm


Green Grass; Where does it come from?

OK, so there will definitely be the smarty pants comments coming in about all how chlorophyll. And I KNOW that.

But at the moment if you look around the streets and parks and walk ways, you probably notice that most peoples lawns and grassy areas are going very brown. So the big thing is GREEN GRASS. Grass should be green soft lush spongy smell great and make you feel calm and happy when you see it. At the moment most lawns are browning and crisp. And to think that we had sooo  much rain at the beginning of the year and now we are all out there doing rain dances.

Because WATER is a big key to getting your lawn Green and lush. Especially coming into Spring because your lawn is waking up from Winter and is ready to grow, but it can ‘t without water. So if you have recently laid turf or are thinking of installing a new lawn, make sure you keep it wet! Morning Noon and Night. Noon is the best time.

We are in Irrigation mode at the farm at the moment. Pumps are going, sprinklers are spurting and the Grass is Growing Green. What more could you ask for from a turf farm, but Really Green Grass.

At Coastal Turf we have lush Green Grass for your place. John and Macca have been watering the grass, and sometimes themselves and inside the Utes (learnt not to sit with window down watching sprinklers to make sure it was working right, hehehehehe.

And not to go fix a sprinkler head and leave door open of Ute as you fix it, and when it comes back on in full flight goes straight into open door. Heheheheh), the grass is growing Green and so are the Growers!

Chat Soon
