Winter Lawn installation.

Is it better to install your lawn in Summer or Winter? 

Well, personally myself, I prefer to install our lawns in Winter. 

I love the hot. Its great to be warm. But I really really hate sweating so much that my clothes feel like they have just come out of a washing machine, but really do not smell as nice. So Summer installations are not my favourite thing to do. But in Winter, even on a really hard working day, my clothes do not become ringing wet, or smell like my teenagers shoes. 

The turf itself in Winter does slow down its leaf growth rate, but not its root growth. So in Summer, 3 days after you install your lawn, it is almost screaming out for a haircut. But you can’t run your mower across the top because it will destroy all the little tiny baby roots that are just trying hard to establish. Yet in Winter, the leaf grow is slower, and calmer. And the plant has the reserves to concentrate on root establishment. Your lawn will be well into its life cycle with the roots securely  holding onto your soil, before it will mention calmly that it may require a little trim to stay looking perfect. 

In Winter I think you need a reason to get out of your home. A reason to get outside and breath in the fresh air. And Winter can also make you feel a little sad. But nothing makes you feel happier and healthier than being outside on your own lawn. You can walk across your lawn in the middle of the day, bare feet, coffee in hand (or a better beverage if you like) and feel the warmth and happiness fill you mind and body. 

Winter is also a great time to see the minimum hours of sunlight your lawn will receive. In Summer your lawn will appear to have all day long sun light. In Winter as the sun is lower in the sky, and your lawn will tell a different story. You will see more shade. This puts you in the best position to know truely the best variety that will thrive in your lawn. We had a customer today who bought beautiful blue couch lawn,  which requires 6 hours of direct sunlight er day, in January. It thrived and looked stunning ; up until winter. The little yard now only reviews 2-3 hours of direct sunlight. And the blue is suffering. Being a new build the customers did not know how many hours the courtyard would receive in winter. So winter is defiantly the best time to know the mimimim amount of direct sunlight per day hours. And get the best fit lawn for your area. These customers now have a pretty Buffalo Lawn in their courtyard. 

So best for choice, best for mowing, and best for you. Winter lawns great to install. And by Spring and Summer, you will have a perfect Coastal Turf Lawn to use every single day. 

Get in contact with us now to either arrange one of the Boys to install your lawn for you, or we can help you with your DIY project.

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