Riley Hollie Marcus going to school.
Riley is in year 5 Hollie is in Year 2 and Marcus started Kindy this year.
I clicked on the blog this morning and reflected on what we had done this weekend that I could relate back to turf. And in truth we did not do very much. all my wonderful kids went to school this week. So now I am a working mum with no kids on the office floor. Kinda quiet and sad. Miss the funny conversations we had, and the knowledge that I could pass down to them about Grass. And of course the mandatory I need chocolate breaks. There is no need for the chocolate breaks now. Well there is no one else “forcing” me to have chocolate anymore. I guess now I can just enjoy Chocolate just because.
And the kids have been great. Even though they have had a full on week at school, they still came to the farm Thursday and Friday to see if there was anything they could do to help. I think I am a very proud mother. And an exhausted one as well. That’s why this weekend we just had a quiet time. Nothing full on fun or too exciting. We all just hung out together and had fun. And isn’t that what families are for. Enjoying each others company in a relaxed way. No pressure.
We relaxed on the hill chatting on Sunday. And that is what backyard lawns should be. They should be a calm peaceful happy place for your family to enjoy. Soft and open, Green and happy. So no photos of us chatting on the hill, becuase we were we were busy chatting. So just a quick pic of my kids first day.
Chat soon, and hopefully we can help you make a happy GREEN relaxed area for you and your family.