
Archives for February 2017

How to make your lawn green again.

Finally the rain has arrived. And aren’t all our lawns just sucking up all the beautiful moisture.

Our lawns over the last couple of months have been working hard to stay soft the green for our enjoyment. Its time we gave back to our lawns by giving them bit of shit. And by saying that I don’t mean to tease them and say how they haven’t really been preforming to how we would have them to be over the last couple of months. I mean by throwing out some organic chicken manure based fertiliser, Dino Fert, to put back some of the healthy nutrients that your lawn has been consuming over the last couple of months.

Now none of us like throwing shit if it means that it sticks to us. And that include the smell. Thats why throwing out some Dino Fert in this rain is perfect. The little pellets are safe for people to hand throw out over your existing lawn and let the rain wash it down into the root system. That stops the smell floating through your home, and washing. The Rain is a fantastic saver. Not only will it give our lawns a great big drink and bring with it some great nutrients, but it takes the smell down to the roots as well.

So spread some shit this weekend in the rain. Dino Fert is kid and dog friendly. It won’t hurt them a bit.


Chat soon




Lawns for families – fur babies included.

Many a times I have chatted about what it is like to be part of a family farm. My family is really important part of my life. My family, like many of yours, consists of the Dad, the kids, Me (the mum) and the Dogs. I am really lucky that I can bring my Dogs with me to work everyday.

And they think they are really lucky as well. I work on the farm with my Dad, and he also has 2 dogs. So along with my 3 dogs, our little farm most days has 5 dogs running around protecting the farm from all types of evils. Like falling leaves, weird sounds, and random bursts of wind. They do let us know when some calls in to pick up their turf, which is great. But they are the type of dogs that wag their tail so much when they see you they nearly fall over.

They really do have important roles to play on the farm. Firstly the 3 girl Kelpies are there to keep the Ducks away. Ducks are mean to turf. They love to get their beaks in rip holes in the paddocks. Really not helpful at all. So The Girls run around and mostly chase each other, but keep the ducks at bay. And the noisy miners too. They are however very frightened of the Magpies and the Willy Wag tails.  My Dad’s girl is the brown Kelpie, Jessie,  and mine are the lying down Kelpie cross, Millicent or Millie and her mother, Ethel; the Hyper Olive Kelpie in the background. I swear I have never seen Ethel stay still. Even in her sleep she runs. Millie though is quite happy to take a nap anywhere. Inside Tractors included.


The old Black boy is my Dads dog, Indy. He was our original farm dog. Blindly loyal back then, now at nearly 15 years old just nearly blind. But he loves to come down the farm, show The Girls he is still boss, and occasionally eat our lunch before we get to it.

The big yellow man is Keith. He is our office Dog. He comes inside during summer to enjoy the air-conditioning and in the winter for the warmth. He is a large Labrador cross (crossed with something even more hunger than a Labrador! ) He is loving and cuddly. Big but not very brave.  And Keith is our mental health dog. I am a big believer in the studies showing that even by patting a dog your stress levels go down. And saying your problems out load to a dog is great mental health. They never judge, never reply with “that was stupid” just look at you lovingly and expect a cuddle.

So often down the farm or in the trucks we are alone with our thoughts; this can be a great thing, and sometimes a destructive thing. But when you have a dog with you , you are never alone. Our dogs love attention and really do make us all feel better about our day. They also love a customer cuddle as well.

So our family of fur babies is made up of a wide cross section. Our fur babies are also our test subjects. We watch they use consistently the turf. Being creatures of habit they usually run the same way every day. And we can see which varieties can handle the wear and tear of the dogs. So we can help you know which turf would be best for your yard with any type of dog you have. Be they fast and energetic, slow and slightly large (ok fine I know Keith is fat but that is part of his charm) or more relaxed.

Get your Turf from the people who grow it and know it.

Chat soon, I have a dog to cuddle and save my lunch from….


Fertiliser Friday – get your organic S*#t together

This is the month of love. February to me has always seemed a weird month for Aussies to have Valentines Day because it is so ridiculously hot that touching most nights is out of the question. My Valentines Day went this year as it does every year. Both of us totally forgetting about it until one of us picks the kids up from the bus and they get us to get something nice for the other one on the way home. I was working late last night so Tony brought me home lovely flowers. Then he went to football trying and I had a lovely dinner with 3 kids telling me about their day. (I am so glad Im not at school anymore and I don’t have to do half the things they do)


So in the theme of loving one and other but not being romantic, I thought we should show some love to our lawns. Being the soft play area for our families, the absorber of all the yuck that we through out on it like dog “excrement” and the cleaner of air cooler of homes, I thought we really all should show our lawns some love.


Thats why we are introducing Fertiliser Fridays! Helping you get your Organic S*#t together. 

On Fridays for $33 we will drop to your door a 20KG bag of fertiliser ready for you to throw over your lawn over the weekend. With all the heat and summer your lawn can stress and it will need a bit of a boost coming into Autumn. throwing out some organic chicken “S*#T” across your lawn and then lightly watering it in will not only boost your lawn now, but for the next 3 months.

And being an Organic Fertiliser, can can get the kids to throw it out over your lawn with no harm or fuss. You can sit back and have a coffee while they happy fertilise the lawn.


So lock your order in for a Dino Fert bag by Thursday afternoon and have the bag delivered to you Friday. Sounds easy peasy.

Chat soon


Every thing else pales in comparison when you use a bag of Dino Fert on your lawn.

Good Old Fashioned Lawns

I remember as a kid my brother and I running through the sprinklers on a really hot day. We lived at the time in the Blue Mountains of NSW and we thought that 30 Degrees was the hottest temperature the planet could get to. So on a 25 degree day mum would turn on the sprinklers on our lawn, and we would get into our swimmers, so we could run through the sprinklers on the lawn. And always the neighbours kids in their swimmers too would come and run through the sprinklers as they shot out little showers across the lawn.

We had the old fashion ticking sprinklers, like the 70’s dance move. They shot out hard streams of water that we always tried to run through and see if we got a red sting lines on our back. Our neighbours were fancy and had a soaker hose sprinkler. Our lawns got enough water over the summers to stay green, thick and lush.

It was a great Australian tradition that has unfortunately dies out. It was not only great for us kids to be out together and cool, but it was better for our lawns because we  gave the grass a refreshing drink, at the time o f the day it was searching for it. Our Mothers were not the type that let us out in the middle of the day. We were out in the cooler times of the, from 4pm onwards, running under our sprinklers, giggling and squealing.


Not only did the sprinklers cool us down, but the lawn, and our homes as well. Making it a win win. The most important part to remember is that we were not out there for hours on end. At the most we were there for 20mins. Not only is that the perfect time for our little bodies to have been on the sun, but it is the perfect time for the sprinklers to be on our lawn. We moved it every 10 mins or so, or when one of us picked it up and ran after the others. Making sure the whole lawn got its drink, and that all of us kids were completely saturated.

I say bring back the god old fashioned sprinkler. Water your lawn for 10 mins at a time. Get your kids to giggle on your lawn. And if need be, show them how it is done!

Chat soon
