Your new lawn, and a bit of dirt. Lots of fun!

Dirty workThe rain this week was wonderful. It really freshened everything up. The grass looks better for it, and my tanks are much better off for it. Our paddocks always kick off in colour after a bit of rain, and it looks amazing. I on the other hand, look terrible, after a bit of rain on the farm. Now I’m not the type of girl to complain that my hair goes all frizzy in the rain, but I am the type of girl who does complain little when there’s more mud in my hair than there really should be, I get a little whiney. And then when there is more mud on me than there is on the ground, I ask to go home for a shower. This is a picture of me after we harvested yesterday after the rain. I really didn’t think it was going to be THAT wet, but it was. And a little bit muddy.


But the lovely man in Kingscliff rang me today and said that his turf is beautiful and has made his house look so fresh. I thanked him kindly and did’t tell him how muddy I got harvesting the turf for him. Because I’m sure he was probably pretty dirty himself. I’m glad that all my dirty work doesn’t go unappreciated. And I’m told that mud is really good of the skin. I’ll let you all know in a couple of weeks. Hopefully my skin will be glowing.


And now that the sun is out, and my face is clean, its back down to the farm this afternoon to cut some more wonderful, beautiful soft turf for someone’s new Saturday Lawn.


Chat soon, probably in MUD
