
The beginning if the installation at Bogangar Public Achool





Here are the before pictures of the Bogangar Public School oval. Can’t wait to see the transformation!

The amazing transformation from dirt to green green grass is fantastic!

Cutting the Grass for the Kids at Bogangar Public School

Here is Coastal Turf’s crew getting Bogangar Public Schools turf cut and ready to go

Grass for the Kids!

Over the past year Bogangar Public School P&C have been slaving hard to flatten their school oval. Now the process has finally began and is nearly finished. Chicka’s Excavator work was amazing with Kings Machinery Hire to make the ground flat, square and playable. And I must say that my kids LOVED watching the trucks and Bobcats and Excavators work at school. Now its Coastal Turf’s turn to cut the grass. So today I have brought in everyone that I could think of to cut 2200sqm of couch, so we can supply the school at a very reduced cost. And the P&C is organizing volunteers to work with us tomorrow to install all the grass to make it look GREEN and GREAT! I am super excited, and I know that the kids at Bogangar Public School are even more excited. And I hope that the team of wonderful Volunteers are just as excited to come and help out. I even hear that the School is putting on a free sausage sizzle for those who help. Faantastic! that means I wont even have to make lunch. Even the kids are coming to help install. Will definitely put photos up tomorrow!


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Off to cut turf


Harvesting away

Harvesting away

What Hollie and I will look like after we have harvested and installed the Grass at Bogangar Public School
What Hollie and I will look like after we have harvested (just me harvesting) and installed (both of us installing) the Grass at Bogangar Public School

What the grass will look like
What the grass will look like

New Grass at your place – from our Farm to your Lawn

Have you ever wondered how our grass gets from growing in our paddocks to being your lawn in the afternoon?

I thought you may like to have a look at our harvester. Usually Macca or I would be standing on the side of the harvester to cut your new lawn out of our paddocks and bring them over to your house on pallets.

Many an hour we have stood folding and stacking turf for the enjoyment of you to install it at your place or your friends whom you have bribed (or threatened as was the case of a job I went to last week) and especially for our much loved landscapers and Turf maintenance men. I really enjoy being up there and working outside. The air is sometimes dusty, but its always challenging, and I don’t have to join the Gym.


So its not on a shelf, it really is in the ground nice and fresh and growing just for you

Coastal Turf’s harvester John Commens driving.



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Installing your new turf – Make Sure You Keep It Watered!

Summer is definitely here. I’m hot. And I’m sure you are too. And the pallet of turf you just had delivered is hot as well. Grass is a living organism and requires sunlight and WATER to grow. So when it sits on a pallet for too long before you install it, the turf slab can become damaged. The inside of a stacked turf pallet can reach upwards of 45 degrees C.  I had a thermometer in one the other day, and even I was surprised. Grass will become stressed in a pallet and like us when we get stressed grass raises its temperature. And the hottest part of the pallet is right in the middle. So order your turf for the day you want to install it. And get it down as quickly as possible. And as you install your turf, and you are drinking heaps and heaps of water, make sure that you give your new turf heaps and heaps of water as well. Make the ground feel all squishy (the best word I could think of) underfoot. And like drinking your water will help you hydrate and cool down and be able to continue to install more turf, by watering your newly installed grass you will help your Grass establish cool down and grow into your wonderful lawn.


And for the next 10 days make sure that you keep up the watering. In the middle of the day is the best time to water and at dusk. In the middle of the day the newly laid turf will lose the most water from its leaves and the ground. So watering your turf then will mean that it losses less. And at dusk the plant is almost relaxing after a hard day of growing so give it a lovely night cap to help it on its way. And use the watering and installation guide on the back of our invoices for the different amounts of water for the different types of grasses.


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Keep your Lawn looking as green and lush as this with a little water.

Harvesting Grass for your place

There’s nothing more invigorating to make you feel more ALIVE than to cut turf on a windy hot day. The air sweeps up all the dirt around you and it makes conversations impossible (unless you want a mouth full of dirt). But at the end you definitely have a feeling of accomplishment. And the laughs between all of us on the farm is awesome. I was listening to the radio the other day and it seems that there is a new commission being starting federally to make sure that men and women are being treated the same in the work place. I think that the Coastal Turf Turf Farm is definitely treating all of us the same. Man. Women. Child. Dog. We all work really hard to get the best grass at the best price to your door. Whether it is Macca or Dad who are Old Farts (their words not mine) or Me (not an old fart. A youngish woman. Ok middle age I guess) or Barbara in the office (she would rather I didn’t say) we all work really hard to get the job done right. The First time and the most enjoyable way possible. I really enjoy working with them all because we can have fun even when we are working. And I think this has rubbed off on my kids work ethic, Hollie joined in too the other day. Well with the dirty face part. I’m not sure who is dirtier…..

