
Family Turf

One of my greatest friends, whom I met through ours beautiful girls going to school together, sent me this email with this lovely sign. Its so right.

And one of the best parts is that you are dealing straight with the grower. No middlemen. Just straight from farm to you.

Have a lovely weekend.

Chat soon


Family Business - sent by my friend

Family Business – sent by my friend

What to do on a GREEN weekend…

Riley Hollie Marcus going to school. Riley is in year 5 Hollie is in Year 2 and Marcus started Kindy this year.

Riley Hollie Marcus going to school.
Riley is in year 5 Hollie is in Year 2 and Marcus started Kindy this year.

I clicked on the blog this morning and reflected on what we had done this weekend that I could relate back to turf. And in truth we did not do very much. all my wonderful kids went to school this week. So now I am a working mum with no kids on the office floor. Kinda quiet and sad. Miss the funny conversations we had, and the knowledge that I could pass down to them about Grass. And of course the mandatory I need chocolate breaks. There is no need for the chocolate breaks now. Well there is no one else “forcing” me to have chocolate anymore. I guess now I can just enjoy Chocolate just because.


And the kids have been great. Even though they have had a full on week at school, they still came to the farm Thursday and Friday to see if there was anything they could do to help. I think I am a very proud mother. And an exhausted one as well. That’s why this weekend we just had a quiet time. Nothing full on fun or too exciting. We all just hung out together and had fun. And isn’t that what families are for. Enjoying each others company in a relaxed way. No pressure.


We relaxed on the hill chatting on Sunday. And that is what backyard lawns should be. They should be a calm peaceful happy place for your family to enjoy. Soft and open, Green and happy. So no photos of us chatting on the hill, becuase we were we were busy chatting. So just a quick pic of my kids first day.


Chat soon, and hopefully we can help you make a happy GREEN relaxed area for you and your family.


Calling Green Couch, Green Couch.

I am one of those people who enjoy straight talking. I do love a joke, and but I would rather a spade be called a spade. Tell me if I have something in my teeth. I like the honest truth. And I’ll give you the best advice on the information I have I can. I do like a compliment, but will take knocks on the chin and learn from them. Sounds a bit like  a line from a dating agency, doesn’t it.


Its not meant to be. I am just trying to say that when you call, email, or get us out personally to give you a price on Turf, Installation, or the whole package, it will always include GST. So the price is the price. I think that you should know the whole price up front, rather than be given a price, then have to add some more money on top. You should be able to make a decision on prices reasonably and as Turf producers we have the responsibility to give you the right information, especially on price. Its your hard earned money we are talking about. And at Coastal Turf we believe you need the right information to make the choice where to spend YOUR money. So be rest assured that when you ask for our prices they are straight up! So make sure you ask other companies whether their GST is included or is it an extra price you have to pay. Its not like GST is an optional extra. Its something we all have to pay! So at Coastal Turf we are straight up. Your money is too  important to throw away, especially when its hidden.

Green is Green. And our price is GST inclusive.


Chat soon


Just thought I’d show you how super green the farm is at the moment after the rain. Gorgeous!

The green couch paddock near the shed is super green and lush!

The green couch paddock near the shed is super green and lush!



A Lot of rain makes the grass VERY VERY green

Well the down pour was a little bit more than we needed on the farm! Not sure about your place but we had more rain than we asked for. Several times across the weekend I did day that I thought we’d had enough now. But we didn’t get flooded! So I am happier than I could have been. There are rather large puddles around but there is also sooooo much green! The rain sun combination has just made the farm go off (to use one of my kids words – like epic). So if you need some green to cover where the rain has been – give us a call and we can have grass to your door. Chat soon Sare This is a pic of our backyard where the kids thought they would help us mow.



Rainy Australia Day weekend

Wow! I don’t know about everyone else’s lawns but our farm and especially our house and offices lawns are looking so green. That is underneath the puddles. The rain always seems to know when Australia Day is coming so it pours with rain, doesn’t it. But still I won’t complain too loudly! The rain is wonderful!

