Spiking your weekend up

This weekend finally looks like it s going to be warmish and sunny. Thank goodness because I am at out daughters hockey this Saturday from very early, and there is only so many layers you can wear before someone looks at you funny. Last night while we were sitting watching the girls trainmen in what felt like minus degrees temperatures (really it was only about 11 degrees but I am a really cold frog) I got talking to a lady whose lawn she said was looking sad and almost like it was mulching itself.


She said she had been watering non stop and she cant understand why it was a problem. Well, I said, there is your problem. The watering.

With all the rain that was around, the ground has sucked up all the water it can. And this can mean that all the little tiny air pockets in your soil can be taken up with water. This in effect almost DROWNS your lawn. As well as needing air from the leaves, you lawn also requires air from the soil to be able to get to its roots to ensure your lawn stays healthy. The best way to your lawn back to being healthy and happy after all this rain is to aerate now.

So grab your golf shoes, your football boots, and your garden fork or your weird spike shoes like the gentleman above and put some holes in your lawn. Get some air pockets down into the root area. For the garden fork people every step drive your fork into the earth and wiggle slightly to open up some air pockets in the soil. For spike shoes people BE CAREFUL. Boots with tags can rip up more of your lawn than put many air holes in their. Probably, unfortunately, not a job of the kids. And spike shoes are REALLY tricky to walk in. So don’t do it with a stubby in your hand.

This lovely lady whose weekends like mine are taken up with hockey, thought it might be a better idea to have a high heel party on her lawn. I agreed. So this weekend after hockey I am off on of course surely business related reasons to drink wine and walk around in my high heels across her lawn.

Chat soon after you too have organised a wine drinking High Heel parry on your lawn.
