Watching the Skies for your Lawn

Is anyone else standing watching the skies for clues as to what is going to happen over the week?



Autumn is the time to prepare your lawn for the cooler months of winter. Feeding your already established lawn with some wonderful chicken manure mixed with some sandy loam will give your lawn all the nutrients it needs to be a gorgeous winter lawn.

And of course autumn is a great time to install your new lawn.
In Autumn, the climate is cooler. This means that as the the installer, you will feel so much better after putting gin your new lawn. And your new lawn will do too. The turf will not get heat stressed in the transport stage, and then as your new lawn, it will be cooler and happier.

A real laid back lawn – pardon the pun. Installing before is perfect! The rain brings down so many wonderful nutrients through the skies that are just perfect for your lawns growth and happiness. So by installing during the rain, or better still for the installer, just before rain,  you introduce the new lawn to a great environment. All the great stuff you put under the turf slab, as well as the wonderful elements coming from the sky, will make your lawn the freshest greenest fluffiest lawn, without much fuss from you.

So the rain is great. In moderation of course. Hopefully we don’t get as exciting a down pour as Sydney did.


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