So during your celebrations this weekend about how True Blue fair dinkum Aussie we all are, and you suddenly have the urge to put those couple of meters down in your lawn, give us a call. W are expecting that if the weather permits us, that we will be able to Harvest and deliver turf to you Monday (the Australia Day holiday). If it is pouring with rain, we probably won’t be able to but if it clears up like the wonderful weather man says, we can have Palmetto, Buffalo, Blue couch and Green couch on your door mid morning Monday. But as always I would love a bit of notice.

And for all those with a little sunshine, I hope that you win the backyard World Series of cricket, soccer or football that you are playing. And that the sausages are a plenty on the barbie.

Happy Australia Day everyone. Let the rain come and then the sun shine!

Chat soon


Would be nicer to harvest in the sunshine like this than the rain, but we will for you anyway 😉

Coastal Turf shows her respect

It’s been a while since I last posted anything on the web site and I apologise. It was been one of the hardest saddest weeks at Coastal Turf that we have had in over 20 years here. In the one week we lost Macca, who had been in our little Coastal Turf family for 18years and Bruce our beloved farm dog.
So this post is to them. May your lawns be grub free, always green, and require little mowing. Macca may all your tractors be air conditioned. Bruce may the grass you run on be always soft and green.
We loved you both dearly. And our lives, farm, and hearts will have something missing.

Chat soon

Ps. I know it’s a girly moment. 🙂



Gorgeous ovals and the kids had the most fun

I think that it was definitely the kids who had the most fun installing the grass on the oval surrounds. Although the laughs amounts all the installers was fantastic. Again it was a wonderful morning of dirt, grass, and a great team. 800sqm installed in an hour and a half! How awesome are we! Thinking of getting all of them in for our next installation!





Bogangar Public School Oval round 2

Well everyone a new year means new exciting beginnings for the kids at Bogangar Public School. Not only will they have a beautiful flat green oval, but from this weekend they will also have gorgeous green lush banks to sit on as well.

That’s right Coastal Turf is back there this weekend, but with only 759 sqm this time. So only a third of the turf to install this time. I must say that I am really looking forward to working some of those amazing people again who came down before Christmas to help install the oval. So fantastic the energy was so positive and amazing.

I will wack some more cutting and installing photos on over the course of the weekend, and don’t forget to check it our FaceBook page to see the weird wild and crazy stuff the installers get up to. I of course will be well behaved. Of course there was last time, when input my drink bottle in my shorts pocket, upside down. And the lid was no so secure. But I was so much cooler than the other installers. Not in the hip way, but temperature wise anyway.

So hope to see new and known faces at the installation this weekend. Why not pop in and get some great installation tips and knowledge.

Chat soon

A merry Gassy Christmas to All

Merry Christmas from my family to yours. I thought I would add the all the pictures so that you could see not only the perfect smiling picture of us but also the fighting crazy trying to wrestle in a photo ones. I think all families are the same. You love each other but sometimes you don’t want to be that close, especially when your mum makes you.

May Santa be good to you, and time be fun and exciting. Have a wonderful summer break and call us if you need grass. We are only having Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Years Day off this year. So chat soon.
Sare and all the a Coastal Turf family



Ps. We are standing on my Mum and Dads Queensland Blue Couch. So soft and green and fluffy at the moment. Love it

Bogangar School oval




Well here are the before during and after shots of the Bogangar school oval installation.
It was a great day that could not have been the success that it was without the marvellous volunteers who came to help install the turf. The school captains for this year and next year both turned up and gave 110%. I am so very proud to firstly have my kids at this school and also to have had the opportunity to work with such wonderful people. Thanks everyone who turned up and helped and all those who helped in e background.

Chat soon

Check out this link to the Tweed Coast Weekly’s littl epiece on it all.
