Start Green and Stay Green

The best way to ensure that your Lawn stays green is to give it the best start in life.

By purchasing a Coastal Turf Lawn you are already off to a Green Start. Your Coastal Turf lawn will come fertilised, green and fluffy. It will have had all the love and care that a man can give a paddock to create a beautiful lawn.

When you install your new lawn, we recommend that you spread a lovely layer of fertiliser under your turf. This way when the little baby fine rots come out of the slab, looking to establish them selves into your new lawn, they hot a big delicious feed!

Coastal Turf’s Lawnpride Underturf starter will give your lawn the best possible start. It has all the nutrients to aide in quick establishment, as well as the added bonus of water crystals in the perfect quantities, to ensure that your lawn is green and beautiful. Ask us about this product when you order your new CoastaL Turf Lawn.

Then is you want to ensure the continued long term health of your lawn, Coastal Turf has specially formulated products for our Coastal regions to promote the growth and colour of your lawn. As well as protect it from Lawn Grubs and evil invading weeds!

Start Green, Stay Green!

Our team of actual real Horticulturists, and Lawnotics (people who love their lawns) will help you to choose the correct product for your lawn. And bring it straight to your door on the Gold Coast, Tweed Shire and Byron regions. And in March you get the added bonus of a Coastal Turf team member having a quick chat about your lawn onsite as well.

So get in contact with us today to organise your delivery.

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