Whats the best grass to cover the dirt in backyards

Well after a really beautiful Sunny Easter I really did have to expect a really wet time soon. But I was wishing it wasn’t going to. It did give me time to sit down and play on the computer doing fun book work on the weekend. But I don’t think that the kids or I enjoyed the wet Sunday at all. But I know that the Palmetto and Carpet grass did.


The Palmetto is beautiful thick and gorgeously green at the moment. It thrives in the shade but explodes in the sun. And being a turf farm our paddocks are all full sun. So with the gorgeous rain and lovely Easter sun, our Buffalo is looking great. It is cutting beautifully. I went out with Dad the other day and helped him cut 5 pallets of Palmetto and even for my bad stacking skills (a lot better than my block laying skills though I have to say -see last blog) the grass was gorgeous to stack and then install later on. And it laid so well because it was thick and it made the yard we installed it in go from dirt and lots and lots of mud to deep fluffy green as far as the eye could see (well to the fence line anyway). I think I may be becoming a Palmetto convert.


I am a native girl at heart. I love the soft deep blues of a Queensland Blue Couch and Carpet grass mix. The pure Australian made blend is soft and hardy all at the same time. And all the rain is being quickly soaked up by the Carpet grass that is symbiotically (big word but means working together – My 10 year old re-affirms this as there is a Symbiotic cartoon series that they all work together as well. That’s how he I think imagines Blue Couch and Carpet Grass – a super hero team defending houses from dirt and children from grazed knees) helping the Qld Blue Couch to grow and be soft, thick and gorgeous.  And is so good for backyards because it work in sun and shade and people traffic.


Maybe palmetto hasn’t converted me yet, but I know that it wont stop trying….

Chat soon
