So thankful for our grass

I don’t know about any of you this weekend past, but I was very thankful we had grass right up to the house. My wonderful children, bless their little cotton socks, love to play outside, especially this weekend on the trampoline. They are the new Trampoline Champions they tell me; I am very proud how now that they can go other knees and back on their feet. But I’m not so sure how close to the World Championships we are yet. But during this championship run to world domination of the trampoline world, Hollie and Marcus had to walk in and out of the house about 100 times yesterday. And because you can’t wear shoes on a trampoline, it becomes impossible in a childs life to put shoes on between the house and the trampoline. And don’t even think for a seconds to suggest such a silly idea. My 9 year old thinks that most of my suggestions about shoes are ridiculous but the possibility of putting shoes on between the house and trampoline was down right INSANE. The eye rolling and comments like “you just don’t understand” really hit home how much I didn’t know about Trampoline Championships.

But I do know that I am glad that I have tiles and super soft Empire Zoysia around and under our trampoline. Due to the Zoysia’s fantastic life cycle of sleeping over winter, the lawn near the Trampoline Championships didn’t need to be mowed, so no grass clippings were walked into the house. And I love the dense thick way the Empire Zoysia grows meaning that no nasty winter weeds can grow in our Championship arena and little feet (well they really do have quite big feet for kids. I guess that helps with their jumping skills) are safe from bindi’s and other mean spike weeds. I am thankful for the lovely thick grass that my husband had the forethought to put under the trampoline arena for World Championship Trampoline Event. And that my kids don’t know how to do flips on the trampoline yet. Otherwise this post may have been about how I spent the weekend at the hospital because my kids broke their bodies. 🙂

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