Winter Installations

With the passing of Anzac Day and the singing of my daughter that brought many a tear to my eyes (because of pride. Not as her brother said because she hit the high notes a little too high. Its so nice to have brothers isn’t it?), we are nearly at the end of April. And with that we are now in Full Autumn swing.


I have had many a call from people asking if it is too late now to install turf in their yards. Have they missed the Spring Summer planting times? No Way! Turf is an all ready established living grass. It comes with its roots covered in soil. And it was growing strongly on our farm not that long ago. So when either yourselves or our installing crew come along and place the Grass into your lawn, with a little love and care, your grass will soon be a green lush LAWN! So No, installing grass is NOT just a warm weather activity. I think I would prefer to install anyone’s lawns in the cooler months because then I wont get so hot installing the new lawn. Dehydration becomes less of a major concern in winter installations, for both the grass as well as the installers! And it does seem easier to get people round to help with a little grass installation in the cooler months than on a hot summer day when they would prefer to be lazing at the beach.

So why not install your lawn in the cooler months, and have a wonderful soft fluffy green lawn for summer to enjoy!

If your in NSW enjoy the rest of your holidays and for the QLDers enjoy have the kids back at school.


Chat soon all


Green all year round, especially in winter Palmetto Buffalo

Green all year round, especially in winter Palmetto Buffalo