Turf Bargains!

I wanted to share with you a story about my mum. My Mum is one of the most brilliant amazing women I know and without her my life would be just unbearable some days. She is not just my mum but my friend and trusted confidant. Saying that my Mum is a bargain hunter. And being a bargain Hunter, she always goes for the cheapest bargain, no matter what. No matter the quality or the brand, if its cheap she feels she has won one over someone. My family always gives my Mum a bit of a jib about it. But She is convinced that her Bargain shopping will be our saver. We believe that her Bargain shopping is actually costing her more in the long run.

For example a couple of months ago we were shopping in a department store and on one of the Bargain discount tables she found a Toaster reduced from $25 to $4. “Bargain!” thinks my Mum and she buys the toaster. Even though at the time she had a perfectly working toaster at home. So Mum takes the Toaster home and puts it in her “emergency” cupboard. So last week, Mums Toaster died, as Toasters do after a good 4 years of service. “My Bargain Toaster!” thinks my Mum.  She is all excited as my kids were in her house for school holidays, and she was going to show us all how great her Toaster was. And who better to spread the word through the family how good you are than the Grandchildren! They are obviously unbiased. Out comes the $4 Toaster and is proudly put on the bench for all to see and make toast with on the chilli morning. In goes the first two slices and success. Toast is made. Slightly more toasted than usual, well it was burnt in my youngest opinion. Then go in the next two slices, down goes the button, slowly the toast slides down, the heat turns on and the elements glow….

Then all the lights go out, but most importantly in an 8 year olds holiday life, the TV goes off! The amazing $4 toaster has tripped the safety switch! Not really a Bargain. More a dud! And thank goodness for the safety switch! So my Mum then had to ring me to come home and switch the power back on, and borrow our toaster for the morning. My Dad then went out that afternoon and bought a $40 toaster from our local Electrical store, with a safety guarantee and the local knowledge back up that when we see him down the street, he will be somewhat accountable for our money spent with him. Both he and my Dad know they can both look each other in the eye and shake hands in the street when they meet because a quality product has been bought for a reasonable price.

Bargains can often come with a warning in the background. If something is cheap, really cheap then it is usually because it is not right. And the same goes for Turf and soil. If a growing grass slab is offered cheap, then there is usually a reason. Unlike my Mum’s toaster, the Grass is less likely to blow a safety switch, but it may come with extra nasties like Weeds. Weeds are defined as any living plant that should not be growing in an area. But Weeds are commonly know as such Nut Grass, Bindi’s, and Summer grass.

Buying a Bargain Turf or soil, one that is cheaper than the norm, can often cost more in the long run. Spraying out the weeds in your new turf  costs extra dollars, and can hinder the establishment period of your lawn. And if your soil is of poor quality, then nutrients will have to be added in the long run to ensure the lawns continued health.

At Coastal Turf, we don’t have bargains. (Because my mothers Emergency Bargain cupboard wont store turf. LOL. No not really.) We have high quality Turf Grass to become your new lawn. And you have the guarantee that when you buy from a local family business, and you see us in the Pub, Park or down the street, we can shake hands, have a chat about your lawn, and life, and both look each other in the eye; Confident that you bought a quality product with a solid service, for a reasonable price.

Chat soon
