Winter Lawns. Great to install now, Perfect time to look after your green space

Turf Australia has just release their winter “what to do to your lawn”. Its a great reminder that your lawn will slow down at this time of year, so you don’t need to mow as often or as high.

We are exceedingly luck here in the Northern Rivers Gold Coast Regions, because our soils ever really get cold enough to holt turf establishment. Which means we can plant your lawn all year round.

And the winter rain, it just makes the establishment period faster. And means less work from you to ensure the establishment. Always a good thing with instant lawn. The less work from you to make your lawn green and fluffy and fun, the better.


With all this rain at the moment I know I am really thankful for our lawn out the front of our house on the way too our cars. There is so much less mud coming into the house than there could be. I say less, because I have 3 kids, and there will always be mud in my house. And two are boys, so even when they are older, I’m sure I will still have mud being walked through from somewhere. Even when its dry. Thats why I made sure when we built the house that grass came right up to the front door.


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