Who do you talk to about getting a beautiful new lawn at your home?

Who do you talk about getting a beautiful new lawn?

Is it your Dad? Who has years and years of experience with life. And knows so much and about so much. And has a reasonable greenish lawn?

Do you chat with your neighbour? Maybe ask them about what they did wrong? Just in case you do it to your lawn.

Or do you ask Dr Google? And get a million different answers. With everyone having a very strong opinion on what is “The BEST?”

Do you ask Siri or Alexa? And then find out some very interesting information about how goldfish are born and watch an interesting youtube video about fortnite dances? Maybe one day she will understand what we are all saying…

Or do you ask the experts? The people who have worked, loved and grown beautiful lawns for over 25 years?

At Coastal Turf we pride ourselves on creating beautiful turf grasses to become your new lawn. With over 25 years experience in all things Grass on the Tweed, Ballina, Byron And Gold Coasts, we know which variety will look stunning at your home. Not just now but well into the future.

Our after care service means that you are not abandoned when the turf is delivered. Instead at Coastal Turf we ensure that we contact you in 6 weeks to see if you have any queries. And we welcome people to call and chat about their lawns.

So call Coastal Turf and create beautiful lawns at your home.