Turf Samples down to Goonellabah

Well I have had a very eventful week. Its been a bit of an exciting adventure. On Wednesday I went down to Goonellabah (near Lismore) to Visit the lovely Jodie from the mummymusingsandmayhem.blogspot.com/

What an amazing play space she has created for her kids, and hopefully soon to  be Family Day care area. I know when my kids were at Family Day Care age they would have loved the space that Jodie is creating. I went down as part of Turf Australia’s Greenin Australia project to give her some helpful tips on the grass that she already has and recommend grass that would suit the area around her Rock Quarry area. I made the call of Palmetto Buffalo for this area because it requires a third of the mowing of other buffalo’s, is really hard wearing, and spongy under kids feet. Her daughters, like my 3 crazy kids, didn’t look like they liked shoes very much. And that is what grass is for . The tactile sensation, easy goingness, very USED space. Perfect for Palmetto. And as Jodie says, her husband is not a keen mower (I don’t don’t know many who are, mine mows for a living, and mine definitely NEVER wants to mow at home) so Palmetto is great.

I showed her some samples,

Blue Couch and Palmetto Buffalo Samples in the back of the Ute.

Blue Couch and Palmetto Buffalo Samples in the back of the Ute.

And had a chat about Grass, Kids, and events happening around the Lismore region, while Dad measured up the area. I also gave her some ideas for her existing Buffalo in regards to maintenance. We ended with another Mum to Mum chat around the Ute as we got ready to leave. Thanks to Jodie for a lovely morning, and her adorable daughters for showing me their boots. And yes I would have to agree that Dora the Explorer boots are way cooler than my work boots. But mine do tend to stay on a little better.

Chat soon


Jodie, her toddler twosome, and the Coastal Turf Ute.

Jodie, her toddler twosome, and the Coastal Turf Ute.


  1. Thanks so much for mentioning your visit with us Sarah! The information you shared about the turf and in particular the palmetto buffalo variety was really helpful and i now realise i should have gotten expert information like that before we laid our other turf!!
    The girls woke up from their afternoon nap and asked where ‘Sarah with the big boots’ was so you were memorable it seems!! I am very hopeful of convincing the other half that we NEED this turf!!
    Thanks again for all your great advice and coming to visit us!