
Spring is NEARLY here

Well haven’t these beautiful warm days litered with wet misserable days a reminder that Spring is nearly here! And as well as baby animals being born in Spring, Plants do thier best growing in Spring.

So now is the time to prepare for this optimal growth season and either install your new lawn or condition your existing lawn. The Couches are still looking fantastic on the farm and the Buffalos are coming into thier own right. So our Turf Farm managers are fertilizing and preapring our paddocks for optimal Growth and cutting so your lawn will look great.

For those of you who allready have installed your lawn for 6 to 12 months now os the time to give your lawn a FEED or boost just before spring. Lawns need to be feed 2 to 3 times a year, and especially just before Spring. Fertilize your lawn with an Organic fertilizer such as Dnamic Lifter or Lawn booster by throwing the pellets out over your lawn just before rain.

For the more hungry Grasses or those on sandy soils now is a great time to Top dress your lawn. Now this doesn’t meean getting your best clothes out and walking over your lawn, but getting some organic boosted soil from your local nursery and spreading it evenly over your lawn. This is the best way to reboost your soils with the nutrients your grass will need for optimal graowth through out Spring.

For any more information about Spring growth and installing your lawn now give us a call

Thanks and talk to you next week Sare