How to show you love your Girlfriend with your lawn, or someone elses…

When it comes to love, lawns are one of those things that so many people have really strong feelings about. And its also a way of showing others how much you love them. Coming up to Christmas, a lot of Mums and Dads are ringing up and paying for their children’s lawn. And I always think that is just so beautiful! A really love to want to pay and in some cases help install their Children’s lawn. Its a gift that adds value to their home, and usually more importantly to the payer, gives their Grandchildren a place to enjoy and love, and Play!


Well this weekend I saw a picture of true love on a lawn. It was a park lawn in Murwillumbah and it really did make me go ohhhhhhh. A, what I am assuming,  young man appears to have Round Up a large grassed area to express his love for Julie!Julie is loved!

Now I am not saying that everyone should go out and round up messages into their law. Oh No! AS cute as I thought this was, I’m sure someone is in trouble. Although probably not with Julie.


Maybe next time dear young man, you could get turf slabs and write her name and how much you love her. It wouldn’t be so rounded but the nice straight edges would make great lettering, and a huge heart shape. Now that in Palmetto Buffalo would really say I love you!

And please remember young men, to only use your own lawn for such expressions of love, as using the Councils lawned area could land you in trouble. And using the beloved lawn of your potential/current girlfriend could create you more problems with her family than you care to go through. But Buying them beautiful Coastal Turf lawn will defiantly get you in their good books. Even more so if you install it as well.

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