Training them young – Harrys recommendation on the best grass

At Coastal Turf we like to ensure that the next generation will be interested in farming as well. That’s why when my very good friend Alica Harvey ask me to look after her kids, I took them for a walk on the weekend down to the farm. And when they realized that we had tractors and trucks I have never seen two more excited toddlers. My kids now feel that theĀ  farm is kinda old hat. Of course Mum can drive a tractor. Yes Poppa drives a truck. Of course you harvest Turf with the Great big tractor harvester. But Harry and Mia were thrilled. They had only seen Tractors and Big Trucks in books and TV. So I let the kids sit on the tractors with the keys out. They were super excited and I had forgotten about he truck noises that little kids make when they sit on tractors. It was a real joy to see that kids now are still excited by trucks and being outside.

Afterwards we went for a walk on the grasses paddocks and they were so excited by the great big backyards that my kids claim is theirs. Harry likes the Blue Couch paddock best because it was the softest when he feel over on it. Mia however recommends the puddles. They are her favourite. Did tell her that I can’t really cut them out and bring them to her place but she smilled and said that she is sure her daddy could.

So if you want to go with Harry’s expert opinion and turn our Qld Blue Couch into your lawn at your place give us a call. After all who better to trust than someone who is down on their knees sometimes face first in the grass…

Chat soon Sare

The next generation of female tractor drivers

The next generation of female tractor drivers

Harry on the tractor

Harry on the tractor