Winter lawns, the best place for your family and friends to get together.

It has been very cold this week in the mornings. And I am not very good at cold. I love the warm weather. Hot days bring them on. I hate putting on heaps of layers to go outside to take the kids to the bus in the mooring. Today when I came back from the bus run, I sat down with my hot cup of tea at the office desk, and started to flick through Facebook. My little vice I must admit.


Last year the local Sports and Bowls Club at Cabarita Beach came out tot eh farm and bought some beautiful blue couch for in-between their stunning Greens. This morning when I was flicking through Facebook, I saw a stunning picture of outdoor parties they are having on this area now.

What a great idea. Having a party on the Lawn is fantastic. When your wine glass is spilled, in my case usually because I have a child tug on my arm to tell me something really important, like they are hungry; the grass can suck it all up. Perfect! No clean up! Or when the very hungry child is running and their sausage falls on the grass and sauce is spilled everywhere, the Grass Carpet will absorb all that sauce and the party continues with a smile. The smile does come after the child gets a new sausage, as in at our house the sausage on the ground will be quickly disposed of by a lovely fat dog helping with the clean up. All you have to do is clean up all the cups and plates at the end.

But if you go to the local Sports Club, like Cabarita Beach or Pottsville, you can have your party on the grass. Enjoy the warm winter sun, enjoy your wine, get hot chips for your hungry kids, and ignore the spills, and have them clean up all the mess for you! Even better!


And isn’t that why we have our lawns in Winter? Its a place we can go to and enjoy the sun of winter? Give  us a call and we can help you create a fantastic Winter escape for you and your family friends at your place.

Chat soon
