Acelepryn GR 4kg

$115.00 inc GST

In stock



ACELEPRYN Insecticide provides unmatched, season long grub and caterpillar control in a single application. This granulated formula provides excellent protection of your lawn from such pests as African Black Beetle, Argentine Stem Weevil, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs, Cutworm, Armyworm and Webworm with a single application.

The granules sink into the thatch to provide your lawn all the protection it needs. Acelepryn will not harm the beneficial organisms within your soil! Not only will  your hard working earthworms will be safe, but so will all your house hold pets as well.

Can be applied in September for cautionary protection, or over the summer and autumn months to kill the lawn grubs within your lawn.

Comes in 4kg bucket

Call our office for other size bags & information.


To find out more information about Syngeta’s Acelelpryn he’d over to their website for technical details here.