Sarah and Hollie

Sarah and Hollie

healthy lawns

Preparation for anything is often a key to a great start. I am a big breakfast person. I believe that if you can load your body up with all the great nutrients that it needs from first thing, you can move through the day a lot easier than if you have one piece of toast. And with turf and lawns I believe that giving the grass the best possible start to life at your place means that it will grow up healthy and strong.


Lawns and Turf don’t need a good Breakfast as such, but they do need a big feed and watering at the beginning of their life at our place. Healthy soils and nutrients are a great way to ensure your investment in your home will be protected. At Coastal Turf we offer our professional installation team to come to your place and turn your house into a home, or we also offer a How To guide for the DIY’s out there. By offering this free service we can ensure that the grass looks as good at your place as it does at our farms. And the difference from brown and dusty to green is just amazing. And by following our little step by step guide on how to get the best out of your lawn, you can ensure that it has the best start and continues to flourish at your place. So like having a healthy breakfast, your lawn will get the best start to its life and be green all year round.


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Giving grass the best start means that it stays greener all year

Giving grass the best start means that it stays greener all year

One of the best reason to install Turf at your Place – keeping the dirt outside , the grass outside and the kids out there too.

I get into work on  a Monday morning and think “ummm.What am I going to Blog about today?” And today was pretty easy after all the rain last weekend. Erosion control is a big part of what turf con do. Industrially, By putting grass down on sloping areas, the turf grass can keep all the soil underfoot, so to speak. It can be used on road sides and open areas for councils and main roads to stop all their wonderful soil washing away or being blown away from the wind. Keep the dirt in the ground.


And at home on a more personal level, having turf down at your house means that your house stays cleaner. Whether you have dogs or children or husbands or friends, someone always walks dirt in onto your clean floors. And have you noticed that it only seems to happen just after you have cleaned the floors. Not before, but just afterwards. I had a lovely Grandmother call me this morning who has decided to help buy her daughter turf for Christmas because she is sick of watching her grandchildren during the day for her daughter while she is at work and having to sweep the floors all day to keep the sandy dirt out. Another beautiful lady called last week saying she is so sick of washing her youngest two all the time because they just love playing on the dirt. Now dirt is great for kids, but not so much for Grown ups who have to clean up after them.  When my husband installed her grass, both she and the kids cried. The kids because they had lost their dirt pile, and the mother was so overcome with emotion about how different the whole yard looked and felt. We saw her at the local shop a few days later, and everyone was smiling. The kids love playing on soft grass, it seems it much nicer on their little feet they told me; and Their mother loves not having to scrub them clean when they have to go and pick up her older children from work. And the soil stays in the ground and the grass is happy with the nutrients as well. So everyone is happy.

Green Grass; It makes people smile whenever its seen.

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Check out the

Green couch compared to clumping grass for erosion control

The green couch area has held together really well with no slipping or erosion where as the the paddock clumping grass has let water flow through and caused big channels in the soil, meaning we lost the soil that was once there. Thank you Green Couch!

Cubby House Grass

Many of you have seen my rants about how good the grass is around my kids cubby house. It is awesome. And with little care from us which is even better. I do think it is just wonderful. I love that they can run out there in bare feet and everyone knows that they don’t have to worry about nasty little weeds coming up through and biting their feet. Although there has been a rise in ants, but we are getting on to that. It seems though  you can’t own echidnas, so we’ll start with chickens and then go further later.


Anyway I thought with all the chatting about the cubby I should show you our Kids little Home away from Home and its super soft and fluffy Palmetto under neath. And the dam in the back ground is a lovely. Reminds us that it really is a farm. I often wish that I could run away from work and sit on the Palmetto Hill and relax instead of working… Oh to be a kid again.


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The cubby at the farm

The cubby at the farm
Note the picnic table for lunch times.

Palmetto is Number 1?

One of the great things about your kids going to school is that they learn how to read. And also not so good. As parents you can no longer spell out words or write notes you don’t want kids to know. Like your Christmas list.

But they can recognise numbers and words. Awesome. So this morning on our rushed run around for school, Hollie and Riley stop dead on the lawn and then grab Riley’s iPad to take a photo. I try to rush them into the car and then on the way past I had to stop and laugh with them.


“look Mum. Even the grass thinks it Number 1,” says Hollie. When we mowed the lawn, we scalped the top of the grass, and when the grass has grown back after the fantastic rain on the weekend, it has grown back with the shape of 1 on it. Very cool. Just had to share it with you


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palmetto No. 1

Palmetto No. 1