The Grass Family

Well I had a family day this week. The kids my husband and my mum and I went to Whitewater world on the Gold Coast. Its was a fantastic day. But sorry no photos because no one really wants to see a mother of three’s figure  in a swimming costume on the internet. Especially ME! But anyway it was lovely, and scary! the kids had a ball frightening their mother down the Green room, and other fast plummeting rides. Somehow I always ended up being the one going down backwards. Funny how that worked.

So we came home to be faced with Harmony  Day at school, which we forgot and had to run home and get changed into Traditional dress. Luckily my mum is Scottish so I have a few Kilts and so does my daughter, so she quickly got changed. But because we wear them so often to “Good” days, Holl didn’t think she was in costume so didn’t stand when it was time to show off. Very unlike Holl not wanting to show off.

And then back into the swing of work for the rest of the week. My goodness! This week has just flown by with the business of family and friends. But that is really what it should all be about. This weekend we are off to a 40th Birthday party. I would just like to point out that we did the turf for the venue, so expect pictures of great grass party. Oh that sounds bad, doesn’t it. I mean …. um, that the Turf (Not Grass) will be appreciated by all attending because of its beautiful soft nature for people to walk, sit and fall on (off course only the kids  will be falling over). Anyway…

Have a great weekend

And if you are thinking about doing your turfing next weekend, give us a call this week for some help and advice so we can arrange your turf delivery. Dad has some beautiful Soft Leaf Buffalo that he tells me is 3 weeks too young to be A Grade, but That I can sell it out now for a special price, so give me a call on the Turf Line (kinda like the Bat-line only cooler cause I’ll answer instead)

1300 787 545

Chat Soon
