Summer Grass

Well isn’t this just what Summer is all about. Being out in the back or front yard enjoying the sun and having a bit of family fun. And Grass really does make all the difference. Letting your children run bare foot through the yard is one of those Australian Family Traditions.

On the weekend we had a wonderful family fun with the good all Slip and Slide. If we didn’t have the soft grass underfoot there is no way we could have enjoyed the afternoon sun with all its splendor and then allowed the kids back inside after. The mud would have been terrible. And if we had weedy green horrible prickles the kids wouldn’t have wanted to slide.

No the Aussie backyard or front yard where ever your kids play Needs green soft grass. Well in a turf farmers opinion anyway – But i think that the kids in the neighborhood would agree…especially mine. Look at those Turf kids slide, and their father as well.
Chat soon Sare