Tea on the Lawn, a perfect winter time activity.

Winter is one of those months that often draws people inside. But Winter in our area is full of bright sunshine days. And there is no better place to be in winter than outside in the sun on the  lawn.

Winter can cause some some Blues. The feeling that everything is just not as wonderful as it should be. And I think that being cooped inside can help exaggerate this.

Going outside, especially onto your own private lawn, is a great way to get that good rush of healthy happy into your head space.

Research shows that just by having a change of space can really help your head space. Something about a green area makes people calmer and more at easy. I think it must be primal thing, where our basic instincts know that green means food sources.

And what better way to feed that primal urge of green calmer happiness and food that by having a BBQ or picnic on your own lawn. Or by having a nice cup of tea on your lawn in the sun. Sometimes before a big week at work, being inside and having all the natural lights hit you, you need to have a weekend break on your lawn. Just to get all the natural sunlight and fresh clean air that is provided by your lawn, backing your system. To get you ready for another week.

And what better way to enjoy this area more than by having someone else do all the hard work for you so all you have to do is sit back relax and enjoy.

Give us a call and we can come and do all the hard work, and all you will have to do is sit back relax and enjoy your tea on the lawn.


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